Reviews 3 Approval 100%
Soundoffs 24 News Articles 32 Band Edits + Tags 128 Album Edits 161
Album Ratings 761 Objectivity 63%
Last Active 01-03-16 6:55 am Joined 02-02-14
Review Comments 3,126
 | OmairSh Yoo Oni, how've you been dude? Are you even on here anymore?
 | Jethro42 Ah oui? Où et quand? Je n'ai pas vu de dates pour Montreal et les alentours...
 | Friday13th No problem, man. Oh yeah, prog forever!
 | Jethro42 Hello, j'ai peut-etre été un peu trop enthousiaste envers Nemo. J'ai été séduit par quelques chansons, et ca s'est avere etre un coup de foudre. Je suis revenu sur terre, je trouve toujours qu'ils ont de bonnes idees, mais ils changent peut-être trop souvent de time-signature et de moods, et ça affecte trop souvent le flow des chansons, et pis le chanteur ne perce pas assez la musique tout autour de sa voix. L'album Barbares vaut le detour par contre. Scuse mon excitation précoce.
 | Jethro42 Nemo sont sommes toutes très originals, bourrés d'idees et pourraient meme etre mon groupe de prog moderne favori. Je commencerais par (en ordre) 'Barbares' (la 1ere piece n'est pas ma favorite), ensuite 'Si Partie I', et 'Coma', leur dernier. Tu trouveras le tout ici. J'espere que tu y trouveras ton compte. Moi j'adore;
 | Jethro42 Salut Onirium. j'ai recemment fait la découverte d'un groupe de prog actif depuis 2002 jusqu'a aujourd'hui, du nom de Nemo. C'est un heureux melange de Spock's Beard, Neal Morse, Phideaux et Ayreon. Ils vont chercher dans le meilleur de tout ca. La guitare electrique est tres presente et est tres complice avec les claviers. La section rythmique est solide, et le chanteur a une voix riche, convaincante et a souvent une approche theatrale. Ils frolent parfois le prog metal sans jamais y rester.
 | CusmanX1 Thank you, it seems interesting as the concept has promised. I need to find other people available for translating. I'm taking into consideration to ask it to a professional translator, urgh...
 | CusmanX1 Yes I know the concept, it's something like a spiritual journey through seven level of awareness.For this reason there is no song that interests me more than the other, I'd like to read all of them.Obviously just translate till where you can/want, I don't want make you lose too much time. Thank you so much!
 | CusmanX1 Hi! I'm interested about the lyrics of l'Heptade. Unfortunately they are not avaiable in English and Jethro told me you're bilingual. Are you available for translating some of them? The album seems a true masterpiece, but without knowing the content I can't rate it. Thanks in advance!
 | Jethro42 ...mais on sait de qui il retient.
 | Jethro42 Effectivement, 'Il n'y a plus rien'' est chargé. Je ne sais pas si j'aime ca. C'est plutôt sombre, direct, droit dans la face. Ca me rappelle pourtant du bon Claude Léveillée, mais ce dernier est plus accessible, plus mélodieux mais dans l'intention et dans la manière d'exposer les mots parlés, je vois un rapprochement, mais Leo n'a pas peur de faire un fou de lui. Ou un parvenu. Probablement brille-t-il de tous ses feux, mais ca revient cher la livre dans ce cas là. Je prefere Claude...
 | Jethro42 Oui, je ne suis pas friand non plus de son son des années '80. Ca sonne plus comme Patrick Bruel que comme Renaud. Je n'ai rien contre Bruel, mais j'en ecoute pas :) Je suis tres interessé d'approfondir sur Ferré. Je note l'album, merci. AVEC LE TEMPS, AVEC LE TEMPS VA, TOUT S'EN VA...
 | Jethro42 Je ne connais pas la musique de Brassens, ca doit manquer à ma culture. Ferré lui, j'en ai écouté sur une courte periode. Il donne plutôt dans le dark du dark. Il parrait que ses paroles sont profondes, mais je n'ai jamais assez porté attention à cet aspect de sa musique. Je suis à écouter du bon vieux Renaud. Il a le don des belles melodies en plus d'être rebelle...
 | Friday13th Hey man, I'm putting you down for Maltid, but you can give me a better description if you want.
 | Jethro42 Aussi, merci pour le lien. Je verrais bien cette pièce dans Future Legends. Excellente musique. Je vais parcourir leurs 3 autres albums même s'ils semblent ne pas avoir la meme reputation que leur 1er.
 | Jethro42 Oui, apres avoir fait une recherche sur Fruupp, j'ai vite constaté que Future Legends était leur meilleur. C'est vrai qu'ils frôlent parfois les années 60 avec leur côté psychedelique. Ils sont tres melodique et ils cotoient divers sortes de musique allant du prog symphonique au folk en passant par le blues rock. Ils passent aussi d'un son pastoral à un son plus agressif. La guitare est très inventive et agréable à l'oreille. Le band est tres original.
 | Jethro42 Finalement, laisse tomber, le problème vient d'eux. Ils sont à régler ca. Merci quand même.
