Pure Nuclear Death



by BallsToTheWall USER (235 Reviews)
January 17th, 2024 | 8 replies

Release Date: 01/01/2023 | Tracklist

Review Summary: Rubbing acetone on open wounds.

Your body has been beaten and broken with nothing to show for it, your spirit long gone so you dip your hands into the acetone. To feel pain, to feel something at all in this pointless existence. Your primal scream resonates through the factory, frightening a few but to most its just another day at the office. After getting carelessly speared into the wall by an arm of a forklift, there is blood flowing everywhere and panic amongst the workers but the adrenaline keeps you from feeling fear or pain so the careless driver does you a solid and starts playing pure nuclear death.

Greeted by pure black metal intensity from the first track Absolute Terror, with it's blistering drums and bestial vocals, Pure Terror introduces you to the monstrosity of the album that lies ahead. The initial breakneck tempo which perfectly summarizes the feelings of the band displays unchecked hatred without remorse while pulling from a variety of influences, such as black metal, industrial, doom and power electronics to provide an unsettling but dynamic listening experience. the second track Pure Nuclear Death pulls no punches either, demonstrating a blackened industrial metal approach with thundering drums, crushing riffs and groovy basslines as an understated electronic influence adds to the pulverizing and gratuitous atmosphere. Casual Violence opens up in a Gnaw Their Tongues kind of way, grand but chaotic, with a slow distorted backdrop of pained screaming, mechanical sounds and a slower tempo that's just as ominous and masochistic as the faster sections. Voice samples provide another layer of haunting atmosphere as you're plunged into a world of suffocating darkness and decay, physically, mentally and emotionally. Fortified Mass Fungus is the album's longest track, coming in at 09:30, beginning with a "rather welcoming" introduction, a brief calm before the storm before plunging into a skin melting doom metal atmosphere with some plodding riffage and perfectly haunting electronics. The beating is slow and methodical this time around before picking up at the end to bludgeon your skull with numerous cheap shots from a crescent wrench. The final track Black Knight Satellite takes an approach that Godflesh and Blut Aus Nord fans would appreciate. With an eerie backdrop of grotesque vocals and the surrounding genre influences working together to make you feel at ease the track wants to make this as harsh of an experience as possible by manipulating tempos fluidly.

Pure Nuclear Death contains 6 tracks coming in at just over 36 minutes, providing enough ample time to get your spiritual healing in. Hate life? Hate yourself? Hate humanity? If not, that's great, if you do then that's ok too, just be constructive with your pain. