Soundoffs 2 Album Ratings 292 Objectivity 45%
Last Active 09-04-14 1:50 pm Joined 07-16-14
Review Comments 1,652
 | Cygnatti
 | Cygnatti how have they not wiped these ratings yet?
 | ethos
 | p4p new Tswift is pop AOTY
 | Pon omg what are they
 | Pon do you have any idea what gian's rym account is?
 | Pon Nuh I can't be bothered
 | ethos it's just so cool to me where someone actually KNOWS smash on a music forum. i've been so low-key about smash bros practically everywhere cause idk but now that in like one day flat someone from sputnik's actually knowledgable about it all it's aposdfjoasidjxlkv. what was your tag?? if you ever decide to re-make one or wanna start playing a bit more seriously (like competitively), come down to houston for a national or something and we'll jam albums / smash like none other lmao
 | ethos lol, im definitely illmatic. that's insane you actually recognize the tag, i haven't been relevant in the smash scene for like a good year or so now. getting back into it w/ smash 4 though !! where have u heard of me from?!?! im guessing like some youtube vids where i get my ass whooped lmao ...they never get the rematches off camera where quite a few times things go differently ;). have you heard of gnes / trela / razer as well? they're all in my area and we hang out all the time :X
 | ethos i'm also almost certain you'll be able to find a competitive scene in your area, smash 4 is just revving up but when the Wii U version drops it's going to flourish like no other. tell me if you wind up making an account there, i'll help you get acquainted w/ the interface and users easily. lol this is a combo vid i made like 2 and a half years back
 | ethos from age like 14 to 19 (?) i devoted like all my time and life to playing brawl competitively alongside discovering music lol. i traveled across my state to go to tournaments (texas). and i even wound up flying to New York and other cities to compete nationally. i go by the tag illmatic and played peach, there's sites where you can play anyone whenever and discover all sorts of tech/information regarding your characters called - you should register !!
 | ethos id it lol, might remake something later. and that's awesome !! learning from siblings/friends at first is always the best, you're really good considering lol. i know about project melee ^^, a lot of my close friends are top players in that version of the game (Zero / Denti / Sethlon / Mew2King)
 | ethos
 | p4p lol why did you waste your time listening to AC/DC when you could've be jamming PORTAL
 | Pon Yeah I've yet to find a noise album that sounds quite like the Outre title track but when I do it'll be 5/5 fo sho
 | Pon The disorienting nature is why it's so good, it's not really supposed to be engaging. When I listen to it, I just let it soak into my brain and the little bits of respite scattered throughout sound so damn sweet. When it clicks you'll find it pretty damn hypnotic. Maybe try out some of their other material? Swarth is arguably just as atmospheric.
 | Pon Yeah I TOLD you cuh it's like the you don't trust me or something
 | Pon Also lol why did you waste your time listening to AC/DC when you could've be jamming PORTAL
 | Pon I dunno, it's difficult to describe. A lot of people think it's just death metal with melody but it has a lot in common with NWOBHM and old-school metalcore, musically speaking. It has its own sound. Stuff like Gorement and Arghoslent could be considered "melodic death metal" but it's not really "melodeath" per se. Check some of the essentials and see what you think, it's an underrated genre, the old stuff at least.
 | Jots thoughts on the new Today is the Day?
 | Pon Yes the one with Outre aka 2nd best DM album ever
 | Pon I don't rec anything to pleb because he's a pleb
 | Pon Agreed now listen to Portal
 | Pon DM is a good genre you just haven't enjoyed its fruits listen to Portal
 | Pon when will you see the light and listen to dm ;_;
 | Atari Glad to hear it man! I can't decide if I should get it for 3DS or wait for the wii u version or get both lol.
 | Kman418 listen to this individually a few times if it does anything for you the rest of that album will fall into place in time i guarantee u
 | Pon Of the few post punk album's I've heard I still think Closer is my fav but I'm talking stylistically, Ensemble Pittoresque don't really sound like anyone else
 | Pon dude i've been sifting through some post punk albums but i can't find anything quite like ensemble pittoresque and it's making me very upset D:
 | discovolante Here's another Sonhouse track... Sorry man, but these are all I could find when it came to studio-like tracks. Hope you like them anyway!(
 | discovolante I think I found one of their songs played in a studio. It might be a studio recording, but it is off one of their albums when they were active. Might've been a compilation or something. But here you go! I'll post more Sonhouse songs here if I find any more. (
 | discovolante Ahh Sonhouse are kind of an old rock n roll group from Japan. Really gritty, psychedelic-like stuff... kinda like the Japanese Stooges. You can find some of their songs on YT, but they're played live.
 | Pheromone I've heard em all ): agreed tho, it's a shame but it wouldn't be as good if it wasnt original.
