Project Regeneration Vol. 2



by Simon K. STAFF
January 27th, 2024 | 27 replies

Release Date: 01/26/2024 | Tracklist

Review Summary: Collecting the scraps

For me, Static-X are the type of band you enjoy but don’t really have a strong opinion on. Wisconsin Death Trip and Machine are great albums (particularly the latter), but when Wayne was alive, they weren’t a band I flocked to when they released new music. The quality of their output proceeding Machine is an obvious indicator why, but generally there was always better industrial metal out there. Couple that with the fact Project Regeneration Vol. 1 was a posthumous release, which cobbled together bits and bats from Wayne’s vault, and it’s easy to understand why the record was such a surprising hit for many when it came out. I think most people would agree the album is the best thing to come from the band since Machine – with its sharp run time and lean, concise songwriting. It was an excellent album and one of the strongest metal albums to come out of 2020, with a lot of anticipation being put onto its impending successor.

Unfortunately, where Project Regeneration Vol. 1 was astute, punchy, and attentive when it came to showcasing Static-X’s strongest attributes, Project Regeneration Vol. 2 feels clumsy, bloated, and lacking in the magic that made the first volume so enthralling. Almost every track on Vol.1 was heavy and extremely memorable in some way, but here the album lacks charisma and notability. It sets off strong enough, with “Stay Alive” and “Z0mbie” being an effective one-two-punch that inherits the mechanical-chugging-juggernaut songwriting and premium melodies and hooks from last time, but once you get past that second track, everything sounds depressingly bland and homogenous right up until you get to “Disco Otsego” and “From Heaven”. Project Regeneration Vol. 2 is still a serviceable record, mind, with plenty of heavy moments and a punchy production to translate it all, but ultimately Vol.2 is engulfed in the shadow of its predecessor’s achievements. It’s something that crossed my mind at the time, but when you’re planning multiple volumes for a posthumous release, you run the risk of using up all your good ideas in one fell swoop – and particular prudence and pragmatism should be applied so that it doesn’t come to that. How much of this album is vaulted material I couldn’t say, but the obvious answer for this album’s sharp dip in quality is that the band utilised the best material and ideas for the first record and were left with the scraps for this one.

The comparisons are night and day, and even though the album is only a couple minutes longer than Vol.1 if you omit the bonus tracks, it drags tremendously. Personally, the band should have just made the one record – there’s nothing here that feels warranted in seeing the light of day; it’s just cookie-cutter industrial metal with none of the charm from last time. If you’re an avid fan of the band, you may find more to enjoy here than I did. For casual listeners and dabblers of Static-X like me, there’s not much here to recommend, and I don’t see much reason to revisit it again. As I said earlier, it’s competent in what it does, but it lacks the passion and soul Vol.1 had.

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January 27th 2024


Album Rating: 4.0

I disagree with your rating, but then I am the avid fan you mention in the review so that probably explains it.

It doesn't hit the highs of Vol 1. but there's a slightly slower, more crushing tone to a few of the songs here, as well as a small increase in melody & cleans - something which I've always enjoyed in Static-X's music.

I've got it currently penned in at a 3.9, so a weak 4.

January 27th 2024


Album Rating: 3.0

Great review. I like the first track a lot; the interlude on that one blends perfectly back into the return of the riffs towards the end. And the supporting music/percussion on track four is really excellent. I just wish the guitars were more developed (this goes for most of the album, like those following the interlude on the 1st track); it feels like their hearts aren’t really in it. I mean, I know chugga-chugga is the rule of the day for this kind of music, but I can barely hear the (limited) chord changes; and it dominates whenever it plays but is the least interesting part of the song. Like, they had a lot of fun writing the rest of the song, the vocals and the melodic bits and the percussive effects, but they knew they had to add a layer of chugga's to finish it because the music wouldn’t sound like Static-X without them. They just sound obligatory, not really inspired.

But I’m new to Static-X, so can’t say any of that with confidence. Just speculating

January 27th 2024


Album Rating: 3.5

I'd say it's a 3.5, this does feel kind of like the B-side compilation to Vol. 1. I liked it, but I'm generally lenient when it comes to this band. Also, Jic Boi should have been a bonus track - it's literally cobbled together from two previous Static-X songs.

January 27th 2024


Album Rating: 3.0

so how does this compare to vol 1

Staff Reviewer
January 27th 2024


Album Rating: 2.8

Yeah jic boi is probably the worst track on here I think. The hook is pretty naff.

Staff Reviewer
January 27th 2024


Album Rating: 2.8

And it compares poorly pika lol

January 27th 2024


Album Rating: 3.0

well fuck

I liked vol 1

Staff Reviewer
January 27th 2024


Album Rating: 2.8

Me too. I listened to it before this one, then had to listen to it again to palate cleanse

Staff Reviewer
January 28th 2024


Damn Gonz, you're on fire. I don't think I have space for industrial nu metal on my bag anymore at my age so gonna pass, but good read regardless!

Staff Reviewer
January 28th 2024


Album Rating: 2.8

thanks man. yeah, you're not missing much tbh. vol.1 is a fun spin if you haven't jammed that before today though

January 28th 2024


Liked Vol 1 but yeah, presumed this’d be diminishing returns. Vol 1 scraped for material in parts; I can only imagine how this one manages.

January 28th 2024


Album Rating: 4.0

I'm a big fan but yea vol 1 is a bit better.

January 28th 2024


Album Rating: 3.0

I’m heavily biased because Static-X is one of my favourite bands, but Vol.1 was a bit more cohesive

January 28th 2024


Album Rating: 3.0

Totally forgot this was coming, will have to give a listen later. Vol. 1 was their best work since the first two albums

January 29th 2024


Album Rating: 4.0

their best work

January 29th 2024


Album Rating: 3.0

Ok yeah this has its moments (Z0mbie goes hard) but definitely not as good as Vol 1. I am also rather disappointed that a couple of songs here are basically just alternate takes of already-released stuff. Also, mixing feels a little rougher here for some reason

Staff Reviewer
January 29th 2024


Album Rating: 2.8

completely agree will

January 29th 2024


going to have to jam again before rating but yeah it felt pretty lackluster with some cool moments trickled in

January 29th 2024


Album Rating: 3.0

Good review! Album is kind of what I expected.

January 29th 2024


Album Rating: 1.0

Not going to lie, I'm a huge fan of Wisconsin Death Trip and actually saw these guys way the hell back in 1998 and have a demo before that album dropped. Needless to say my teenage mind was blown. Still love the album to this day as it encompassed everything I loved about industrial/ metal. Everything after was complete dogshit. Don't know why I decided to give this a spin but I had regrets. That's all that needs to be said about this one trick pony.

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