 | Jethro42 Merci de vouloir essayer, j'ai tout fourni dans le shoutbox de Friday. Il est supposé essayer, mais je n'ai toujours pas de nouvelles. Tu as raison, ca peut etre le serveur du site. Il est encore lent en ce moment d'ailleurs. Si tu veux, prends le lien et les infos que j'ai laissés à Friday. Et si tu réussis, je dirai a Friday de laisser tomber. Merci, mon ami.
 | Jethro42 Salut Onirium, pourrais-tu m'aider? J'essaye de placer un album dans la database, et rien n'y fait. Je ne comprend pas, je n'en suis pourtant pas a ma 1ere experience. Si tu veux essayer, je te fournirai le lien et tout. Merci!
 | altertide0 i still don't think blackfield deserves being called "well-crafted pop music" even by your definition but fair enough ;]
 | ChoccyPhilly You'll probably appreciate this a lot given your love for Tigran Hamasyan
 | Jethro42 ''Nothing Really'', ''Beauty and the Beast'' et ''Going to Pieces'' sont aussi de superbes chansons tir?es de l'album Lake 'CH. Il n'y a pas que Warflower, loin de la, je viens de le constater. Donc, les 2 albums sont a visiter. Disponibles sur Spotify. Bonne ?coute!
 | Jethro42 Ah je m'excuse, je t'ai lu trop vite. Oui, Gazpacho a définitivement sa place parmi les grands du prog. Ils prouvent qu'ils n'ont pas à etre compliqués musicalement pour autant. Pour ce qui est de Messenger, je devrai les reecouter. Je ne me souviens plus de leur musique. Et pour The Mayan Factor, je crois que j'irais avec ''44'', et ensuite avec Lake 'CH dont voici le meilleur extrait;
 | Jethro42 Un exemple de The Mayan Factor
 | Jethro42 Oui, le chanteur a une voix flexible, qui se prete à toutes les gammes d'emotion, et s'harmonise bien avec les claviers. Et je ne peux pas vraiment dire s'il a la meilleure voix du prog contemporain, mais il est dans les grandes ligues, c'est certain. Une autre voix que j'aime bien pour les mêmes raisons que Ohme, c-a-d voix chaleureuse, melancholique et fragile, c'est Ray-Ray de ''The Mayan Factor'', un groupe alternatif avec un net penchant pour le prog. Il ressent si bien la musique...
 | Jethro42 Content que tu apprecies MoG. Il me reste à debattre entre lequel sera mon 3e favori, Demon ou MoG. Le premier est à 4/5 pour l'instant, mais je sens que je pourrais monter la note. Mon favori demeure Tick Tock. Il y a seulement ''The Walk part II'' qui est plus sobre et qui nuit au tempo et à l'intensité pourtant bien installé avec ''The Walk part I''. C'est dommage parce que ca fait comme un vide, une parenthese stagnante avant que tout reprenne de plus belle avec la série de tic-tocs.
 | Jethro42 Ah et je vois ou tu veux en venir avec ton ''atmosphere sans relief''. Il y a en effet un cot? terne aux compositions de M.A. Le ton est plut?t lin?aire, et les mont?es d'adr?naline sont rares. ?a ne vole pas souvent tr?s haut. On finit par ne plus savoir quelle chanson joue. Tu as surement oubli? Defense Mechanism de M.A. Une des rares qui est ?nergique jusqu'? la fin.
 | Jethro42 Moi j'ai probablement trop écouté Molok, tentant de l'apprécier davantage. Je vais me distancer un peu, pour mieux le rapprocher et tenter de le réapprivoiser. Tu as fait ressortir le meilleur de Missa Atropos. La chanson titre est lente à s'envoler, mais quand elle atteint son climax, wow. J'aime beaucoup Vera aussi, surtout pour la voix et le jeu de guitare.J'aime de quelle manière March of Ghost approche le metal, pour s'y consacrer entièrement à la fin. Les compos sont bien polies aussi.
 | Jethro42 Je vais réécouter Wizard dans ce cas. Pour ce qui est du plus ''heavy'' March of Ghost, c'est probablement mon 3e favori après Tick Tock et Night. Vu que Demon a grandi en moi, ca reste à voir pour la 3e position. Missa Atropos contient beaucoup de longues pièces, mais plusieurs manquent de développement, ou ont du mal à se tracer un chemin. Très bon album en gros. Voici une bonne courte de M.A.
 | Jethro42 Bela Kiss est quand même originale, mais elle glisse mal dans le répertoire, je trouve. Know your Time est parfaite instrumentalement, manque de développement au niveau du refrain. je trouve. J'aime le restant de ta sélection, et j'ajouterais ''Algorithm''. Les courtes ont de la saveur sur Molok.
 | Jethro42 Ca m'a pris plusieurs écoutes avant d'embarquer dans Demon. ''Death Room'' est long à digérer, mais maintenant, c'est fait. ''Wizard'' et ''The Cage'' me paraissent bonnes sans plus pour l'instant. ''I've Been Walking 1 et 2 sont captivantes, et la 2e complète si bien la 1ere. Je suis d'accord, règle générale, leurs longs morceaux l'emportent. Mais March of the Ghost regorge aussi de belles petites chansons.
