
Reviews 25
Approval 99%

Soundoffs 277
News Articles 26
Band Edits + Tags 1,126
Album Edits 840

Album Ratings 1026
Objectivity 67%

Last Active 05-10-22 11:21 am
Joined 08-02-13

Review Comments 2,747

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  • e210013 E pena meu amigo, mas o nosso Jorge ja se foi. Melhor sorte para a proxima. No entanto valeu a pena trazer um outro nosso grande artista para estes torneios.
    June 7 04:03 PM
  • e210013 Eu sempre adorei esta banda desde a minha juventude. Se nao me engano, "Crac! e o meu terceiro disco na minha colecao de vinyl comprado em 1975. E acima de tudo e uma banda unica. Qunto a ganhar nao sei. E sempre muito dificil saber os gostos de todos os concorrentes. Penso que alguns preferem as bandas mais recentes. Bom torneio para ti tambem e para o nosso Jorge. Boa escolha. Forte abraco tambem.
    May 11 02:52 PM
  • Jethro42 Thank you for your new way for a secret vote. I'll check it out, but now that all the candidates are shown, I don't see the utility.
    May 9 08:30 PM
  • Jethro42 I would be tempted for a secret vote now that spots are saturated. If it would be more simple...
    May 8 09:58 PM
  • Jethro42 Hi ZIG. We're in a prog preliminaries. Check out my last list, if you will.
    May 6 08:39 PM
  • ballsohard22 hey zig! it's the doc, been a while
    April 22 09:19 PM
  • Sinternet oop sorry man i am almost done with it I promise. and yes I did enjoy it! its a wild ride but definitely one of those cases where you can feel its importance in the music without knowing its cultural significance.
    April 4 08:17 AM
  • Jethro42 I give up, man. I cannot connect to google no username, no password. I wouldn't understand either way. If you wanna do a test, let's do it during the tourney.
    March 15 06:12 PM
  • Jethro42 I'm not sure to understand. It will have a secret vote in each and every matches? Sorry, I'd need to be in to see clearly what you mean. And why using Google Forms? I even don't know what it is.
    March 14 06:03 PM
  • Mort. thank you very much. will be adding more to that list tonight. if you ever stumble across any records with a sizeable amount of ratings and no review pls let me know so i can add them
    February 24 05:37 PM
  • e210013 Como te disse aqui esta o primeiro dos dois albuns mencionados por mim.
    October 10 08:53 AM
  • e210013 Obrigado amigo. Eles estao na minha lista para ouvir, especialmente o primeiro. Obrigado por me lembrares. Sobre as hidden gems do nosso prog, fica atento com as minhas duas proximas reviews, em Outubro. Estou certo que vais gostar de eu rever esses albuns. Ambos precisam ser revistos.
    September 28 09:15 AM
  • e210013 Parabens. Parece que o teu cavaleiro ganhou. Acho que foi uma vitoria merecida. Para mim esta entre os cinco melhores do torneio.
    May 17 03:01 PM
  • e210013 E verdade e merece ter chegado a final. Grande escolha. Apesar de nao ter participado nas duas primeiras sessoes, desde que o ouvi passou a ser un dos meus favoritos do torneio. Boa sorte amigo.
    May 12 08:47 AM
  • e210013 Conheco. Esta na minha lista para provavelmente vir a rever especialmente o primeiro album. Ja sabes da minha paixao prlo prog italiano. De quqlquer maneira obrigado pela dica. Quando tiveres mais diz. Como e obvio nao conheco tudo. Ja agora boa sorte para o teu album no torneio. Esta-se a portar muito bem. Parabens. Grande escolha.
    May 10 11:13 AM
  • GhandhiLion That's one of my all time favourites. Brilliant album.
    April 9 09:01 PM
  • GhandhiLion I think most jazz masterpieces are fairly well known though.
    April 9 03:52 PM
  • GhandhiLion hmm obscure. There's a lot of avant-garde jazz (Capricorn Rising, Scraps steve lacy, Anthony Davis, Roswell Rudd, The Legend of Ai Glatson, Song of Humanity (Kanto Pri Homaro), Dave Liebman...)
