Soundoffs 3 News Articles 1 Band Edits + Tags 13 Album Edits 0
Album Ratings 0 Last Active 02-27-13 3:53 pm Joined 02-26-13
Review Comments 676
| evilford lol sweet...dei or die m/m/mm/m;m/;m;//md;m/asmgm;gm/a yeah that album rulse
| pissbore bro check out morbid angel - abominations of desolation
| Pestiferous wtf get off sputnik and get back to work you delinquent
| Pestiferous But how do I know which are second wave and/or ambient??? You're not helping me none kid
| Pestiferous I don't know who you are and what you think your doing but by dammit you've brought some obscure BM stuff out of the depths here and I just have to request that you show me any of the second wave/dark ambient albums you know of
| Vakarian12 3 minutes in and liking it. Those vocals are hilarious though haha
| Mookid Sorry, not my genre ://////////////////. I do love Leviathan though
| Mookid **** man your taste is impeccable
| Vakarian12 nah man. never really has the interest to loo them up. Link something though and I'll give it a listen
| Vakarian12 check them out dude
| Vakarian12 thanks again man. I guess just focus on the music and what makes it good/bad. You seem to know you're s*** so you should be all good. Make it coherent and try not to talk in first person too much would be my advice.
| Vakarian12 Thanks man. I was surpirsed it wasn't even in the database or even had a review haha
| JamieTwort Fair enough, lol I think you were underestimating how many thrash albums are in the database.
| JamieTwort Why would you listen to like 500 albums from a genre you can't get into?
| JamieTwort Not the biggest black metal fan to be honest, I like some but I'm more of a thrasher.
| KjSwantko It's all good, man. lol. No worries.
| Necrotica I've been taking time for the Darkthrone one to set in for a bit, but I'll make another review either tonight or tomorrow
| Necrotica Nah, you're fine. DirtBagDan was also suspected to be skele (skeletorissatan is the full name), but he just proved to be a legit new user on the site
| Necrotica Skele's an insanely dickish and psychotic user on here that posts under a ton of different usernames because he gets banned all the time. Plus, he does Youtube shoutouts that bash a bunch of Sputnik users. I'm really happy you're not one of his alts, you seem like a really cool new user.
| Necrotica I've even had trouble with the latter before, but I've been working on it
| Necrotica Eh, I'm too lazy to re-rate all the stuff Id :P I'll get around to it, though. About reviewing, make sure the intro and concluding paragraphs are extra strong, as the body paragraphs will generally be built around them. At least that's what I've taken into account. I focus on the intro and conclusion, then the middle becomes way easier. Also, try to inject personality into a review, but not to the point of being informal; as in, don't constantly say "I" or "Me," etc.
| ViperAces lol best pie chart i have ever seen
| Necrotica Haha, I just type on whatever thread I see on the homepage and you're on a lot of them :P But thanks bro, you have good musical tastes as well \m/
| jmnewcomer18 Alright man i will definitely practice when i get back home. Love those guys.
| jmnewcomer18 yeah man i dont like most electronic music, rap, or country. Lately ive been kind of into post rock, which in case you arent aware its basically intrumental music with an atmospheric backdrop if you will, most commonly with no vocals. You have to be in the mood but its pretty good s***
| evilford hm tough question. trying to narrow it down to 5, prob - neurosis, death, meshuggah, pink floyd, immolation. what about you?
| jmnewcomer18 s*** man we have completely different tastes in music :D. although i like basically everything.
| jmnewcomer18 Everybody tells me im a great singer. I am mostly a clean singer. But i like stuff like Deftones so....
| Pennywise_M LOL isn't that supposed to be a subjective thing? No, i'm not into Black Metal. But i have nothing against it, or against any other musical genre for that matter.
| jmnewcomer18 hahahaha **** man well said. that was almost as funny as Antivist. you should write a soundoff on Sempiternal. anyways i sing but thats it, i was htinking of starting a band next year.
| jmnewcomer18 Well i mean theyve released 4 albums and i only like the last two, and a couple of songs from their older material. I guess you could say i like them but i dont think they are great.