 | Jethro42 J'ai hésité pour Desert Flight, la seule pièce de l'album qui est vraiment upbeat à la Muse. Je l'aime beaucoup pour son refrain entrainant, et j'ai moi-meme un penchant prononcé pour Tick Tock, le 1er album que j'ai entendu au grand complet. Il a un peu une valeur sentimentale pour moi. Pour ce qui est de Molok, j'ai un peu de misère avec son manque de fluidité, et la faiblesse de sa 1ere partie. Peu de passages ressortent vraiment, et mon seul vrai coup de coeur est Choir of Ancestors.
 | Jethro42 Salut voisin! J'ai dresse une liste sur Gazpacho, et je n'ai pas eu beaucoup de visiteurs...Si jamais tu es interesse, viens faire un tour!
 | OmairSh I guess it can be a but repetitive, but for what it is, it was done well. And yeah I should check out Harmonium, but I know I'll only do it when I'm in the right mood (I'm stubborn like that :-P). Yeah I've heard of Tigran and checked a few videos. He's meant to be one of the modern jazz pianists on everyone's radar right?
 | OmairSh The last one had some interesting dynamics and mood changes to it which I wasn't expecting, and that kept me guessing. Thanks for sharing :-).
 | OmairSh Okay so I've finally checked the links out. The first one was had an uplifting vibe to it, loved the harmonium and the vocals especially. And how in the hell does the violinist tap and play the violin at the same time? I thought it was really cool he tapped for the beat btw.I had been meaning to check out Harmonium's material, so it was cool to actually hear a couple of songs. Definitely enjoyed them and will probably properly check them out when in that particular folksy prog mood.
 | OmairSh Prog metal has been hit and miss for quite a while, but there are a handful of bands that keep me interested. What matters is quality songwriting and forward thinking. Thanks for sharing the links, I'll let you know when I've checked them out.
 | OmairSh I'm curious about traditional Quebec music, you're welcome to share some links. Yeah I think Haken has been over hyped in general. I mean their music is good, but not the best thing in years in the prog metal world. I think Leprous has a larger claim to that throne in modern prog. But I can understand why people love them so much.
 | OmairSh I'm glad you enjoyed the links man. I just felt like sharing some local stuff, and the coke studio sessions combine western and eastern elements quite well. Ah yeah the Jan and Nusrat collaboration was interesting. Nusrat's collaborated with a few western artists over the years like Peter Gabriel, Eddie Vedder, etc. If you're ever curious about Pakistani music give me a shout. I can share stuff with you.
 | OmairSh Yo Oni I think you might like some stuff on here
 | Jethro42 Aussi, l'album offre de belles envolées instrumentales. Ça pourrait bien devenir mon album favori de PW. À prévoir donc, un 4.5/5, voire même un 5/5, qui sait...
 | Jethro42 Le dernier de Patrick Watson me semble plus facile d'approche que les autres albums. Pendant que chacuns de ses disques nous offrent sa part de chansons à la fois inspirées et faciles à digérer, il semble que Patrick a réussi à faire un album plus concis, plus consistant, plus peaufiné. Abordable du début à la fin, sans ''fillers'', chose que l'on retrouvait trop souvent dans ses anciens albums. C'est du dream pop de haut niveau.
 | TalonsOfFire Interesting, I think you're right. I'm still sad they're broken up, but his solo stuff and performances are going so well that I'm not really complaining. Maybe he's happier with this setup now, and if so, then I guess it's for the best.
 | TalonsOfFire Really? I thought it was only like that with PT in their early years. Maybe it's b/c it's his official name now, so he can relax on trying to control everything, since it's established that it's his thing.
 | TalonsOfFire Forgot to mention the instrumentalists, they were incredible together. Everything sounded so flawless, definitely the most locked-in musical group I've seen live probably. Drummer was tight as you can get, and had a few insane fills throughout but wasn't too flashy or showoffy. The bassist played multiple instruments, and I was surprised with how few lead guitar Wilson played, he was basically rhythm
 | TalonsOfFire He was amazing, very funny between songs and played almost everything from the new album. Sleep Together and Ancestral were massive, and the closer ballads from his last two were incredible. Show was like 2 1/2 hours and my ticket was free, so majorly lucked out there.
 | Sowing Nope not at all. The new release was intriguing enough to pique my curiosity though.
 | TalonsOfFire Yes and Floyd haven't made anything that good in decades. Rush had a great comeback though, its definitely a case-by-case basis. I think genrebending is how modern bands are really "progressing." Wilson's new album is a good example. Oceansize is an amazing band that I definitely feel captures that spirit as well. I know you probably disagree, but I feel that PC by Opeth and TRTRTS by Wilson sort of regress into that retro 70s sound that JT and Pots complain about, still great albums though.
 | TalonsOfFire alt. rock/metal and not always presenting new ideas. I love all those genres (and bands) though, they're certainly among the best musical acts right now and releasing better stuff than the classic bands are right now, who're arguably doing the same thing anyway at this point.
 | TalonsOfFire I can sympathize with some sput users like JT and Pots who say that modern prog isn't really about progressive music anymore, and in some cases just repeating it. So many bands like Coheed and Cambria, PT/Steven Wilson, Pineapple Thief, new Opeth, Anathema, etc. are playing just as much
 | TalonsOfFire Anderson's voice actually doesn't bother me, it's more bands like DT, Comus, Rush, and Symphony X where it can get in the way of my enjoyment of them. It's amazing how influential KC were to so many of my favorite bands like PT, Tool, Opeth, Meshuggah etc.