    April 9 03:50 PM
  • SharkTooth Reminder to vote on M3 of the prog tourney
    March 12 01:42 AM
  • e210013 Conheço perfeitamente. Tenho uma versao em vinil, provavelmente rara nos nossod dias, comprada nos anos 70. Gosto bastante do album. Um dos bons albuns realizados no nosso pais. De qualquer maneira obrigado por me lembrares dele. Nao o ouco a seculos. Tenho de voltar a ouvi-lo.
    January 5 04:09 PM
  • Jom I sent you an e-mail for the community year-end feature if/when you have a free moment. Happy New Year and cheers!
    January 2 08:05 PM
  • e210013 Nao conheco o album ainda mas esta na minha lista para conferir. Obrigado pela sugestao e bom fim de semana tambem.
    November 21 11:53 AM
  • ArsMoriendi You peep the final round for the umbrella comp yet? Don?t last minute it, it?s a playlist like last year
    September 30 09:49 AM
  • e210013 Desculpa so agora responder. Nao esqueci o teu pedido. Tenho algumas na manga para publicar quando achar conveniente. Estou falando de outros 2 albuns de Tantra, dos dois albuns dos Petrus Castrus e de aguns dos albuns da Banda Do Casaco. Estes sao os meus planos para o medio prazo. Sobre os outros, veremos. Abraco amigo.
    August 23 03:10 PM
  • ArsMoriendi IDK if you saw, but I know West Side Story well, America especially haha
    August 17 01:30 AM
  • e210013 Oh, I didn't expect that. It's a pity. This site will get poorer, really. I always liked your avant-guard work. Maybe we can talk again sometime. Besides, I've not yet ruled out the chance of contacting farrockbulsara. Maybe I talk to him in December to see what he wants, if he is still interested. I'm more free in the next year to can embrace a new project. Who knows? I'll see it. Meanwhile, um abraco amigo. Foi um prazer e boa sorte.
    November 23 10:48 PM
  • DDDeftoneDDD Vi ao vivo! Que maluqueira...o homem tinha 9 micros a frente!
    November 13 12:57 PM
  • DDDeftoneDDD ahaha ma dude...meteste-me o bichinho de Mr. Bungle para me andar a chatear! XDXD
    November 13 09:34 AM
  • DDDeftoneDDD xica! foi forte que ripanco XD
    November 10 03:11 PM
  • DDDeftoneDDD ah ok mas espera que deste so 3. pq e q heide ouvir? X) seria uma boa chance para correr os albuns dos mans
    November 10 12:57 PM
  • DDDeftoneDDD Epah vou apanhar essa rec right away...tens de ouvir o novo de Wobbler! E tambem o novo de Motorpsycho..o psyrock esta a voltar ou la o q e.
    November 10 12:54 PM
  • 50iL Ah yes, Zemlinsky is great as well :D
    November 7 05:37 AM
  • 50iL Nice In Vain rating :)
    October 26 06:19 AM
  • Bedex sweet! let me know what you think
    October 7 01:56 PM
  • Bedex oops I meant Joby Talbot*
    September 30 09:42 PM
  • Bedex Zig have you heard Jody Talbot's Footsteps/Path of Miracles? It's a choral piece but I didn't find it on sput so I'm assuming you haven't listened to it yet, I'd love to hear your thoughts
    September 30 09:34 PM
  • Dewinged Ooooohhh!!! I'm excited!!
    September 16 11:15 AM
  • SandwichBubble Looks like something I'd like, thanks for the rec!
    September 10 02:28 PM
  • SandwichBubble No problem, sorry to ask you out of the blue like that. | Side note: It was kind of a while ago, but you recommended Ctu Telectu for a list of mine a few months ago and I really liked it. Thanks again!
    September 9 07:36 PM
  • SandwichBubble Do I need an account to download it? If not, go ahead and paste the link in my shoutbox.
    September 9 04:04 PM
  • SandwichBubble If you still have that vinyl rip, could you send me a link to it? I can't seem to find it anywhere online. If not, it's fine.
    September 6 12:53 PM
  • SandwichBubble Hey man, sorry to bother you, but do you have copies of Telectu's Halley and Camerata Elettronica?
    September 6 01:40 AM
  • 50iL No problem! Also check Georg Friedrich Haas's in vain, it's honestly one of the greatest pieces I have heard.
