Soundoffs 17 Album Ratings 0 Last Active 07-14-18 4:52 pm Joined 04-27-15
Review Comments 0
 | kascetcadettt here's a thread where you can discuss how fantastic it is to be a part of this moment: \\\ don't be scared to share the news with other guys in case i missed someone out and keep shining in the light of this beautiful rock n roll fireplate, god bless, hasanmedia represent
 | kascetcadettt sieg hi it's-a me smooth brotha from the umpteenth block taggin' em trainz comin' from your favorite station, word on the street is (artuma is gay) my new album came out recently and if that's the last thing i ever do let it be, leavin' the link in your hands my man: \\\ feel FREE to 1 it if u didn't like my agressive self promotion campaign, feel FREE to thank me if this album saved your life
 | Asdfp277 i miss u so much, my ghost, my rabbit, my friend :[
 | onionbubs where have u been rabbit pal? you probs the silliest, caringest, rabbitest, and not racist users here.
 | Boyproblems My mixtape :)
 | Asdfp277 sup dude, have u been sillying or caring lately?