Reviews 51 Approval 94%
Soundoffs 25 News Articles 34 Band Edits + Tags 14 Album Edits 31
Album Ratings 1090 Objectivity 73%
Last Active 11-03-20 3:03 pm Joined 08-21-16
Review Comments 1,021
 | ian b if u write a rev i'll write a rev, sputnik needs the emo sadbois
 | eckoh hello hello my ace man my mellow
 | Slex I think Knife Man is incredible but a lil overrated, I think Christmas Island is super underrated but also very scattershot, Bible 2 just bored me, new album is close to a 5. I still need to listen to their other stuff besides those
 | SlothcoreSam Still finding excellent music from last year. This EP is so good, It is like angsty punky Spanish Love Songs at times, then saxophone led emo. Excellent musicianship, and great vocals, the dude sure can sing!!!! Cliffdiver-At Your Own Risk
 | SlothcoreSam Check this EP from this year. Lobby Boxer -Eugene's Preference, I think you will enjoy it.
 | SlothcoreSam Hey man, need some new albums to lift u up. Antighost- Animal Panic!Stuck Out Here- Until We're Each Someone Else. The Dead Love- Extinction of Unicorns. All power pop/ Grungy Punk.
 | wwf lol well it was good so
 | wwf Hey! I had to do some digging to remember how I found it but it was from the studio artifex on the Sput discord lmaoI liked the album art and the sound
 | slipandslide Lmao nice comment on drake but why you 2.5 it? Thought both songs were really good
 | Jom Update: you have a Gmail address on file, so I sent it to you there. Cheers!
 | Jom Ha, sorry, it's in my forums profile -- I'll try to send you a message with the e-mail that we have on file. If it's a bounceback, I'll try to get it to you in some other way. Cheers!
 | Jom Thanks for your interest with the Global list! At least one of your submissions is unclaimed, so would you be interested in writing for the feature? If so, would you be cool with e-mailing me (or vice versa) to avoid spoilers? Cheers!
 | hal1ax yep. one of my fav pop punk records ever
 | hal1ax check this --
 | Atari my only complaint is the singles are still better than most the album haha
 | Atari So what are your thoughts on the new Living With Lions?
 | Atari Good man. Love the singles so far!
 | BallsToTheWall Crown The Empire had a weak performance but their crowd was the best. Got to meet nekrogoblikon which was rad. If you saw a dude in a farmers hat and sky blue short shorts that was me.
 | BallsToTheWall Sorry man, I didn?t catch your comments in time. It was lit tho. Nekrogoblikon was fun af
 | ianblxdsoe idk i might give it a stab depending on how it sets with me. i'm definitely gonna be on the lookout for anything you have to say about it though!!
 | ianblxdsoe heyheyhey i know since we have similar tastes and review a lot of the same albums it may seem like i?m trying to ?compete? for albums but i just want you to know that?s not the case at all and i?m suuuuper excited to see if/what you have to say about Sister Cities once that drops, i?m not sure if i?m gonna review it yet but i hope you do!! :?)
 | BlazinBlitzer I hate being a high school senior lol. I can't make any specific dates or promises other than as soon as possible, but I certainly owe the reviews to ya.
 | Divaman OK, on second thought, I'm thinking you might want to go ahead and write that Waterparks review as something of a rebuttal. Not that you need my permission anyway, but it's totally cool with me, especially as you seem to have a different perspective on it than I do.
 | Divaman OK, thanks. I appreciate it. I've had a hard time finding an album this month. My first three choices were Tonight Alive, Black Veil Brides and They Might Be Giants, and they were all done quickly. If you or someone else did Waterparks, I would have moved to Joe Satriani, but I really didn't want to -- I have a hard time describing all-instrumental albums. (Of course, somebody else could still do Waterparks before me anyway, but I'm going to try to get it done soon after its release tomorrow).
 | Divaman Hi McTime. If you're going to definitely review Waterparks, it's cool, but let me know. I hate duplicating effort when there's a million albums on the site with no reviews, so I'll move to a different January release. Thanks.