
Soundoffs 1
Album Ratings 9
Last Active 11-02-16 11:56 am
Joined 10-24-16

Review Comments 285

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  • Spacesh1p Never mind figured out how to do it myself. Best of luck with the site dude.
    November 1 06:34 PM
  • Spacesh1p You can kick me from your Facebook group bro, I was more monitoring what topics you guys were discussing but I don't think I can contribute at the moment.
    November 1 06:31 PM
  • AlexKzillion Yeah dude it's a pretty good album
    October 31 02:56 PM
  • RoundOnEndHiInMiddle holy god, that snare. and that intro from the tudors as well? consider it tickled
    October 31 06:55 AM
  • grindcorecore oh i don't care what they think at all. i just think it's hilarious how defensive they all got. it's not like i told them that they couldn't like the album ffs. whatever i don't have time to be bitter
    October 31 04:28 AM
  • grindcorecore apparently i'm edgy because i don't like their s***ty prog band
    October 31 03:45 AM
  • hal1ax Ya my interest and enjoyment for music has been sporadic lately. Maybe you just need a break from it or maybe u need to stumble upon something that feels novel. God I miss the days where exploring and discovering genres of which were foreign and exciting was effortless. I guess for u that's a rarity , if even possible at all lol
    October 30 09:44 PM
  • hal1ax ugh god i hate summer too. every H relapse i've ever had has occurred in summer. and ya i feel you. i feel like music just doesn't physiologically affect me like it used to. maybe substance abuse has fkced with our endorphin /and-or/ dopamine production lol. or maybe we listen to too much music idk
    October 30 09:27 PM
  • hal1ax ehh. been pretty listless lately. taking 2 much kratom, smoking 2 many cigs. u kno what it do
    October 30 09:19 PM
  • hal1ax how u livin
    October 30 09:14 PM
  • SB129 Yeah, I was persistent about trying to get my ex girlfriend to quit bitching at me all the time. It didn't work out too well, considering the "ex" part lol.
    October 30 09:09 PM
  • StarlessCore I cant understand how somebody could enjoy listening to that straight booty trash but to each his own hahha
    October 30 01:51 PM
  • Cygnatti cuhh
    October 30 10:57 AM
  • SB129 You're right, we are in different ways.
    October 30 07:09 AM
  • SB129 I wouldn't say so.
    October 30 07:05 AM
  • SB129 You're too persistent for your own good.
    October 30 07:03 AM
  • Cookiegrinder Cookiegrinder plays in Suxmar!
    October 30 05:53 AM
  • Cookiegrinder Are you from the "tbh crew" from Metal Amino?
    October 30 05:52 AM
  • StarlessCore ok gonna listen. but dude....the farrah abraham one. i listened cause my gf watches the show lol. its just like idk do you seriously enjoy listening to it come on
    October 30 04:45 AM
  • StarlessCore ill leave it at this. ill honor a point youve made. a lot of my top rated albums are rated quite highly by others. so give me 4 albums rn that aren't well acclaimed and ill let u know my honest opinion. i got time i work a 9-5 with headphones alllll day. just to humour u. plus you probably do have good obscure recs regardless. no noise wall tho
    October 30 03:34 AM
  • StarlessCore youre going through the same effort to respond. no need to continue this argument. views was acclaimed everywhere? do you understand how the music business even works if he put out a fart on wax pitchfork would give it a 6.1 minimum. they gave views a 6. every non music listener but drake fanboy ive talked to i swear i havent talked to one person in real life who didnt think it either a. sucked or b. was one of his worst
    October 30 03:32 AM
  • StarlessCore disagree? like stop dude maybe the idiot complex you have about seeking out stupid s*** like harsh noise wall and the worst rap lyrics ever put over a beat to be edgy.... if i tried that hard to be like DUDE MY TASTE SO UNIQUE I LIKE ALBUMS THAT 500 PEOPLE THINK SUCK ASS i think id want to be as dead as u wanna be. no offense
    October 30 03:27 AM
  • StarlessCore idc about grabbing sources to prove our likeness lol. and the points were completely valid. you are using an aggregate site where the most popular albums in music history have 40k votes in a world of 8 billion people. 350 or so of them rated lone sharks on rym and youre trying to explain to me because those 350 rated it well enough for it to be a 3.67 or whatever it is, I just like it cause its acclaimed? but i dont get it....drake views 2.6 and i gave it a 3.5.....i thought im afraid to
    October 30 03:24 AM
  • StarlessCore bro for christs sake. not riled up. u asked me questions, I provided detailed answers, you skipped over all the valid (if they are valid) points I made just to keep saying the same stupid thing about someone on the internet you dont know and their music taste. smoke weed and stop being a baby. and dude I've suffered from depression (way younger and related to ADD meds) and have lived with terrible GAD for years. we alike broski!