 | TalonsOfFire I like it slightly more than the debut, both are amazing though. Red has some great heavy riffs and meanders less than the debut does toward its end. The guitar and plentiful use of sax are probably my favorite parts, as well as one of the few vocal performances in a prog band I can actually stand haha
 | TalonsOfFire I'll go back and jam the rest chronologically, I was just really excited to hear Red after In The Court... because it has the next best average and I heard it had a heavy metal sound.
 | ChoccyPhilly I'm surprised with how proggy the album is. It is literally like a prog jazz album, which is actually pretty cool. Definitely needs more listens for now
 | Tunaboy45 Listened to it. I don't think I like it as much as the original because I never had a problem with Steven's voice or anything but that's actually really good. She has an amazing voice.
 | Tunaboy45 Thanks for that, I'll give it a listen now!
 | ChoccyPhilly Sweet, I was meaning to listen to it but I just forgot but thanks for cheers for the reminder :]
 | Torontonian listen to homogenic more and i guarantee that rating will go up btw. ;)
 | Torontonian no, never heard of him. i looked him up and he doesn't seem to have a wikipedia page, so he must be somewhat obscure. Whats he like?
 | Torontonian Nice.ya all his albums rule. Easily my favorite jazz artist.
 | Torontonian sweet coltrane dig. Best Jazz album ever maybe. certainly the most passionate though.
 | Torontonian ya no worries dude! I guess i understand the 2112 thing, even though i love it. I just love the musicianship and i think geddy is at his best in terms of vocal and bass performance. Tell me what you think of bjrok btw if you ever get around to checking her first couple of albums!
 | Torontonian Continued: to give a 3.5, which means that i really really like an album, and a passion played didn't really impress me that much except for a few moments(and that whole "spectacles" interlude annoys me). Anyway i hope that clears everything up, and i'm not trying to be a music critic or anything, i rate solely based off of personal enjoyment and nothing else. :)
 | Torontonian sweet! i'll make sure to give one of those a listen sometime in the next week. and ya, i totally understand your curiousity tbh, i can get a little riled when i see an album i love receive a low/mid rating. The Bill Evans album was aight but failed to impress me that way his other albums have. I thought the renaissance album was interesting and i liked the vocals but didn't really grab me very much though. And tull, i like tull a decent amount but i wouldn't say i like any of their album enough
 | Torontonian Glad to hear it dude. And no! I've yet to listen to a KB album! Shame on me. I'll try to fix that soon.
 | Torontonian ya dude homo is definetly a grower. I always liked it but it didn't really become my fave album until like 1/2 a year after i heard it. And ya, i'm waiting to buy the physical copy of the new one before i hear it, definitely excited. Debut and post are much more pop than homo or vesp tho (especially debut).
 | Torontonian Glad to hear it! Ya i think bjork is the only "electronic" band i actively listen to as well. I really love her work though. Homogenic is easily the most emotional album i've ever heard. I highly recommend any of her first 4 albums.
 | Torontonian sup, nice bjork dig. Haven't heard the new one but you should surely check her classic 90's albums. Especially "Homogenic" which is basically tied as my favorite album of all time!
 | ChoccyPhilly Thanks for the heads up. I actually changed it because it didn't have a particular discussional aspect to it, so I did the project on Banksy instead. The documentary sounds interesting though, so I'll probably watch it at some point. Thanks anyway!
 | Jethro42 Jean-Luc Ponty;Live Worth a serious listen as well. Have fun! And remember, don't let his sometimes ''over the top'' playing distract you from his ultime goal which is offering some stunning violin melodies.
 | Jethro42 Glad to hear you appreciated Elegant Gypsy. As for Jean-Luc Ponty, I'd start with ''Enigmatic Ocean''. Here's an excerpt. A killer one called Mirage; Ponty knows how to funk and how to jazz rocking. Don't let his sometimes noodling playing (full of notes) detract you from the overall melodic leanings. The man knows how to be seductive with his violin. If you like it, try Imaginary Voyage, Cosmic Messenger and Mystical Adventures.
 | Jasdevi087 Was it you that added Stephen Bennett to the database? If so thank you very much, saves me the trouble!
 | Jethro42 The link I gave you is not representative to the album since it's the only straightforward rockish song. The album is showing more than ever the keyboardist, and classical music influence appears strongly. It's definitely very close to ELP music. The soft parts of ''Panic on 5th Avenue'' reminds me of portions of Camel' The Snow Goose. Old Loves Die Hard could have developed more the arrangements in a group context. I feel that Fritz goes too much solo overall. Great album though.
 | Jethro42 Another great melodic Triumvirat song from ''Old Loves Die Hard
 | Jethro42 Yeah March of the Eternal City sounds different from their entire discography with its pompous keys riff. I've never notice the similarities of Genesis into their sound (except the singer's voice) but now that you say so, you're right. You can also detect some Yes (Fritz, the keyboardist is strongly inspired by Rick Wakeman) and some Renaissance mainly into the grand piano moments. You're also right that the second part of the album is more linear. Lack of inspiration or they wanted it that way.
 | Jethro42 The 2nd track, ''The School of Instant Pain'' is another highlight on Spartacus.
