Blud Vidal

Reviews 2
Approval 100%

Soundoffs 235
Album Ratings 2242
Objectivity 82%

Last Active 03-22-22 8:07 pm
Joined 03-19-20

Review Comments 397

shoutbox » all posts 
  • Mort. you seem like a good new user/old user who started posting. post more and share ur taste and recs with the world, help this dying site
    June 25 01:35 PM
  • MarsKid ... possibly...
    July 11 11:54 AM
  • MarsKid Our pie chart similarity is uncanny...
    July 8 01:43 AM
  • rellik009 you're welcome blud and agreed on track 4 it is sum tasty stuff
    December 21 07:43 AM
  • rellik009 ay broski check out daily rituals by space360 it's cool thai techno
    December 16 10:55 AM
  • TheSpirit Sure thing! Addaura - A) siren city (Z, Saidan - Jigoku: Spiraling Chasms Of The Blackest Hell, Dodsrit - Mortal Coil
    November 30 05:22 PM
  • TheSpirit I haven?t, but thank you for bringing to my attention! Based on your rating, I feel like I?ll enjoy it quite a bit!
    April 28 01:53 AM
  • rellik009 You're welcome brotha you deserve it m/ m/ m/
    February 12 07:45 PM
  • rellik009 amazing user. all of your lists are super useful :]
    February 12 06:27 PM
  • neekafat My best album covers of q2 list is up (:
    July 4 01:51 AM
  • JohnnyoftheWell (btw your album is From the Gallery of Sleep)
    May 4 04:38 AM
  • JohnnyoftheWell gonna need your full user tag (ft. number at end)! or just click here lol
    May 4 04:38 AM
  • JohnnyoftheWell awesome! do you have discord?
    May 3 10:36 PM
  • JohnnyoftheWell hey, you still down to right a blurb for the AOTD list?
    May 3 07:35 AM
  • Bedex nice to see all these soundoffs man keep it up!
    April 15 10:48 PM

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