    October 30 03:18 AM
  • StarlessCore yea ok keep spitting out the same response without acknowledging any of the specifics lol. btw if you knew me in my mastodon days who the hell were you back then. i feel like you creeped onto the site not too long ago but idk im bad with alts and stuff i dont pay attention really
    October 30 02:56 AM
  • StarlessCore for it and voted for it highly enough to be high on the charts you are physically and mentally a complete and utter moron. but i dont want to think of u like that mine. we arent as unalike as you think. Futures has been telling me in every thread im a contrarian lol. sput needs people like u and me to balance out the s***stains that think the new a7x is a 4 (i listened to it) and every other new album is a 5
    October 30 02:55 AM
  • StarlessCore omg dude your arguments are retarded. dam im never gonna take anxiety meds just gonna smoke ganj. like so what if paysage s/t is freaking rated #11 best in a subgenre on a album catalog database where ok computer has 35k votes from people around the world. for ****s sake theres 7 billion on earth you freaking wank lol. as ive said 50 times i rate albums what I feel they deserve. if youre seriously trying to argue to me that lone sharks is an acclaimed album because on rym like 300 people voted
    October 30 02:53 AM
  • StarlessCore bro spoonful of vicodin. on most grind top 10 lists ever made tbh
    October 30 02:47 AM
  • StarlessCore aspiration's visions of reality..which I doubt youve heard since you prefer listening to dm where it's just overdone underwhelming grooves and character-less squeals about eating people's stomachs and s***...yeah that album....where it canon where it on the dm lists. like either admit youre trolling or just admit defeat. how long u been on this site? dude u think im bad? every freaking album thats comes out now is a 5/5 lol
    October 30 02:45 AM
  • StarlessCore hahaha, what are you dude, the expert in my taste in music? you really think the 'majority of music listeners' deem deathgrind, drone and ? what obscure rap did I mention? When did I say doppelgangaz was obscure? all I said was find me a medium/circle where lone sharks is considered a canon album. any magazine or metal publication that puts paysage in a top black metal albums list. and what you know every dm I listen to? i must be being trolled here. please tell me thats the case...
    October 30 02:42 AM
  • StarlessCore and the two with critical acclaim would be drake and young thug? future is more acclaimed than young thug. hes completely terrible, sucks, sounds like an idiot, boring songs, stupid faux party s***. so so bad. most acclaimed and well known name in nonsense rap. absolutely sucks
    October 30 02:33 AM
  • StarlessCore if you can find me a hip hop circle where lone sharks is considered canon ill mail u 100$ cash. like sorry i think paranoid one of the best metal albums, souvlaki best shoegaze album and idk illmatic rap. everybody who rates those 5s doesnt like them that much they lying to themselves rite
    October 30 02:25 AM
  • StarlessCore just because your fave subgenre of dm is slam, and slam is essentially the most laughed at style by most of the death metal community, dont make you some contrarian hero lol. if you think artery eruption is better at writing dm songs than gorguts i just think youre retarded. but if u rlly do believe it, thats what u believe man! : )
    October 30 02:20 AM
  • StarlessCore nah that makes zero sense. it goes by quality of songs lol. i have no idea what fantasy or false troll you are peddaling say i 'only like critically acclaimed albums'. no i rate s*** what i think it deserves. nonsense rap genre? are there fun enjoyable songs if you let loose and dont take it too seriously? sure. but id rather listen to anything else. the roots illadelph halflife isnt a canon album in hip hop in any circle. script of the bridge isnt. paysage's s/t isnt either
    October 30 02:18 AM
  • StarlessCore i just dont like the stupid nonsense rap trend. some of young thugs stuff i guess is fun, most of the other stuff going on in this little trend is offensive to hip hop music imo. u can be fun and not completely retarded
    October 30 12:34 AM
  • StarlessCore definitely not. drake's music aint intelligent
    October 30 12:32 AM
  • StarlessCore blazed inside no tbh. artery eruption are so worthless and retarded hahaha. boring crap bad vocals lazy terrible faux breakdown interludes. i dont like slam generally srry, gave it a chance on many occasions. no interest in that or your plain retarded nonsense rap
    October 30 12:23 AM
  • VaxXi theres a total of 4 things on here that look promising, 3 of which that i may check out, and about 20 that are quite way too edgy for me.