 | Jethro42 I'm glad Double Dimple finally clicked with you. It surely takes more than a spin to fully appreciate. And all like you, I prefer the title track, but some of the themes come back in Mister Ten Percent. Album is really the best ELP album ELP never did. Its light sides make the bombastic sides more crushing. Album is mindblowing. As for Spartacus, it seems they kept the best for the ending with ''The Sweetest Sound of Liberty'', The March to the Eternal City'', and the title track.
 | Friday13th oh yeah I heard that one...sounded really bizarre from what I remember
 | Friday13th jamming some schoenberg XD gotta love all 12 tones popping out at you
 | Mad. Keep jammin that Anubis bro, I guarantee it'll go up
 | Torontonian damn, didn't know. ya thats very expensive. I probably wouldn't go either. I think Jethro also lives in montreal btw.
 | Torontonian ok, the first night they will play Anoraknophobia (not sure you'll like it), then the second night they will play marbles (you'll probably like it), then on the last night they will just play fan favoirtes. Hope that helps! i would definetly go at least on day if i were you though!'
 | Torontonian ik what they're gonna play in montreal, but i'm not sure about anywhere else.
 | Torontonian i dunno what they're gonna play though. So they might play albums you don't necessarily like or know
 | Torontonian ya they're amazing!i would absolutely go! WHere are you seeing them?
 | Torontonian psychedelic elecronic soup
 | Torontonian what are you gonna rate misplaced childhood(five it!)? what do you think of this italian prog by the way?
 | Agreed! Also best kareoke song in existence .
 | Torontonian I agree wholeheartedly with u tho, the cheesiness is definetly part of the charm.
 | Torontonian Haha ya, misplaced childhood is about as 80's cheese as an album can get!
 | Torontonian Awesome! All fish albums are crazy good, clutching at straws is my personal favorite however, brilliant concept album. And I recommend brave(duh), afraid of sunlight, and marbles as far as Hogarth albums are concerned. I Love em all. And here is their best song, which is on a somewhat inconsistent album.
 | Torontonian and ya glad to see Brave! i love that ****in album so much man
 | Torontonian Much appreciated Oni ! I wont check now as i'm off to bed but i will check tomorrow. Thanks!
 | mandan How familiar are you with Maiden's discog?
 | MrSirLordGentleman I think you'll really like it, it has an excellent Van der Graaf-esque atmosphere. The t/t is ****ing glorious
 | MrSirLordGentleman Hey dude, you should check this, considered the best album by a band that later would be known as the Samurai that you know
 | OmairSh Yeah DT is just going through the motions now and are doing it to please fans it seems. I don't know if the hiatus would have really made them make interesting music, I think they would still have some of the dull contrived heavy elements that they have now. I always think they have one more great album in them, but that thought dilutes with every album. I'm sure since the last album was less heavy, they're going to get heavier now
 | OmairSh I would love for them to revisit certain psychedelic aspects, that would be badass. I hope the other band members are given a little more say during the compositions. They could go all funk on our asses. I would welcome any interesting change of direction. Is DT planning to churn out another album next year? They've released at least an album every 2 years for what seems like forever
 | OmairSh Oh yeah dam I was supposed to check that Bowness solo album. Well Wilson always does experiment. I'm sure it'll be a 3.5 at the very least. And with PT after such a long hiatus I wonder if they would want to play it safe initially or they just surprise everyone. I'm hoping its the latter obviously :-P
 | OmairSh Don;t know if you're in the mood but there might be some stuff on here that you enjoy If you're in a mellow mood I suggest 2 and 3. If you want something upbeat then 1, 4, and 5 might tickle your fancy.
 | OmairSh The production sounded a bit sterile, and he said the female vocalist was on one track right? I wish he'd take some huge risks, but anyway if it's consistent I guess that should be al right. Yeah I read about the reformation rumours. That should be interesting. If they reconvene in 2016 I guess we can expect an album by 2018. It'll be interesting to see the direction they take. I like his solo stuff but Raven grew off me quickly. I wish he works on a new No-Man record, that would be incredible
 | OmairSh That's an odd album title. I'm just hoping the music is interesting and refreshing (my expectations aren't too high though). Leprous is recording its album and Riversides' composing. 2015 is looking good so far
 | Sowing It very much sounds like they'll continue what they were doing with The King Is Dead, which is fine by me. I wasn't overly impressed by either song, but if it's anything like The King Is Dead, it will take time to grow.
 | OmairSh You might actually like it, but I felt that he should be doing a lot better with his capability. Yeah dude I'm excited to see where Riverside go next. I think they're about to commence the writing process for the album. I hope they experiment more than they did on SONGS, I expect them to progress their sound and take it to interesting places.
 | OmairSh Yeah he definitely has a strong command over melody and feeling. Even albums that I consider weak by his standards have a sense of passion. That's what I respect about Steven. To answer your Lunatic Soul question I'm actually just completing my review of it :-P. In summary, I feel the same way about it that I have with all his albums, good, but should be better.
 | OmairSh Yeah I agree his mellower compositions are probably his strength, but he's very adept at the more aggressive stuff as well. His technique and innovation on the guitar is absolutely brilliant. I don't think I've heard a weak or average solo from him ever.
 | Sowing Thanks, I'll check it out soon!
