Album Ratings 0 Last Active 03-20-17 12:08 am Joined 10-03-16
Review Comments 2,620
 | kascetcadettt lmao ala u ****in retard i wasted my time on this account
 | kascetcadettt here's a thread where you can discuss how fantastic it is to be a part of this moment: \\\ don't be scared to share the news with other guys in case i missed someone out and keep shining in the light of this beautiful rock n roll fireplate, god bless, hasanmedia represent
 | kascetcadettt sieg hi it's-a me smooth brotha from the umpteenth block taggin' em trainz comin' from your favorite station, word on the street is (artuma is gay) my new album came out recently and if that's the last thing i ever do let it be, leavin' the link in your hands my man: \\\ feel FREE to 1 it if u didn't like my agressive self promotion campaign, feel FREE to thank me if this album saved your life
 | MeatSalad pfno was indeed excellent, thanks for reminding me to listen to it
 | Slex Basically nothing but playing the new Zelda lately, sup? This is ALA right?
 | Frippertronics If you want to piss us off, please do. Or just low key listen to them and say nothing of it. Or check Ghost Tropic instead since it's better than Hounds
 | Frippertronics Plus I have the better av and profile pics so I win automatically
 | Frippertronics Listen to the guy that rec'd you Berlin and The Idiot and rec'd that dweeb Silver Apples and Felt Mountain. BUT most of all, just tell him he ain't s*** and follow meeeeee (tho not checking either to spite us would work more actually)
 | ArsMoriendi Listen to the guy who got you into Remain in Light and Surfer Rosa.
 | ArsMoriendi Disregard anything Fripp says tbh.* Check Hounds
 | Frippertronics plus if u 2 it like ars thinks u will, I will destroy u
 | Frippertronics Also check Songs: Ohia's Ghost Tropic. It will make u wanna blow brains like kurt
 | Frippertronics Disregard anything ars says tbh. The dreaming will scare you but it will do you right
 | MeatSalad I've been meaning to listen to it for years but still haven't gotten around to it, definitely will check asap
 | ArsMoriendi Fripp is wrong. Check Hounds of Love, The Dreaming might scare you away
 | Sevengill all good man~ have we met on here? I see you're new.
 | Sevengill ah gotcha. yeah it's all good, I've gotten enough crap that comments like that don't bother me anymore. thanks for the shout
 | neekafat Be sure to lemme know whatcha think!
 | neekafat You can't do that without having finished listening to QotSA
 | neekafat Not exactly what I meant, but yknow, to each their own
 | neekafat And I didn't mean Jesus or anything like that lol. Just be sure to take care of yourself, you know?
 | neekafat No problem dude, there's always a light to be found
 | neekafat Nah man I totally get you, hope you feel better soon!
 | neekafat Dudeeeeee you need to get on that
 | neekafat You've only listened to 3 of QotSA's albums??
 | guitarded_chuck yehhhh bruh thats been a classic for me for like 15 years prob built to spill was one of the first bands i got into when i was younger i just for some reason didnt have it rated
 | wwf I don't understand
 | elliootsmeuth I'm glad you liked it. It was my first screamo album as well. Definitely not the best the genre has to offer, but it's definitely up there imo. They're a good blend of emo and screamo. If you're looking for more recs like that (especially the angrier side), I gotchu. I have listened to them. Siamese Dream is my dad's favorite album, so I grew up around them.
 | UndineParty Lol I'm kidding w/e what do you want anyway?
 | UndineParty No titties on ur chest because you're unhealthy and overweigh
 | Frippertronics Rivers doesn't really bother me but his songwriting REALLY went to s*** after Pinkerton. Maladroit is a decent album but good lord, he's a total hack.
 | Log S. also, lol at that profile picture
 | Log S. I listened to the s*** out of them back in high school. I have the peel slowly
 | Frippertronics nah figured you'd probably listen to me anyways tbqh. the debut is a solid place to start but do w/e you want, her discog has a ton of great albums and one relatively mediocre album. As for the Weezer, to be honest, aside from the first two (the first is alright) I could rather care less about Weezer and have no clue what people see in the last two records.