    August 27 06:52 AM
  • 50iL By the way, you ever heard Leos Janacek? Czech composer, brings the Slavonic-Romantic vibes with a little modern edge. I've come to deeply love his Sinfonietta and Taras Bulba. His stageworks are excellent as well.
    August 24 05:50 AM
  • 50iL Oh, and you should probably peep Klaus Huber
    August 18 02:55 AM
  • 50iL Been jamming some Lopes-Graca recently, great stuff! :D
    August 18 02:50 AM
  • Darius The Imposter Bajingjong
    August 12 11:28 AM
  • 50iL Copy that, tysm! Make sure to jam Karl Amadeus Hartmann's Concerto Funebre, it is a phenomenal piece that I think you would enjoy :)
    August 7 11:12 PM
  • 50iL ayyy, glad you dug! It IS such a banger, haha! I also gotta get around checking the rest of his material
    August 1 05:00 AM
  • ArsMoriendi Don't forget about the Umbrella thingy :P
    July 25 05:19 PM
  • ArsMoriendi I know your Glenn Branca choice already
    July 17 07:37 PM
  • ArsMoriendi Don't forget your umbrella rec! Before Tuesday :P
    July 11 05:36 PM
  • 50iL Agreed, it really is very special. I've never heard anything like it, that's for sure. Hovhaness is one of the most amazing composers nobody told me about outside of music forums.
    June 18 03:31 PM
  • 50iL Hey Zig! I'm glad you're checking some of the stuff I've added to the database, that's awesome!
    June 17 10:57 PM
  • Bedex Thanks a bunch! I'll be sure to check all those versions, the piece really is worth it
    June 17 03:02 PM
  • Bedex Zig, would you happen to have a favourite recording of Stravinski's Rite of Spring? Looking for good versions since the one I am most familiar with remains to this day the one in Fantasia
    June 16 09:26 PM
  • ArsMoriendi Don't forget your umbrella rec!
    May 30 03:16 PM
  • ArsMoriendi Sure! If you win the entire comp you could make me listen to it haha
    May 19 06:03 PM
  • SandwichBubble Thanks! Added it to my checklist here: https://www.sputnikmusic.com/list.php?memberid=1067520
    May 3 04:27 PM
  • SandwichBubble That's a pretty good and exciting reason actually! Wishing you the best of luck.
    May 2 02:38 PM
  • SandwichBubble Re:review deletion ):
    May 2 12:58 AM
  • Bedex make sure you check out his tenth! It is an unfinished symphony but I enjoyed it a lot nonetheless
    May 1 02:38 PM
  • Bedex nice 4.5, that 5th symphony is a beaut
    April 29 08:08 PM
  • DDDeftoneDDD foram estreias de sexta feira. Todos no spotify sim desde ai. abraco
    April 27 09:31 AM
  • DDDeftoneDDD checka esta lista da sexta feira Zig X) - aposto que vais curtir the Elder - https://www.sputnikmusic.com/list.php?listid=191578 - abraco!
    April 24 02:30 PM
  • 50iL Oh yeah, the influences are there, but the tone is very different. Excellent stuff.
    April 8 05:30 PM
  • 50iL That's a excellent way to put it. Teizo's symphonies were both fantastic, I'd rate both of them a 4.5 but I don't want to have uneven ratings between my Sput and RYM accounts, haha.
    April 7 04:29 PM
  • 50iL Damn. November Steps was veery tense, challenging. Excellent piece though, I really need to get used to Asian classical music's mannerisms.
    April 3 05:39 PM
  • 50iL Btw, I'll jam at least one of the pieces you mentioned tonight ;)
    April 2 10:16 PM
  • 50iL Thank you! I forgot to mention Isang Yun as well, his symphonies are great. Scelsi has changed my life dude, I swear. Xenakis was the last composer to do this to me, I feel so grateful that I can listen to music like this. It's almost surreal and very humbling.
    April 2 10:15 PM
  • 50iL I know absolutely none of them, haha. The only Asian modern classical composers that I know (excluding OSTs) are Unsuk Chin, Takao Nishizaki, and Chou-Wen Chung. Any recommended works?
