The End Will Show Us How



by Christbait USER (1 Reviews)
January 10th, 2025 | 14 replies

Release Date: 01/10/2025 | Tracklist

Review Summary: How Us Show Will End The? That's a great question.

I’m not gonna make this about Creed. I promise.

Kind of.

Here’s the thing, I’ve been a dyed-in-the-wool Creed fan since I saw Scott Stapp pantomime Jesus Christ and, from there, their albums (progressing from cassette to compact disc as age and budget allowed) became a near-daily part of my life. But it wasn’t because I cared about Stapp’s hamfisted messaging and skim-milk platitudes. It was the three other dudes in this band, the ones who could ***ing jam that whetted my appetite for “heavy” music.

When Alter Bridge was borne out of the ashes of Creed’s ruination, it represented a sort of freedom; a relinquishing of expectations. The trio, now joined by the soaring vocals and digestible persona of Myles Kennedy, constituted a rebirth of sorts. The rest of that is history. Alter Bridge’s discography speaks for itself.

But why am I mentioning all of this in an album review that only features one of these musicians? Because Mark Tremonti’s history is part-and-parcel to the music he creates. His influences, his previous contributions, and his immense talents pass through, over, and under each other. For good and bad, Tremonti redresses the sins of his father time and time again. When one listens to “The End Will Show Us How” (or say that backwards like the album art suggests), it’s easy to see Tremonti’s history standing front-and-center time and time again. All of his riffs follow a self-imposed lineage, each one standing slightly left or right of the other’s shadow. They soar, they articulate, they push and pull. For better and for worse.

That’s not to say that Tremonti’s stylings still don’t have a certain level of sameness. Like “Marching in Time”, Tremonti’s leanings into the bombastic, the balladry, and the heavy results in an album that risks falling victim to redundancy. For standout tracks like the opener, “The Mother, The Earth, and I” you have something like “Tomorrow We Will Fail” or “The Bottom” which shows Tremonti falling back on the tropes of hard rock ballads meant for the nosebleeds and rafters of the stadiums he seems so enamored by. Still, it is difficult for me to press this fault more than I need to. Considering the sheer amount of riffs and songs that have come from Tremonti’s brain over the course of three decades, such an attachment to a formula is to be expected and partly forgiven.

While I have a certain attachment to “Marching in Time” that overlooks a lot of what I’ve cited as being problematic on “The End Will Show Us How”, I can’t help but see Tremonti’s new album, like his riffs, as standing just slightly to the side of the shadow of its predecessor.

Still bombastic, with a squeaky-clean production by Michael Baskette (again, for better or for worse), still chocked full of riffs, while tripping over itself at times, and still lyrically appealing to the sentimentalities likely shared by the lion’s share of Tremonti fans (myself slightly excluded), “The End Will Show Us How” is a solid, although unspectacular, entry into Mark Tremonti’s solo canon. One has to ask themselves if a refresh, a dirtier production even, could one day work in Tremonti’s favor. If he ever finds the time that is.

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Tyler White STAFF (3.5)
If it ain't broke...

Comments:Add a Comment 
January 10th 2025


Album Rating: 3.0

First Sputnik review. Token of my appreciation to all the great reviewers and writers on this site. You guys do great work cause this shit's hard.

January 10th 2025


Album Rating: 3.0

Agree with pretty much all of this. Album has some standout moments, and I think Mark's range is improving over time which is cool, but the album as a whole doesn't make me want to revisit a whole lot, just a couple pretty good tracks.

January 10th 2025


Album Rating: 3.0

And to clarify my rating, I'd lean 3.2 to 3.3 if that sort of thing matters. I'm a huge fan of Marching in Time and this one is a much lesser version of that album. Still, Tremonti is one of the best based on sheer talent. Dude never stops.

January 10th 2025


Agreed, his previous album was really really good.

January 10th 2025


Tremonti rules will have to jam this with tempered expectations. Good first man.

January 10th 2025


Album Rating: 4.0

Definitely not his best (probably actually his weakest solo album), but I still enjoyed this. Maybe it'll grow more on me later

January 11th 2025


dude can shred

Staff Reviewer
January 11th 2025


Always liked Alter Bridge 's three first albums but Creed for me was... ugh. Never heard any of Tremonti 's solo stuff but I'll give it a check.

Great first review.

January 11th 2025


This feels uninspired, unfortunately. The melodies on Marching in Time were way better as were the riffs.

January 12th 2025


Album Rating: 3.0

It's funny, I think the "The Mother, The Earth," and I is such a strong song. I grew really fond of it over time and think it's actually superior to a lot of Marching in Time. Then "Just Too Much" was released and it was such basic Tremonti. I do think there are some quality songs on this thing like "I'll Take My Chances" which has the album's best riff in my opinion and the back-to-back of "Nails" and "It's Not Over" are really solid too. Just isn't strong all the way through.

January 13th 2025


Album Rating: 3.0

A few nice tracks towards the end but I think the record is just boring or something... It has some nice riffs, but a chorus that doesn't really work usually kills the vibe of a song completely here.

January 14th 2025


Album Rating: 3.0

probably his weakest album, very forgettable even though there are some very decent moments

January 14th 2025


Album Rating: 3.0

I went back and listened to this again yesterday and I've revised my initial impression that this leans anywhere above 3.0. This is a solidly "good" album based mainly off Tremonti's talent, but not much more than that. Three, maybe four, very good songs on here (Nails has really grown on me) but the rest is basic Tremonti. I agree with others that this feels uninspired in many ways. With so many cooccurring projects it's not surprising.

January 14th 2025


Album Rating: 3.0

"With so many cooccurring projects it's not surprising."

Unfortunately I feel like both Tremonti and Myles suffer from this, they are involved in so much stuff that has, imo, decreased in quality throughout the years despite never being bad or even mediocre.

I sometimes go back to older Tremonti tracks and there are some absolute bangers, not to mention AB which is a band that really shaped my teenage years

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