Review Summary: Nn so vilified
there’s diseases which elicit despair, due to their tantalizing/ weirdness factor, |CIP for instance, how is a person- numb to pain, if t basis of reality’s grief
Slam dm has evolved throughout years, guttural caveman riffs all t way to deathcore worship. This wave contrasts w more grind, noise-adjacent offerings, Excrescence *falls in the latter. They’re essentially Wormed -meets None so Vile/etc in a sad day.
Inescapable an- is *not a tour-d-force more than a summation of parts, i’ll explain to avoid misinput; the album trods along, rather than pmmel you each track. This is *earcandy, why do slam *bands play same song whole tracklist?
Conceptually the album dabbles in explicit themes, he’uristically aesthetic considerations elevate t album. There’s certain fatalist >T themes explored are interesting, breakdowns crushing/relentless /agonal hymns.
Ultimately t album reminds a bit of early ulcerate, meets carcass… jazzy, oppresive, it’s rare find slam which does evrything right- this album (almost) does.