    April 2 07:02 AM
  • Dewinged What are the chances you review Divina Comedia Zig? :D
    March 24 01:35 AM
  • Dewinged I LOVE them!!
    March 23 12:25 PM
  • DDDeftoneDDD Fico feliz por teres voltado ao album man! A minha fave e a Como um Sonho Acordado...a variedade e sobreposiçao de instrumentos e incrivel, apaixonante e cheia de feeling...ha uma parte desse som para o fim, tens as guitarras tugas, o coro e uns sopros...com a letra repetidsmente por cima, e qq coisa de fantastico para mim
    March 16 03:41 PM
  • e210013 Absolutamente. Talvez um dia eu escreva uma review. E absolutamente merecido e uma obrigacao de qualquer fan prog.
    March 13 11:27 PM
  • e210013 E verdade Zig. Mas tambem ha muitas outros casos sem ratings meus. Nao tenho nada contra a excentricidade do Zappa. Como sabes, tenho gostos muito eclecticos. O Zappa e um dos maiores embaixadores do prog e um dos mais aventureiros, creativos e geniais artistas prog, um dos criadores do RIO e do Avant- Prog. No entanto, nao sou grande especialista da sua musica. De qualquer maneira, tu tens sido um optimo embaixador da sua musica aqui no site, e melhor de que eu seria.
    March 12 11:21 AM
  • DDDeftoneDDD ahahah considerar excelente ja e optimo...foi uma simples provocacao mas que sim, viza incitar revisitares o album. Tens os sons mais insipirados em folklore, mais mexidos e depois os sons mais calmos, muito fixes, as letras sobre as viagens do Fernao mendes pinto tb sao qq coisa...algumas bem viscerais.
    February 18 11:05 AM
  • DDDeftoneDDD Zig pa! Por Este Rio Acima e mais de 4! X)
    February 17 03:42 PM
  • 50iL Cool! Will check :D
    November 24 05:00 PM
  • IAmScott Have you ever listened to Claudio Lolli? After listening to Jose Afonso, I was reminded of Lolli and figured if you had not listened to him you might enjoy him. Incredible Italian singer / songwriter. Yet another musician I discovered due to their passing..
    November 19 02:55 PM
  • 50iL Hey there! My favorite is Boulez with the Chicago Symphony Orchestra - super moody, just amazing. How's that version of Sacre? My favorite is Ozawa's, you should really check it. Oh, btw, I see you're also digging Eddie Palmieri; thoughts on Unfinished Masterpiece?
    November 7 07:38 PM
  • 50iL I love that one hehe, it's my favorite of his other than his 18th opus, probably.
    October 1 07:24 PM
  • 50iL Webern is sublime, been loving all of his works. His late period is particularly amazing. Just thought I'd let you know haha
    September 4 04:16 AM
  • tectactoe Though to be honest, everything past Eternity and a Day I don't particularly love.
    August 26 07:17 PM
  • tectactoe I'm still missing quite a few Theo films that I absolutely cannot find anywhere in decent quality and/or with English subs. Of what I've seen (seven total), my rank best-to-worse would be: Landscape in the Mist, Ulysses Gaze, Eternity and a Day, Suspended Step, Voyage to Cythera, The Beekeeper, Alexander the Great.
    August 26 07:17 PM
  • 50iL Hey there, Destination Out was great. Thanks for the rec!
    August 19 08:05 PM
  • 50iL Oh yeah! That album is very, very famous. I've just never gotten around it. If you dug it a lot, make sure to check out Grachan Moncur III. Guy participated a bunch on that album and his post-bop stuff is stellar.
    July 10 07:01 PM
  • DDDeftoneDDD hum devo conhecer sons...isso era pre-Reininho?
    July 3 04:38 PM
  • DDDeftoneDDD Esta Compilacao e q era um espetaculo! - https://www.sputnikmusic.com/soundoff.php?albumid=327038
    June 27 11:10 AM
  • 50iL Sounds excellent, will listen for sure and check back with ya :)
    May 28 03:47 PM
  • 50iL Oh s***, I never have, actually. Any recs?