 | Frippertronics for real tho, check hounds too. both of them albums are perfect and ars and i will hound your ass if you even try to talk s*** about em
 | Frippertronics check the dreaming first actually. better kate bush album. plus it's freaky as **** dude. plus it has her best song as its closer
 | AsleepInTheBack ah right, cool man, hope you dig and hope they dont get you too down if you check em
 | AsleepInTheBack Not sure its a good thing if its a good thing that you'd come to me for depressing recs, hope I dont have too much of a reputation for that haha. I'll give you a few optionsJulien Baker - Sprained Ankle for an intimate folk singer-songwriter project, very easy listeningThe Microphones - The Glow pt2, tricky listen, claustrophobic lo fi brilliance Car Seat Headrest - Nervous Young Man, over 2 hours, stunning lyricsGhost Mice - All We Got Is Each Other, folk punk about death
 | neekafat Will do for sure! Nah, I'm not the guy in those ones haha, but I'm in a ton of my own stuff on my other channel! I'll for sure let you know, maybe sometime you could review her new stuff when it comes out :) What did you think of it?
 | Log S. i forgot I'd even rated those, to be honest. been so long since I've listened to VU
 | neekafat As much as I enjoy this stuff, what she has coming next is really next-level
 | neekafat Thanks man, haha! Which video? This is our official channel, I do all of her music videos and such:
 | SandwichBubble What can I say? I've never been big into grunge. Phase slipped right past me and I went straight into twee s***:
 | neekafat Oh s*** well her newer stuff isn't out yet haha but on here she's under "Sammi Malone"
 | neekafat That sounds awesome dude! She makes mostly acoustic kinda folky-sounding stuff but she has a lot of punk and grunge influence so it's a mix of things haha. Recently she's been experimenting with more electric, mellow, bluesy sounding stuff which is really cool :)
 | neekafat Modest Mouse is on my list! It's a long list unfortunately haha. And yup! Seems to be a rare thing on sputnik tho lol, been together about a year and a half now. She's a musician, she's on here too actually!
 | neekafat Goddamn, well the only 10/10 songs from them (I don't really give those out often at all lol) are "I Appear Missing" "Song for the DEAF" (it's ****in brutal, man) and "Mosquito Song." "Mexicola," "Better Living," "God Is on the Radio," "Go with the Flow," "No One Knows," "Burn the Witch," "3s and 7s," and pretty much half of ...Like Clockwork are 9.5/10s.
 | neekafat Idk man, nothing has been able to top them for me yet and it's been a while haha. I gotta check "Love and Hate," all I've heard from him is his final one! And yeah the closer is my gf's favorite too lol
 | neekafat You know what, I do remember that!! Yeah Like Clockwork is pretty much my #1 album of all time haha, "I Appear Missing" is another of my Top 3 songs lol. And no s*** dude that's awesome!
 | neekafat Those are all fantastic picks man!! Yeah, those are both definitely growers, especially the latter. You'll have to let me know what you think as you listen more!Also, is that QotSA I see in your "favorite bands" section??
 | neekafat 1. Yes you should absolutely check Gish, it's hella bomb2. I KNOW RIGHT? What were your favorites?? Mine are "Tonight, Tonight" "1979" and "XYU." "In the Arms of Sleep" is also absolutely killer
 | neekafat Yeah his voice requires some getting used to. No love for "Soma"? "Disarm" is one of my top 3 favorite songs ever. I definitely have my problems with that album, especially the second half. You checked Gish yet?
 | neekafat Yeah it's one of my all-time favorites and it keeps getting better. It's uneven as s*** tho haha so you probably won't like everything on it, but there's something for everyone! What didn't you like about Siamese Dream?