 | OmairSh Steven's such an underrated guitarist, his tones are impeccable. Mick and Jansen really kick ass
 | OmairSh Oh dam nice. I'm from Pakistan, but I'm currently living in Toronto. So not too far away :-).
 | OmairSh I thought you were British or American
 | OmairSh Did you check out the SW/Mariusz collaboration?
 | OmairSh I love SW, he's a boss. I love almost everything he's done, especially PT and No-Man. But like you said he wasn't taking many risks of late. I guess he's covered so much friggin ground he would have to do something outrageous to actually sound different. Oh yeah I don't mind his pretentious personality at all, he knows how good he is haha, and I love artists that make music for themselves without worrying about what fans think, but this interview was really different from normal SW.
 | OmairSh You and your SW news articles, very efficient and quick I must say :-P. I'm not very excited about the new album except for the female vocals and the choir. Wilson seems a lot more humble in the interview for some reason. It looks like he's taken a few risks and is anxious to see how people will react. He's normally a lit more confident.
 | OmairSh Yeah it did take a little bit to appreciate, had some good jazz vibes. Are you interested in the Steven Wilson and Mariusz Duda collaboration? The song's pretty decent. I've been more into metal of late, especially thrash metal. Good times
 | OmairSh Took me long enough but Birds and buildings was pretty cool. I think I might check their albums out, thanks for the recommendation man
 | Mad. Will definitely give B
 | BallsToTheWall Another great apocalyptic rec.
 | Mad. Yeah I listened to a few songs off Multipurpose Trap a while a go, wasn't sure if they were my thing. Still, I know they're a grower of a band
 | OmairSh Thanks for the link, will get back to you about tit
 | ChoccyPhilly To be honest, I was never a fan of that kind of electronica but glad you like it. You may wanna check out Floex - Zorya because it's pretty similar and I think it's a lot stronger
 | scottpilgrim10 Chapter 1 was phenomenal, that ending with Rick's son oh man
 | scottpilgrim10 lol I actually just checked them out an hour ago but I'll read book one tonight and I'll tell you what I think about it tomorrow (or at least a few chapters from book one)
 | scottpilgrim10 I checked out The Walking Dead book 1 and 2 from the library!
 | OmairSh!/s/Far Gone Now/4lNRj5?=5, some really lush atmospheres on the record
 | OmairSh!/s/Terrible Thing To Lose/4lNSIy?=5
 | MrSirLordGentleman Crime of the Century is just too good man, manages to be as dark as any recognized prog using a radio-friendly, simple sound, just magnific
 | scottpilgrim10 That's weird, I think we've had this problem before. Anyways my favorite Simon and Garfunkel song is definitely the Sound of Silence.
 | scottpilgrim10 I'm sorry, I still haven't read the walking dead. But I will eventually since it's a graphic novel staple. What's your favorite Simon and Garfunkel song? I'm going through their discography right now
 | ChoccyPhilly But you have 100% approval ;) They were definitely encouraged me to explore a bit further into metal and Flesh has a couple of good songs too. Check out the first track because I'd pretty much say it's as "catchy" as they're ever going to get. Cheers about the review, I find it kind of weird that it's my longest effort. I still cringe whenever I read it though
 | ChoccyPhilly You kidding me? They're incredible! I did my first, albeit bad, review on them, which is in desperate need of cleaning up. You a fan of them too?
 | Mad. I can't tell time signatures for s*** lol so I haven't noticed that, but yeah there is SOME remnants of their prog, sadly not enough imo. I like Bruce's new styles of guitar playing, particularly on Sense of Fear. His vocals are also possibly at the best they've ever been. And yeah, they are always instantly recognisable even if they're sounding less unique than they used to
 | Mad. Yeah you're probably right there. The first couple of songs are great well-crafted (apart from the lyrics) and TPT's alt-rock is at its finest. The rest is definitely lacking without the prog. Is there actually really any prog here at all?
 | Mad. Yeah I'm not sure it works that well as a cohesive whole. Longer songs definitely suit them. Most of their best songs are 5 minutes, it's a shame Bruce isn't interested in being progressive anymore. I'm not sure it it's laziness or a genuine desire to go simpler alt rock
 | Mad. Sits about a 3.3 for me right now. First few tracks are probably the best yeah, shame the lyrics are consistently abysmal. You're right, there's too many tracks, makes the album feel too long. If they'd had fewer but longer tracks it woulda been much better. The album's structure also isn't that good
 | Mad. Yeah you're right, some of the later shorter tracks are pretty pointless, but Simple As That, Alone to Die, Magnolia and The One You Left To Die are great
 | Mad. Listened a couple of times, definitely enjoyable, not sure I'd give it higher than a 3.5 though. Frustratingly, it's TPT in their comfort zone, nothing adventurous or exciting
 | OmairSh I'm full of surprises :P. I wish I would listen to jazz more often though, nothing grooves like jazz.
 | OmairSh I've been meaning to listen to that for years, but never got round to it. Should check it out soon, thanks for the reminder.
 | OmairSh Thanks, hadn't jammed Paco in so long, the time was right. Fleet are also coo
 | OmairSh I want to impregnate the chorus. I can't get enough of it. Beautiful video as well, should have had more clips of the scenery and locations but it's all good.
