Reviews 21 Approval 82%
Soundoffs 9 Album Ratings 1714 Objectivity 85%
Last Active 06-01-15 9:27 pm Joined 06-01-15
Review Comments 950
 | xtrole Read your comment about possibly doing a review for Breaking Benjamin's new album. I definitely hope you (or someone) does, 'cause I agree with you that it's unfortunate that both the reviews thus far are under a 3. I'm tempted to try but am not convinced that I could do the album justice.
 | bentheREDfan How was the quality of my Crashings review? I really liked Dawn Escapes (already got the review done), but that one just wasn't my record. I hope I didn't come off too ranty.
 | Gnocchi Hey man, I want you to consider:
 | BenjoJames Hey, I love your metal reviews. Would you be interested in reviewing my extreme metal band? Keep up the good work! Listen here