 | neekafat Dude lemme know what you think of Mellon Collie when you get to it
 | theBoneyKing I mean, if you don't like Girls Can Tell you don't like it. That said, I would certainly give it a handful of listens before you write it off completely; Spoon albums are usually growers. I could also see you enjoying Ga Ga Ga Ga Ga or They Want My Soul more than Girls Can Tell, so maybe try one of those at some point.
 | ArsMoriendi Why is reccing Hounds of Love trolling you? It's a 5/5
 | pjorn leaves turn inside you is kind of a hard listen, its long af and is more of a "listen to the whole thing at once" type of record. just tryin to prepare you lol
 | adr also check Robert Wyatt - Rock Bottom and The Stooges - Fun House ala you'll dig tbh
 | pjorn it was just too disco for me, definitely isn't a 1, more like a 2.0 imo but I just really don't like it and i tend to rate stuff super subjectively. people love that record tho, so give it a shot if you like them a lot
 | zakalwe There's no particular starting point dude. It's a fella ranting over basic laptop constructed loops no matter what album you kick off with. You'll either get it or you won't. For a more direct, punchy 'punk' orientated sound thed albums like Mekon are amazing and can still be found on youtube.
 | SputnikBibleVerses The Lord has blotted out your transgressions like a cloud and your sins like mist; return to Him, for He has redeemed you. Isaiah 44:22
 | SputnikBibleVerses The fool says in his heart, "There is no God." They are corrupt, they do abominable deeds, there is none who does good. Psalm 14:1
 | Sevengill you calling me loose? sheesh, that escalated quickly.
 | AsleepInTheBack nah mate, going chronologically (bar pablo honey, skipped that). So will get to it eventually
 | Conmaniac good to hear my man. what have you been into the most recently?
 | Conmaniac well dang thanks my dude much appreciated
 | SteveOffProbation **** off with yr illusive bulls*** I'm gonna kill myself tonight to spite your ass
 | SandwichBubble Sunset Rubdown, White Rabbits, and Danielson are fairly similar. I feel bad flooding you with recs though, so put those off for a later date. Wish I was at my PC so I could give better recs too. :)
 | TheSpaceMan Yeah ill check, but I'm really slow getting to recs
 | danielcardoso Nice. I dig their style hard so go easy on them lol.
 | danielcardoso Since you're on an indie rock spree check Pavement. If you "get" where they're coming from and all you'll absolutely dig.
 | SteveOffProbation considering I don't remember your username I'm really confused about what yr on about
 | danielcardoso Gonna expand on Bubble's recs and urge you to jam The Breeders - in a similar vein to SK i suppose plus Kim Deal !!
 | Hovse I've wiped my ratings cuz they were old and my views on many albums are different now.
 | SandwichBubble People tend to be more "ardent" when you're around, so that's something I suppose haha. Nah, real reason is that I genuinely like seeing people go through "periods of musical discovery" and you seem to be quite enthusiastic about having a back/forth discussion with others. It's nice.
 | SandwichBubble Very cool! Listen to Bikini Kill and Bratmobile if you want more SK afterwards.
 | SandwichBubble Off-topic, but did you say you were getting into more female artists recently?
 | SandwichBubble Yeah, I can understand that. Still give it a full listen though. Never know when an album will grow on you. Seems to me like you like the more abrasive side of indie rock (Built, MM) as opposed to the more mellow/gazy stuff (Spoon, YLT). You ever listen to Wolf Parade - Apologies to the Queen Mary? I think you'd like that more than Spoon or YLT honestly.
 | SandwichBubble Pretty good band for the most part. YLT from 1989-2000 is pretty solid. After that and before that are rough. Nothing groundbreaking (and not 4.3 worthy in my opinion), but really well-executed indie pop. Have you listened to any of their albums yet?
 | SandwichBubble Yeah, never understood the praise they've gotten as a group. Maybe try Kill the Moonlight if you're feeling a second try, but even that one isn't that great.