    May 26 11:08 AM
  • 50iL Sorry, that's Kraanerg, not Kraanberg. My bad lol
    May 23 06:10 PM
  • 50iL Oh, most definitely. Check La Legende d'Eer and Kraanberg. First one is a tape piece and the other is an electroacoustic ballet. It would also be beneficial to read up on the myth of Eer briefly to understand the first piece's themes. Also, as much as I love Metastasis, I think there are better slabs of orchestral Xenakis out there, like Erikhthon and Hiketides, in case you ever want to explore some more :)
    May 23 01:32 PM
  • 50iL Also, Bartok is just amazing. Probably my fav composer other than Xenakis. Are you familiar with Xenakis' oeuvre?
    May 21 03:12 PM
  • 50iL Oh yeah, I know Varese and Berg. I've had extensive portions of their material downloaded since a few weeks ago. I'll try to get on them a bit quicker. Thanks!
    May 21 03:09 PM
  • 50iL Hey there! Any recs to get into Webern? Also, any modern classical that you suggest I check?
    May 20 04:39 AM
  • Doctuses I do what I can
    March 13 01:23 AM
  • J() Alexander Hey, Zig. I'm not the biggest fan, but I like what I've listened to, even if I haven't listened to all of his works yet.
    March 9 04:02 AM
  • BigPleb Twin Peaks fo lyf.
    January 30 07:08 AM
  • Dolving999 Amen to that, I feel your your pain brother haha If you're ever around Porto, let's hang out :)
    December 28 01:15 PM
  • Doibhin69 yeah it's like 4 and a half hours lol
    December 27 05:11 PM
  • Dolving999 Hey dude! Just listened to "Puppies EP" (sorry, it's what it means to me haha) and Voxmortis, and I have to say... you sure did a fine job here! Granted, I'm not that well-versed in Ambient, but I can recognize good music when I listen to it. Congrats! BTW, where in Portugal are you from? Cheers :)
    December 27 03:36 PM
  • Doibhin69 I think I might give the complete 1961 village vanguard recordings a listen.
    December 26 05:54 AM
  • Doibhin69 Yeah I still need to listen to village vanguard for sure, but I'm sure I'll check out Live at birdland sometime as well.
    December 14 04:51 PM
  • Doibhin69 You're big into Jazz right? I'm just curious what you think is the best Coltrane live album? I already have Live in Japan which is pretty good but very long.
    December 14 05:09 AM
  • Darius The Imposter I am flattered you have adopted my choice name
    December 6 08:22 PM
  • Jom Thanks for letting me know. I also adjusted your account so that you should be able to post on the forums (looks like you never got the confirmation e-mail). Cheers!
    December 5 12:45 PM
  • Flugmorph you sure like queen
    December 1 11:17 AM
  • SandwichBubble You know, I saw your soundoff on it when you first made it and was immediately interested. I was gonna put it on the to-listen pile, but forgot. Then here you are shoutboxing me about it. Must be fate. I'll check it for sure. (:
    November 27 06:16 PM
  • Darius The Imposter I would be flattered
    November 25 05:12 PM
  • Darius The Imposter Ziggurat Ziggington
    November 24 02:13 AM
  • Kaiwaz https://discord.gg/vTuYzS
    November 3 02:40 PM
  • GhandhiLion Thanks, ill give that a try for sure
    October 17 06:23 PM
  • ArsMoriendi I just wanted to say, your taste is impressive for the most part. :)
    October 10 03:26 PM
  • Doctuses thanks for the recs. Take a look at this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yeL5YNzvWek. it's by a composer I'm about to review. He's absolutely amazing. It's a classical guitar arrangement of Dizzy Gilespie's A Night in Tunisia. I know you like Jazz so I think you'll really enjoy this.
    August 19 10:44 PM
  • Doctuses my dude rec me some jazz for beginners
    August 15 06:51 PM
  • BallsToTheWall Nope. Any reccs?
    July 23 05:04 AM
  • BallsToTheWall Alain Delon and Jean Pierre-Melville have made some money movies. Criterion got me into a bunch of random French movies this remindned me I need to see what else is out there. Horror like Eyes Without a Face, whimsical stuff like Coctaeu's Beauty and the Beast or action or drama, dont care really.
    July 21 03:23 PM
  • BallsToTheWall I see you writing soundoffs for French movie scores. Have you seen Le Samourai?
