Soundoffs 86 Album Ratings 7 Last Active 01-10-23 7:53 am Joined 06-18-16
Review Comments 3,347
 | Sowing Ratings are gone, unfortunately nothing I can do about password resets. It broke in Jan 2023 and ownership needs to fix it.
 | Sowing There's no page logging nothing but soundoffs - they do show up under your ratings tab though
 | AngryLittleAlchemist AHH yes my friend that makes more sense! INdeed, people on this site tend to have terrible taste. Thank you, I will take your "mean Ala" approach into consideration
 | Maco097 Wish I can see my ****ing sound offs.
 | CaliggyJack Thanks. Contrary to popular belief I am a HUGE fan of Sodom. It's because I am a dedicated fan that I hold them accountable to standards THEY SET, to encourage them to do better.
 | CaliggyJack Dude yer like one of the only logical human beings in that entire sodom thread. Thank you for existing.