 | danielcardoso Thanks man. And just don't put pressure and stress on yourself, have fun and your reviews should come out naturally :]
 | danielcardoso Tbh you should really just check Mad Season - Above to complete your Layne Staley fan trial.
 | danielcardoso Apologies for sounding harsh, just remember your incessant troll posting is what caused so much backlash against you. People seem to think you're much better off now so why change know what i'm sayin?
 | danielcardoso You really shouldn't rant ever again. You have spouted some really dumbfounded trash on your heyday, particularly on PJ and TH threads (referring more to sh'tposting rather than ranting on TH but has a similar impact lol).
 | danielcardoso You did rant on Doolittle quite hard iirc lol. Strange TH rating.
 | danielcardoso "Built to Spill is nothing in comparison" on February 25 02:09 PM. "built to spill are like god tier" on March 4 10:48 AM. Ahah. But soon dude. I honestly have so much stuff i wanna check and so little free time sometimes.
 | danielcardoso Your reputation precedes you. I mean your past mad comment streaks on Doolittle, Remain in Light, In Utero, etc lol.
 | danielcardoso Excuse me mister "fills 5 pages of vent comments by himself" lmao.
 | danielcardoso Yes, i just don't make a parade out of it unlike you lol.
 | danielcardoso Yeah its alright i have my fair share of controversial ratings as well lol.
 | danielcardoso Oh and nice Sufjan rating. I find it kind of difficult to predict your possible enjoyment on albums lol, but excited to see if you'll dig Keep It Like a Secret should you give it a listen.
 | danielcardoso I actually never checked PFNO yet but its on my list. Elliott doesn't surprise considering your previous experience lol.
 | ArsMoriendi Instead of Wilco check Kate Bush - Hounds of Love
 | wtferrothorn Yeah man! Thank you! Oh btw, I'm probably gonna be able to be in the skype chat more often starting next week, my schedule is gonna be much less stuffed than it has been for the past couple weeks.
 | Frippertronics ahem - stop asking people random nonsense for one. the rest is a mystery~
 | alienobserver uhhh i dont know how to describe it it wasnt a super distinct sensation for me lol just kinda wet and fleshy
 | Frippertronics There is nothing sad about them, but he's so ****in pissed on those. Haven't heard NY yet. Magic and Loss is probs his saddest album tho
 | Frippertronics It's Lou Reed, you'll have brass balls if you survive stuff like this and Street Hassle. Take No Prisoners will **** you up tho
 | Frippertronics But if you're talking bout bauhaus, the cd has dark entries as an opener when it was originally just a non-album single.
 | Frippertronics There's two other versions of Berlin. One is on his debut, and an extended version that was on the 8-track version of Berlin. Look up the latter on youtube, it's great. Oh Jim is the best song btw
 | Frippertronics Gonna quote daniel for a sec "I had s*** opinions when I was 14 too"
 | danielcardoso Had no idea this classified as "acting like Sach" lol sorry if it upset you. In fairness, Keep It Like a Secret is my favorite BTS so i dunno check that probably.
 | danielcardoso You can still learn. Don't worry i had sh't opinions when i was 14 too.
 | danielcardoso You've only heard like 100 albums in your life so imma let it slide.
 | danielcardoso Nothing bland about it, damn you need to indie more.
 | Frippertronics Well, The Wall isn't good. Berlin is. That is enough of a difference.
 | Frippertronics dunno how Lou being insensitive is unlike him since he's playing a character here, plus Bob Ezrin produced this (and The Wall). Berlin was meant to be a stage play, but the album flopped and the play got canned as a result.
 | ArsMoriendi Check Hounds of Love though, and stop deleting your ratings lol
 | ArsMoriendi Looked it up, seems interesting, might check soonish
 | pjorn i got no clue man uhhh.... if you like noise rock/post-hardcore, i've been jammin In The Grips of the Light by Racebannon all day, it's pretty tight.
 | pjorn hey thanks bro, you're cool too ???