    July 21 02:52 PM
  • ArsMoriendi Yes! Nice.
    July 20 01:55 AM
  • ArsMoriendi Not sure who you are, but I approve of all of the Zappa bumps.
    July 19 09:41 PM
  • Doctuses nah never seen it, sounds like I would like it though
    July 15 10:22 PM
  • Doctuses Ohhh lol my bad
    July 1 10:38 PM
  • Doctuses do you mean *with a tilde*? not "a with tilde"
    July 1 02:38 PM
  • DDDeftoneDDD ahah nao estas aqui na tuga? cool de acordo no novo de NIN (:
    June 22 02:05 PM
  • DDDeftoneDDD lol tugaria a surgir ali na thread do mundial X)X) cumprimentos!
    June 21 08:47 AM
  • bgillesp Hey, why don't you join in the prog tourney from Friday13th's list and give a rec. Maybe throw art bears out there so I can quit putting off checking it
    May 28 04:01 PM
  • e210013 Desculpa a expressão "I don't dig Henry Cow".Claro que eu não quis dizer que não gosto da banda. Sabes como é. Escrever numa língua estrangeira, sem rever, dá este tipo de erros.Saudções e bom trabalho, amigo.
    April 16 08:56 AM
  • e210013 Como disseste que terias todo o prazer em participar nas minhas reviews do Cid e como sei que gostas do EP dele "Vida (Sons Do Quotidiano)", informo-te que ontem editei a review sobre esse EP. Com isso, eu finalizei a minha homenagem prog ao Cid.Espero que gostes dela e participes também.Saudações fraternas e obrigado, amigo.
    September 8 01:47 PM
  • e210013 Como participaste nas duas "reviews" do Quarteto 1111 e infelizmente somos muito poucos portugueses aqui no site que gostam da música portuguesa dos anos 70, e como editei hoje uma review do "10.000 Anos Depois Entre Vénus E Marte" do Cid e sei que és um grande fan dele, convido-te a participar, se estiveres interessado, nos comentários da review. Aproveito desde já para te informar que a minha próxima review será também sobre o Cid, o EP dele "Vida (Sons Do Quotidiano)". Saudações portuguesas.
    August 29 01:08 PM
  • porcupinetheater Dude, Three Colors is some next level stuff, first time I watched it a couple years back I planned on doing one a day for three days and just wound up vegged on the couch for 5 hours, got me all stuck in a fog. Kieslowski's one of the best modern era filmmakers, easy.
    March 28 01:16 AM
  • porcupinetheater Ey Mate, if you dig the ambiguities of Last Year at Marienbad, the writer (Alain Robbe-Grillet) went on to direct several films that pushed it even further. Check out L'Immortelle, Eden and After, and The Man Who Lies - pretty ****ing wild stuff
    March 23 07:25 PM
  • danielmoreno It is pretty hard to don't like his work actually. This guy is fantastic.
    January 6 12:48 PM
  • ArsMoriendi I actually haven't, but I've listened to the album a ton of times. I almost forgot about it thanks for the reminder!
    January 6 12:43 AM
  • manosg Happy new year Zig!
    January 1 04:57 PM
  • manosg Cheers Zig! Will give it a try.
    December 9 05:33 PM
  • levtolstoi Fat Old Boys are awesome !!!
    December 2 05:00 PM
  • BigLeach65 Your obviosuly not from Jersey
    November 19 02:56 PM
  • DinosaurJones Haha, hell yeah, man. Cruising through the desert in SA listening to "Hold the Line," Part of my teenage nostalgia.
    November 17 01:51 PM
  • altertide0 no problem, always willing to help ;D
    October 28 04:23 PM
  • manosg Thanks for the rec man! I'll definitely give it a listen.
    October 25 06:20 AM
  • manosg I have another rec for you since you liked Nosferatu that much. Whenever you have the time, you might want to check Between - Dharana. It's a bit kraut, ambient and weird. Judging by your taste, it won't be a demanding listen for you and i think you'll enjoy it.
    August 28 07:58 PM
  • manosg Glad you enjoyed it dude! There are so many hidden gems in the 70s.
    July 13 07:34 AM
  • ArsMoriendi I see that you're a huge Zappa fan. Awesome!
    June 18 06:53 PM

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