 | OmairSh Just feel that chorus
 | Irving I'm hoping to put up a review of the promo I received within the week, but yeah, it's nothing to be excited above. There are a couple of decent moments, but a lot of the songs are slower numbers, which only serves to make the record feel draggy and put the (beyond abysmal) lyrics in the spotlight.
 | ChoccyPhilly Oh really? Damn, it's probably going to be a huge disappointment for me then. I'm completely with you on the acoustic-driven sound, that was what pulled me in in the first place. Something like God Bless The Child is a perfect example of it and along with the production, they really carved out something unique. I'll still give it a listen, but i'm rather pessimistic right now
 | ChoccyPhilly Thanks for telling me, I just listened to it but I have to say I was disappointed. I have no issue with the alt-rock direction, but that was never why I liked them in the first place and I get the feeling this style just isn't my thing. As long as we get a proggy song like Reaching Out on the album, I'll be happy!
 | emester That's awesome! Some of the most interesting music I've ever heard
 | ArsMoriendi Nice, if you like Hot Rats, try The Grand Wazoo.
 | ArsMoriendi Nothing much just packing for college, you?
 | OmairSh Even you will be out of breath by the end of it
 | ChoccyPhilly less focus on a climax. I think Dead Flag Blues is a perfect song, but the others pass me by too easily. Again, they drag but i do prefer the style in this. The movements also don't feel like movements either, they just feel like songs played after one another. I know this is done in classical music, but that has more of an overall theme, which i don't hear in either album. I've tried getting into them ever since joining the site, but it's not too be. Moya is also perfect though
 | ChoccyPhilly First of all, nice dig. The 3.5 review really exemplified my thoughts pretty well for LYSF. So starting with that, I love segments such as the first 6 minutes of storm and the Broken Windows part during Sleep, but something like Static take too damn long to reach its climax. The climax isn't even that rewarding the end and the lack of melodies really stop me from liking it. Simply put, it drags a lifetime. As for F sharp, i'm into that a bit more because it's more melodic and there is
 | ChoccyPhilly Not sure if you got round to listen to Death Grips, but I reckon it's an interesting experience you would like. It's pretty visceral and aggressive, but we're used to that from metal anyway.
 | OmairSh I haven't heard of Plini actually. Thanks for the rec. I like the background picture on his bandcamp
 | OmairSh It's constantly enjoyable and doesn't feel over thought out like most modern prog metal that feel too manufactured and calculated. Another album I told you about that actually breaks new ground is Bilateral by Leprous. That album will wow you, it feels like a cluster fvck in the beginning and takes a few listens to digest, but when all the pieces start to make sense it's an amazing experience.
 | OmairSh Michal (Keyboardist) is a beast, and his contributions are the best on the album imo, and yeah I agree the organ is probably the highlight. Exactly, he doesn't sound like a 70s band, or Jon Lord, it's a beautiful tone, it has power, that raw edge and clarity. The production really brings this album to life. Instruments sound crisp. The mix annoys me though. Regardless its one of the all time great prog metal albums for me.
 | OmairSh Out of all the DT clones and boring wanking prog metal nowadays Riverside really distinguish themselves, and I think ADHD has some pretty cool new ideas that I hadn't heard before. Also the organ tone is to die for it's so delicious. Anyway I'm glad you enjoyed it on the first listen, it's a grower. And see, sputnik gets a few opinions wrong occasionally :P
 | ChoccyPhilly It was a nice piece of work! Only listened to it once but it was pretty good and I'll be sure to revisit it sometime soon. Also check this out, this is really similar to Musk Ox:
 | ChoccyPhilly 3055 is possibly my favourite song of all time. It's just so emotional and unmatched by anything I've ever heard. The problem with the emotional and minimal aspect is that the replay value is limited, not because it turns sour but because the feelings and emotion in it start wear and all of a sudden, it's less of a surprise and the emotion is gone. It's sadly, the best song on the album, but the rest is all worth checking out. Glad you like it, not many people appreciate that kind of beauty
 | ChoccyPhilly Listened to it again and it was as good as I'll ever remember. Going to listen to Glassworks now too.
 | ChoccyPhilly Wow, from the sounds of it, I don't like it nearly as much as you. It certainly has its nice moments, but I think it'll take a month or so to properly hit me. Faith in Others was kind of disappointing
 | ChoccyPhilly I see you finally gave in and heard it. What do you think?
 | ChoccyPhilly Sounds good, will check it out when I have time. PC has kinda taken over listening priorities, but I won't talk about that cos you haven't hear it. I'm surprised you want to wait til the actual release date til you hear it, the quality of the leak is perfectly good. It's gonna be a grueling month for you on sputnik in that case
 | OmairSh I have a feeling he's going to release the Raven part 2. I was disappointed with the Raven, I think it's his weakest solo album, so I hope he does something different. Yeah he's loving working solo right now, something makes me think the band he has is a part of it. I think he wanted a break from the guys in PT as well. I'm hoping he's not having so much fun that he decides to form a permanent band and ignore PT. That thought occasionally bothers my mind yes.
