Cutting the Throat of God

Release Date: 06/14/2024 | Tracklist

Review Summary: Cutting the Throat of Brevity

Ulcerate is a New Zealand-based death metal band that has been on the warpath for well over twenty years. Through steadfast dedication, they've garnered a highly devoted following, and carved their own impressive sonic niche. Their technical ability can't be understated and every musical brick is laid with the utmost precision. To take a page from their thematic playbook, the music is an immaculate canvas of unwavering intensity, adorning Earth's crumbling walls as we descend into our self-wrought inferno. On the surface, this band appears to be the embodiment of extreme metal perfection, with this latest release further solidifying an unblemished legacy. There is just one problem: it's boring as hell. While "Cutting the Throat of God" has all the ingredients to be an exemplary death metal affair, the album suffers from painful redundancy and simply being too ambitious for it's own good.

Unfortunately, Ulcerate's commitment to being anti-formulaic has come full-circle, where the eclectic blend of ideas has become a formula unto itself. The onslaught of cymbal strikes, blast beats, technical riffs, and reverb-drowned vocals is admittedly intriguing at face-value, but grows tired rather quickly. The lack of innovation and memorable hooks makes the cacophony feel more like a plodding chore, rather than a compelling experience. Within minutes of starting the album, you'll find yourself lulling in and out of focus, trying to find some semblance of memorability amidst the white noise.

"To Flow Through Ashen Hearts" opens the record and, for better or worse, sets the tone for what is to come. There are some nice dynamics, with Hoggard playing resonant cleans atop Jamie's signature cymbal work, and seemingly infinite possibilities loom. But hopes of a pleasant listen are soon dashed with the same gratuitous ferocity that plagues the entire record. Hoggard frantically layers and lurches between bombastic tremolo registers, Jamie fills every measure with kicks and blasts, and Paul keeps groaning about how people are just the worst. It's excessive to a fault, and while the band makes every effort to be as dark and extreme as possible, ultimately all we get is a withered husk of potential.

The unapologetic lack of restraint, memorable hooks, and innovation makes each of these 7+ minute tracks blur together into an amalgam of monotonous sludge. You could easily put this album on, walk away for ten minutes, and return without any idea you'd missed anything. The lack of songwriting dynamics aren't aided by the length, which is a grueling 57 minutes of nihilistic self-indulgence. "Undying as an Apparition" is the worst offender, as it tediously pans between virtually identical sections of blast beats and clean guitars we've heard a million times before. It's a grating, exhausting track to endure, offering more of the same technicality devoid of humanity.

While I have my share of gripes with this record, it's important to note the strengths as well. The most obvious being the talent of the performers. You can't dispute their abilities as performers, with some highly impressive musicianship on display. There are a few notable moments as well, including the outro of "Further Opening the Wounds" which is a wonderful flurry of textures, with the band firing on all cylinders and everything coming together. The intro of "Transfiguration In and Out of Worlds" also offers some slick grooves with Jamie laying down impeccable cymbal work as always. Lastly, the production is the best it's ever been, with every musical layer given plenty of room to breathe and shine in full glory.

Overall, "Cutting the Throat of God" is largely style over substance. It's by no means a terrible record, but the monotonous and protracted songwriting hampered my enjoyment for what could've been a fantastic experience. This record has neither the intensity of "Everything Is Fire", the atmosphere of "The Destroyers of All", nor the balance of both in "Shrines of Paralysis", and ultimately falls flat compared to their prior works. Thank you for reading.

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Comments:Add a Comment 
June 14th 2024


Album Rating: 5.0 | Sound Off

To See Death Just Once alone shatters this review to pieces imho. Completely disagree, but thanks for your honest effort.

This is Ulcerate's best album to date for me. It accomplishes what they tried with Stare, combining engaging songwriting with their masterful atmospheric disso death riffing. Album rips HARD

June 14th 2024


Album Rating: 3.5

I owe so much money to the IRS

June 14th 2024


Album Rating: 1.5 | Sound Off

finally a thread to piss in

June 14th 2024


2,5 is quite a conclusion for an album that just dropped.
Or am I the only one hearing it in full first time today?
Its indeed a lot to digest, but my first conclusion is that is actually more accessible than stare.

June 14th 2024


Album Rating: 5.0

this is the best entry-level ulcerate album

def their most accessible release to date

June 14th 2024


Album Rating: 1.5 | Sound Off

which ulcerate isnt entry level

June 14th 2024


Album Rating: 4.0

"2,5 is quite a conclusion for an album that just dropped. Or am I the only one hearing it in full first time today? Its indeed a lot to digest, but that's always the case with these guys."

It's been streaming on yt for at least a week

June 14th 2024


Album Rating: 4.0

Row back at it hating on Ulcerate, love to see it

June 14th 2024


Album Rating: 5.0 | Sound Off

"It's been streaming on yt for at least a week"

Indeed, lost count of the number of times I've played this beast. I also feel this is their most DsO influenced album, which helps a lot. Last track has some Ad Nauseam riffing on the middle too. But this is still 100% Ulcerate, xept this time they reached a new peak.

Contributing Reviewer
June 14th 2024


Album Rating: 4.0

Funny, for as much as I adore Ulcerate and on some level this album I find Ulcerate do essentially pedal the same idea with differences between albums often being so nuanced/menial that you wouldn't really notice them. I couldn't even begin to tell you if a track was from Vermis vs Destroyers of All lmao

June 14th 2024


Album Rating: 1.5 | Sound Off

2.5 aint hate its generosity

June 14th 2024


Album Rating: 4.5 | Sound Off

you can tell the diff between destroyers and vermis because destroyers is good and vermis is not

June 14th 2024


Album Rating: 5.0

you can tell the diff between destroyers and vermis because vermis is good and destroyers is not [2]

June 14th 2024


Album Rating: 2.0 | Sound Off

Too generous rating bro

June 14th 2024


Album Rating: 1.5 | Sound Off

ppl give my soff more bumps i wanna beat kusii

June 14th 2024


Hahahah holy shit this thread is wild and were only on page 1

June 14th 2024


Album Rating: 4.0

you can tell the diff between destroyers and vermis because vermis is not good and destroyers is very good

June 14th 2024


Album Rating: 2.0 | Sound Off

Very good review btw Row, put a lot of my thoughts into words. Especially how monotonous the whole thing is but that has pretty much been the case ever since EIF. Completely agree on the song lengths too.

June 14th 2024


Everyone on every other site is jerking off to this thing though

Sputnik, always the black sheep

June 14th 2024


Album Rating: 2.0 | Sound Off

Pretty sure the only black sheeps here are me, Row and Smok lol. It has a 4.3 rating with 154 votes. I guess my tiny brain just can't handle the grandness of this band

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