 | Atari oh s*** lol thought it was already out. well you'll have to let me know how it is man
 | Atari did you get the new smash bros. for the 3DS? I'm prolly waiting for the Wii U version but i'm curious to hear your thoughts
 | Kman418 TH really is actually pretty easy compared to the others just because its way less focused on beats and polyrhythms and s*** cause most of the appeal is in the the textures and melodies and s***. im pretty sure you'd warm up to it if u gave it a few more listens cause its pretty not-weird in comparison to their other stuff. but yeah campfire is basically completely just electro acoustic melodic textured chillwave stuff
 | Kman418 have u tried campfire headphase? its basically their pop album, although it does sacrifice some of their emotional resonance because of that. its a really good entry point though if you're just not used to their sound. in a beautiful place out in the country and tomorrows harvest are also p accessible although the less warm/welcoming textures and emotions on stuff on those might turn u off (at least in comparison to campfire)
 | Kman418 do not be deceived their is a LOT OF s***TY ****ING IDM but yes when it is good its basically like the best music ever. very hit/miss i guess but when it hits o man. u have heard all bocs main releases right?? (just like their LPs plus their well known EPs)
 | zakalwe Cheers dude, total class."I've lost my mind" quality.
 | Lakes. return of the #lakedgod:
 | Kman418 this sounds like math the band
 | Gwyn. pls 5 every album i have 5d (And if u already rated them that then 5 them again) 4 me
 | Kman418 that might be one for u 2 try. it has a lot of their weird experimentation that makes their later work so distinctive but also has a surprising amount of melody to it. plus all the tracks are on it are like 4 minutes max with a few exceptions so theres no super long songs that might be hard to digest. try
 | Kman418 out of all the ae albums u could 5. smh
 | Pon diggin ur 5s mane
 | oltnabrick
 | TomTomTomato i was in someone's list that gotd, it was about depression and anxiety where i posted my actual issues but it was so far off topic that i just ended up going with the flow and after it gotd i got banned even though nobody else did. which i'm p sure is because people were thirsting over some girl in it and i made fun of them for it
 | TomTomTomato i think for not being a fedora wearing white knight but i'm not 100% sure
 | Lakes. why don't you go back to your cygnatti account ffs
 | Pon eghh, i'll pass but thanks :D
 | Pon got any twenty fourteen rex 4 me mr sig?
 | Gwyn. agree ugh!! esp steven wilson
 | TomTomato yeah dude for some reason it's considered normal to say only good things about albums/artists and rate everything high as ****, but if you express a negative opinion about something or rate something low you're a douche. and that's really lame that someone would actually report you for that lol, how is it even possible to care about a band's average rating enough to report an individual who might lower it by like 0.001
 | TomTomato wow that's super lame, i don't get why they'd care that much about "troll" ratings to begin with. i get they want to stop it, but one person having lower than usual ratings isn't going to throw an average off too far
 | TomTomato dam bruh all these 5s. i miss your old rating system it let me know when something was really special ;__;
 | BMDrummer what happened to the original cyg account?
 | Pon 5 ulcerate pls
 | Atari holy s*** so many cyg 5's :D
 | InfamousGrouse just following through on your bixby rec now, taken me a while to get around to it, nice stuff though! appreciate it :]
 | toxin. lol you're just asking for another wipe. i approve though!
 | toxin. it's because you 2.5'd cities ;-)
 | danielito19 do you have rym? rym is a much better place to actually rate things because you can rate however you like, "troll rating" (asinine concept) doesn't exist
 | toxin. seconded lakes comment lol
 | Lakes. lmao your ratings got wiped lmao
 | tommygun i don't know what that means but cool!
 | tommygun can't at work but absolutely will tonight :3
 | Synthpop Kinda sorta! Gonna put out a review or two cuz I wanna. Always lurking though just forgot to log in until recently.
 | tommygun pull on your finger then another finger theeeeen cygarette :]
 | adr nice Have a Nice Life ratings :]
 | DarthMann check out this freshly made dream pop ^-^
 | Pon Isn't your main account unbanned now?
 | tommygun not bad man getting to the back end of winter now a hint of spring in the air :3 hope you're doing well pal
 | TomTomato sweet, i'm a few years past graduating hs but i'm sure it'll give me feels anyway especially since i've been feeling nostalgic recently
 | TomTomato word will def jam tonight/tomorrow when i get the chance ^_^ thanks for the rec
 | Lakes. i know that feel. cute boys are always straight or closeted around here :/
 | Pon They say opposites attract
 | Gwyn. yea czekd the ban thread your account is unband now so you can go back!!! unless you wanna start over then welp rip cyg
 | Gwyn. arent you supposed to be unbanned now
 | adr that avg rating tho
 | Pon less intelligent than a bundle of sticks damn you got dev's knickers in a knot didn't you
 | Pon ah yup yup just ran through ur numbers sup
 | Pon who is this might i ask?
 | TomTomato hi friend welcome to the club, what are you in for?
 | DrMaximus Oh sweet, were you banned? And I'm not really sure how to help you get into Myth :/ Read what ethos had to say about Myth on his fuk 2 list. It might help you get into it.
 | zakalwe One of me mates swears by 'em but I haven't really checked having scanned their stuff a long time ago I'll give it another spin.
 | zakalwe Cool. Everyone of those ratings is utterly wrong. Flinging it in the faces of the ratings monkeys I'm with ya man!