Linkin Park
One More Light



by bellovddd USER (60 Reviews)
February 21st, 2024 | 46 replies

Release Date: 2017 | Tracklist

Review Summary: Been searching somewhere out there, for what’s been missing right here......

Linkin Park was such an important band to so many people my age. ‘One Step Closer’ came out and had little me screaming ‘SHUT UP WHEN I’M TALKING TO YOU’. I was such an angry pre-teen/teenager. I ***ing hated everything but I always put on a happy face to fake my way through it all.

Chester spoke to me; he spoke to lots of people. There is no denying lyrically, Linkin Park hit the teens of the time right where it hurt. They had the ability to help us take that sadness and form it into something that was some sort of community.

I saw Linkin Park live about 5 times. Each time I was simply blown away by how tight they were live and Chester's vocal ability. ‘One More Light’ is the epitome of this. What we have is no more than a generic pop/RnB influenced album. Chester is the reason why there is anything here to hold onto, his voice as always, is powerful and soulful. Long gone are the 20 second screams of ‘Given Up’ or the ferocity of ‘Papercut’. We have Chester embracing his full vocal range here and it’s a beautiful thing to hear. Not only is his voice captivating, but the words also that are pouring out of those lips are the reason I am still listening to this album, despite it being generic and having no sense of that Nu-Metal sound we grew up with.

There are songs here that wash right over me, which is unfortunate, mostly those are the songs that Mike takes the lead vocals on. His voice is ok, but compared to Chester, what is the point? ‘Sorry For Now’ is a nice pop song, despite Mikes monotone nature and really kicks in when Chester comes in.

‘Good Goodbye’ is one of the rare instances where they lean into the Hip-Hop side I grew to love.
Mikes verse is well, ‘Mikes’ verse. It is what it is, and I enjoy it whilst also having no idea who the two guys featuring are, but the Pommie fella has a sweet voice and some really nice bars. ‘Battle Symphony’ is the Chester lead track that just doesn’t work me for me even with his strong vocals I am left feeling slightly empty by the lack of emotional connection I have to it (I know that sounds ***ing lame).

Knowing this is Chester's last release a few songs here feel like a knife in the heart. Chester’s lyrics have always been straight to the point and opener ‘Nobody Can Save Me’ really lays the platform for where Chester was, and unfortunately it reflects on what was to come. ‘Heavy’ features ‘Kiiara’ and her voice fits perfectly with Chester as they weave in and out of each other effortlessly towards the ending of the track. ‘Halfway Right’ being the worst track for this old emotional Linkin Park fan. It’s obvious, really from ‘Hybrid Theory’ that Chester had lots of issues, ones that were never resolved and ‘Halfway Right’ is a self-reflective look at that. I scream at myself when there’s nobody else to fight….

There is not a lot that I can say about the title track here that isn’t obvious already. Simple synth and Chester's voice, not much more is needed for this old Linkin Park fan to feel warm and fuzzy inside, mixed with the incredibly sad feeling that such an important voice that helped me grow is gone. I still have moments when I sit down, and it trips me out his really gone. Those iconic flame tattoos, that blonde hair and lip ring. Those words he wrote and screamed that helped countless kids find themselves and be ok with being different. Chester helped save a lot of people, I’m sure he was aware of that and what may have felt like a burden to him really was everything to us.

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Comments:Add a Comment 
February 21st 2024


Album Rating: 4.0

fucking still miss Chester

February 21st 2024


Album Rating: 4.0

same. you put this better than i ever could.

February 21st 2024


Album Rating: 4.0

felt like I had to put something up for Chester

February 21st 2024


Album Rating: 3.5

Love the review

February 21st 2024


Album Rating: 2.0

Great review well written. This album is pretty ass but Heavy always really got me.

February 21st 2024


Album Rating: 4.0

Lots of people find this album to be ass. I did on first listen, but it has become one of my favorite.

February 21st 2024


The one LP album I never finished but now I’ll have to check full

Staff Reviewer
February 21st 2024


Album Rating: 3.0

Great review! I was actually thinking of doing a retrospective on this at some point, as I've long seen it as overhated.

"This album is pretty ass but Heavy always really got me."

Yeah, Heavy is my favorite here. But I'm also biased, as it was the song that got me into the album in the first place

February 21st 2024


Album Rating: 4.0

heavy is up there but nobody can save me and the title track...oh my god. the title track. the day he passed i had that and leave out all the rest on loop, i was a sobbing crying mess for a solid week.

hell, it got so bad that i'm partly convinced the only thing keeping me from joining him was probably the fact that i had just gotten into the just cause 3 multiplayer mod and the guys that still played back then all had my back when it happened.

Contributing Reviewer
February 21st 2024


Album Rating: 2.5

Kiiara's leads on "Heavy" are the best part of that song. She should have done that entire song solo. Chester's parts, like most of this album, are ass. His tragic death doesn't change that, aside from adding some context to a few songs. Album isn't a 0/5 or a 1/5 but it's a pretty light 2.5 bordering on 2 upon re-listening

February 21st 2024


Album Rating: 4.0

Strongly disagree on Chesters parts being ass here. They are easily the best thing on the album but each to their own! This album has always been really divisive.

Contributing Reviewer
February 21st 2024


Album Rating: 2.5

well i meant on "Heavy" specifically. i think his vocals are passable to good thru-out the rest of the album

Staff Reviewer
February 21st 2024


Album Rating: 3.0

"Chester's parts, like most of this album, are ass."

February 21st 2024


Album Rating: 4.0

Kiira sounds better on Heavy yes agreed. She's got a great voice

Contributing Reviewer
February 21st 2024


Album Rating: 2.5

"His parts on Heavy, like most of the album", not "like most of his parts on the album"

there's a difference lol

Contributing Reviewer
February 21st 2024


Album Rating: 2.5

also OP wrote a great review. Pos'd

February 21st 2024


rip Chester

February 21st 2024


Album Rating: 4.0

Chester's voice wasn't perfect, but I feel like with hindsight being 20/20, this was probably the best he could muster up mentally. Sometimes when I'm struggling I can barely get out of bed let alone record a whole album. What we saw as "lack of fire" was a man at the end of his rope, barely hanging on. You can even tell with his final batch of shows. I can't be mean.

It reminds me of the late-era of Layne Staley in AIC. The imperfection and struggle made the MTV Unplugged and the self-titled a beautifully haunting experience. I kind of have that same feeling here. Any sort of "intellectual" discourse on this album's flaws becomes completely moot when you realize that it's less of an album, and more of a eulogy. It's messy, some ideas don't particularly work on their own, but god it hurts that it had to end like this...

February 21st 2024


Album Rating: 4.0

more of a eulogy

exactly how i see it

February 21st 2024


Album Rating: 2.0

didn't mike write most of the lyrics here?

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