| evilford thanks man but...I mean I prob got too many to check right now hah. Havey made a list w/ 40 albums, gonna try to check all those. or at least most. also have other bm stuff on my list already. it's likely that some of your recs are on my current need list lol. thanks for the offer, I just don't know if I'd get around to anything you rec'd. I'll keep you in mind though if/when I run out of stuff to check
| evilford thanks...yeah I'm just getting into bm really, but loving it so far. only really discovered "real" metal within the last couple of years (aka not mastodon or rage against the machine...not that they suck but you know what I mean) so I've kind of gone thru dm and thrash first. getting into dm now and it's great. actually the guy below you in my shoutbox just put up a list of recs for me yesterday haha
| jmnewcomer18 Yeah man if you listened to the record on a whole i could see you at least 3ing it.
| jmnewcomer18 Haha its cool man, damn im surprised you didnt like Hospital for Souls. i love the buildup to the track and its crazy when it hits its peek about 2 and a half minutes in.
| Vakarian12 DS2 was ****ing awesome. I'm doing Networking at Tafe, looking for some part time work.
| jmnewcomer18 Alright man cool i appreciate you not just being another asshole just because your not a fan.
| Vakarian12 and I never thought Dead Space scary to be honest. Its tense, but not scary. Way to predictable as to where enemies will come
| Vakarian12 nah man my computer is primitive haha almost exclusivly use the Xbox apart from a few old school pc games
| jmnewcomer18 Uh the best ones would have to be Hospital For Souls, And the Snakes Start to Sing, and Empire (Let them Sing). Just let me know what you think man.
| Vakarian12 haha yeah I'm waiting till its on the cheap until I get it. I've never played a MGS solid game before so I dunno, my next purchases will probably be Dead Space 3, Crysis 3 and Dragons Dogma: Dark Arisen.
| Vakarian12 not yet man. I'm still pumped for it though despite all the bad reviews its got.
| Vakarian12 Aliens, Predator, Gremlins, District 9, Nightmare before Christmas and a coiple other old Tim Burton movies. Yours?
| Vakarian12 or two. What type of bm band did you want to put together?
| Vakarian12 yeah man plenty of times though just about everyone around here is into the hardcore/punk pop scene so putting a metal band together would be a real challenge. I've had heaps of ideas I'd wanted to try out but alas never had the chance. Although at one point me and a couple guys put a joke band together and they wanted me on vocals, but I was so nervous I backed out haha. Go for it man, you could always learn as you go along and some of the other guys you get might be able to teach you a thing
| Vakarian12 my parents wanted to get out of there for a number of reasons. they're always going on about how much we wouldn't be able to do over there but can here ha. Why'd you skip countries?
| Vakarian12 yeah man I was born in England. Halifax. Moved year when I was a wee lad. Still got some of the accent from my parents. Tom, by what name do you go by?
| Vakarian12 19. 20 in July. man I've got heaps of time as class times are totally ****ed. How old are you?
| Vakarian12 just keep at it and you'll be a pro in no time. I guess thats where I went wrong, I never kept it up. I could play a few things, but never followed them through or tried anything harder.
| Vakarian12 yeah, The Mantle is up there in my favourite albums. Nah man, I've tried to pick up guitar a few times but it never stuck. I've always wanted to learn drums and piano though. You?
| Vakarian12 accidently removed your comment. Um. Agalloch, The Morningside, In Mourning, Daylight Dies, Be'Lakor, Cradle of Filth (more their old stuff like Cruetly and the Beast. Best album they've done) Amon Amarth, Blindead, Equilibrium, Ghost Brigade. Loads of s***.
| Vakarian12 Opeth with MAYH being my favourite album ever. I would check them out but for reason unknown to me, youtube isn't playing audio :/
| Vakarian12 yeah I don't mind some of it. Most of the inaudable stuff I'm not a fan of exceot in some rare cases. I've actually been looking for more along the lines of what I was reccing. Got any leads?