 | Frippertronics boi you will learn in time. that album grew on me over three years so maybe that's how it'll be with you
 | Frippertronics wanking around? dude, are we listening to the same album? the s/t is the ultimate comedown after two of the most self-indulgent records of the late 60s. considering the album's like 42 minutes idk how most of the songs are too long since they quite literally put out an album the previous year where the centerpiece was them just ****ing around for twenty minutes.
 | Frippertronics the first three are interchangeable, but Loaded is the weakest of the four. It's good, but it's nowhere near as good as the other three.
 | Frippertronics Those four albums have been reissued a ton, so it shouldn't be too hard to find a copy, especially if you look on Amazon or Ebay.
 | Frippertronics Well that's the problem man, you're reading youtube comments!
 | Frippertronics oh yeah, it paints a picture of an addict who knows exactly what he's doing and how low he's sunk. The whole "it's my life and it's my wife" bit really makes it obvious.
 | Frippertronics I mean, Heroin both romanticizes Reed's usage but also depicts how it feels and what it does to a person.
 | Frippertronics prostitute? nah, but it's about two drug-addled lovers with kids in Berlin, and the disintegration of their lives. considering lou reed was a big heroin addict at the time, it's surprising he made something like Berlin
 | Frippertronics there's a moment near the end of the album that will **** you up tho i guarantee it
 | Frippertronics yeah, and Berlin ain't that sad but it sure was when I first heard it at 13.
 | Frippertronics at least check Lou Reed's Berlin and make sure to not slit your wrists afterwards. Get tissues on hard for the endless stream of tears tho, s*** will break your heart and soul
 | AmericanFlagAsh OK Computer definitely. Kid A falls close behind for different reasons.
 | AsleepInTheBack yeah man I will; my dad is big into Floyd and recommended checking the 4 albums from their widely regarded pinnacle. Will do so asap. Animals is my dads fave too I believe, he picked up an original pressing on vinyl the other day, cost a bomb but he seems happy
 | Frippertronics Don't ask any questions, just immerse yourself and have a good time. It's quite literally what they're about.
 | AsleepInTheBack if I'm not mistaken you are ALA. not too bad man not too bad, yourself? Been going through Ween's discog, a bit of the Postal Service, and a few classics that I'd never checked before (Bob Dylan, Pink Floyd, Metallica (not that the latter impressed me that much)). You still focused on video games or been checking music again?
 | onionbubs i got one two three four five six six six RUNNIN ROUND THE NEIGHBORHOOD
 | Snide My fourth album's in the making right now. I've only got about two songs in demo stages right now, and one of Sputnik's users is featuring on vocals for it.
 | DoofusWainwright I like them in the order you wrote them down pretty much (Listening Wind being best). China Girl I got used to as a Bowie song so I find it strange listening to it as an Iggy song. Climbing Up the Walls and Us and Them are about even - neither is really my favourite song off their parent albums.
 | Frippertronics Not even gonna give details, go check it right noooooow
 | Flashmobba You pansy, keep watching it it's gold. Will check, you try out Jon hopkins' immunity
 | SandwichBubble Saw you wanted "stuff like Velvet Underground/Pink Floyd/Joy Division etc. Something alternative maybe? and depressing" Have you heard Bauhaus - In The Flat Field?
 | Flashmobba Sall goooood but yeah my dick's had a bad day, go for it. Rec me something sweet assbutt. I see the devito dp, you watch sunny?!?!?!
 | Snake. hmu my username is jaketv370
 | Flashmobba Where are U asshole I sent you a post long ago and you never relied
 | Frippertronics no prob man, I'd also rec The Stooges' first three records but those can wait.
 | Frippertronics aside from the fact i listen to manson and the stones, lemme hit you up with some s***. Try The Flaming Lips, specifically Clouds Taste Metallic. Another one to try out, go for Lou Reed and John Cale's solo stuff, specifically Reed's Berlin and Cale's Fear. Last, go for Iggy Pop's Lust for Life since you've heard The Idiot already.