    October 29 09:39 PM
  • VaxXi to be 100% honest ive barely been on here for the last few dyas cuz im occupied with other projects atm. had no idea you had a list.
    October 29 09:34 PM
  • VaxXi did i 5 what records?
    October 29 09:23 PM
  • StarlessCore trust me gorguts best dm. was drunk when i made list but opinion still stands
    October 29 04:58 PM
  • GhostOfSarcasticBtrd I'm hesitant to ever critique user reviews on here cause I don't know how far to go, but some of them seem to actually have "does this sound literate" as the litmus test used before posting. I mean, not trying to be a dick and calling the reviews what they are is a fine line. At the very least check your spelling, grammar, syntax, and formatting before hitting submit ffs.
    October 29 06:48 AM
  • Arcade definitely. i hope the rest of the album is a bit more like Vroom Vroom, maybe a little bit more like what "After the Afterparty" should've sounded like when you stick Yachty, Charli, and SOPHIE together.
    October 29 06:33 AM
  • GhostOfSarcasticBtrd "I mean it's not a bad review"
    October 29 05:43 AM
  • Arcade i think sophie co-wrote it, either way was hoping it would be weirder ; (
    October 29 04:48 AM
  • GhostOfSarcasticBtrd Honest to god I checked Bladee and kinda enjoyed.
    October 29 03:44 AM
  • StarlessCore dood y so mad
    October 28 11:38 AM
  • StarlessCore do not leave
    October 27 10:07 PM
  • Frippertronics ty sach
    October 27 05:54 AM
  • Frippertronics yeah what dyou think about the soulja boy/lil bow wow joint i'm hip using hip slang
    October 27 05:17 AM
  • TVC15 What dyou think about the Soulja Boy/Bow Wow joint? Was pretty shocked to find out about it cos of their beef and the fact that I honestly thought they retired from music or something like that
    October 27 04:20 AM
  • hal1ax but i honestly get that it may be extremely difficult to do that. feel free to hit me up whenever tbh. i gave u my digi's
    October 27 12:01 AM
  • hal1ax you don't think they would at least want to know? i've worked at a clinic for a while now and in almost every suicidal case, there is a person with a lack of support system, and sometimes that lack is actually created by them thru faulty assumptions. like why bother no one cares etc. and idk your life enough to tell u what u should do but, idk, maybe reaching out to family would be beneficial for u?? just a thought
    October 26 11:41 PM
  • hal1ax Nawww glo. U ever talk to ur parents about this ?
    October 26 09:59 PM
  • hal1ax Aww, ya that's unfortunate But also pretty common. Sometimes attaining efficacy in substance / biology matching can be super tricky. I hope U find the right one soon tho
    October 26 09:51 PM
  • Deathconscious probably. it wasnt even a conscious thing, i guess i lost it for a little bit.
    October 26 09:48 PM
  • Deathconscious lol thats your prerogative i guess. go out with a bang if youre gonna.
    October 26 09:42 PM
  • Deathconscious im not the only one bro.
    October 26 09:39 PM
  • Deathconscious yeah im all good, im taking care of it. its just a phase. and you might want to chill a little bit before you get permabanned. i mean, all of this s*** talking doesnt really bother me and is actually pretty entertaining sometimes, but you have really been s***ting up the site lately.
    October 26 09:38 PM
  • Deathconscious im not, this is just funny/weird to see coming from you. alright fine, yeah ive had some weird s*** going on in my life lately, maybe it changed my behavior on sputnik.
    October 26 09:25 PM
  • Deathconscious lol sach is concerned? about me of all people. never thought id see the day.
    October 26 09:16 PM
  • Deathconscious dude i dont really care. this is a music website, idk why im even having this conversation.
    October 26 09:11 PM
  • Deathconscious i could ask you the same. i mean, youve always been a s***head but youve been on another level recently.
    October 26 09:07 PM
  • Drifter Uh..ok
    October 25 08:25 PM
  • Drifter What
    October 25 01:42 PM
  • dimeadozenmetalhead6 jahgreed
    October 25 11:41 AM
  • life's great tbh. spending a lot of time out and about with friends or the girlf, or just chillin' around campus. got no complaints (except for the fact that i don't have any contact with the fam anymore) really. lovin' life, livin' life. jk i'm gonna kill myself LOL
    October 25 11:22 AM
  • Drifter Sup dude
    October 25 05:30 AM
  • hal1ax Haha, ya man. Thread going ham
    October 25 12:01 AM
  • hal1ax Whatsapp isn't working ?? Hmmmmmm. Well fck, u can email or text me anytime if yuh want
    October 25 12:00 AM

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