 | OmairSh Yeah I definitely agree with you on SW and his importance in the modern prog scene. It's ironic how the guy who tried to distance himself from it became one of it's guiding lights. It's not surprising though he's been a prog nerd since he could talk. Looking forward to his next solo album, I would love it if he would bring back some psychedelia and mixx it with jazz. Tell me you're not foaming in the mouth with that possibility. I'm surprised by some fo the hate he gets on here Dude's a legend
 | ChoccyPhilly My personal favourite is Olafur Arnalds, who I've mentioned already and does quite depressing yet beautiful minimal music predominantly with piano and strings. Check out his debut, Eulogy For Evolution, I've got it as a 4.5 :) Max Richter and Nils Frahm are guys to check out, but I'd say listen to the first few first. Check out the record label Erased Tapes. They deal with a lot of modern classical music and you'll find a lot of good stuff on their website too if you're interested
 | ChoccyPhilly I've only recently gotten into Neoclassical and it's quite difficult because that section of this website is rarely touched upon. I'd ay a modern classic is Kashiwa Daisuke - Program Music I. It's definitely your kind of thing, which is quite glitchy and atmospheric at the same time. The second song is personally my favourite of the two and is more jazz than anything else, which you'd really appreciate. Ludovico Einaudi is pretty popular and focusses on minimal piano.
 | ChoccyPhilly I've only really rated neoclassical on Sput. I grew up with a lot of classical music, but I never actually starting looking for the composers until recently, so that's hard to say. I'm quite keen on the Well-Tampered Clavier books by J.S Bach though. How about you?
 | OmairSh SW has a tendency to rip off artists but his music always has soul, which is why I love his music so much. Plus he covers so much damn ground you're bound to find something of interest (for me that's 95% of his stuff). His No-Man stuff for example is so diverse it's incredible. Each album sounds different, it's hard to believe it's the same band.
 | OmairSh I know right. Excessive wank and technical excursions. Okay you're very technically skilled, we get it, now how about writing some actual songs? Guess they didn't listen to pre-TOT era DT. The prog rock scene suffers from 70s copycats as well but since it's so much larger than the metal scene there are quite a few interesting bands thankfully. I love 70s prog but modern bands just need to move on and break out of their shells.
 | OmairSh Akerfeldt's the man, but oddly I'm not as excited about PC as I should be. Maybe I'll be closer tot he release date. I'm hoping it's a step forward from Heritage. Finger's crossed. And DT have been disappointing for so long now. Used to be my favourite band. Sad demise.
 | OmairSh Tell me about it. Most modern prog metal is clogged with DT clones that lack that passion and actual "progressive" elements. Leprous on the other hand, one of the most promising young prog band I've heard. They will be carrying the torch for years to come if they keep at their current rate. All their latest 3 albums are great. They take a while to digest though. One song from each,!/s/Dare You/3cpZPG?=5
 | OmairSh Yo jam Leprous - Bilateral. Prog metal of the highest order.
 | TalonsOfFire That's awesome to hear because while I love SHIM I was mildly disappointed with how unprogressive it sounded for a supposedly "prog rock" album. I don't really know what to do about their first 4, I have them in my itunes they seem pretty weird and controversial, especially 10 stories down
 | ChoccyPhilly I'll check out the album, but I wasn't that big a fan on 'A Fable'. My kind of piano music is more this kinda stuff:
 | ChoccyPhilly Well the title track is among the best folk tracks ever to me. There are just 2 songs I don't really like as much as you... favourite song off Shadow Theater is probably Poet or Drip/Drap (can't remember exact name right now) and i'm loving the lounge jazz vibes towards the end. Is the rest of his stuff worth looking up?
 | TalonsOfFire Yeah is all the wars good? I've heard mixed things about it and that's next for me after I finish sown
 | TalonsOfFire It's amazing, probably the saddest album I've ever heard given what it's about. The middle songs might be my favorite, but the bookends are pretty amazing too
 | ChoccyPhilly Yeah, the Musk Ox album seemed exactly like my kind of thing and it is, but I haven't listened to folk songs of that length, so it'll take some getting used to. I'm a big fan of the kind of stuff though, like Ulver's Kveldssanger and Vali's work. Check them out if you haven't. Also, listen to Nils Frahm too! It's not so jazzy, but it's just amazing piano stuff. I did a review for one of his albums and that's the one to checkout if you're game
 | ChoccyPhilly Piano only and beautiful? Add depressing to that and you're spoiling me. If you're into that kinda stuff, checkout Olafur Arnalds - Eulogy for Evolution. Probably the most beautiful album I've ever heard and it's a neoclassical masterpiece in its own right. Will check out the other stuff you've tell me to; they all sound great
 | ChoccyPhilly I was amazed to see that you're the only person who rated it. if anything, I would have expected it to be a big thing in the neoclassical lovers on this site, me included. I'm feeling a 3.5 right now, but it could easily move up into a 4
 | ChoccyPhilly Damn, I'm loving it so far. The jazz elements find the perfect balance for my liking. Vocals are a bit strange, to say the least
 | ChoccyPhilly Lol I'm not most of the time. I'm just a fan of experimental music in general and the avant-garde elements are scoring big points right now
 | ChoccyPhilly Yeah, I saw you rec it on that jazz list and sounded like something I'd be into. Probably get round it on the weekend and it looks promising from what you said
 | emester Thanks Man! I'm super stoked for it, being the big Nintendo nerd I am. Also, nice pro pic. Machinarium was great.
 | emester I really really dislike supertramp :(
 | emester Dude that sputnik sucks thread. The **** was that s***storm XD