
Soundoffs 4
Album Ratings 124
Objectivity 100%

Last Active 06-26-22 3:22 am
Joined 10-30-21

Review Comments 638

shoutbox » all posts 
  • Koris Damn, wasn't expecting that Lulu ranking. Though I will agree it's not as bad as a lot of people made it out to be
    November 12 06:15 AM
  • ArsMoriendi
    November 12 01:21 AM
  • Pon Wouldn't have offered if we didn't like you
    November 9 12:32 PM
  • Pon I can't imagine you'd be b anned from any of the server's in still in. I can give you an invite to the casual convo cord and mine if you like?
    November 8 11:08 AM
  • Pon There are a few. This is Shadow innit?
    November 6 06:30 AM
  • Flugmorph figured
    November 1 07:16 PM
  • Flugmorph are you a new user or is this an alt?
    November 1 06:52 PM

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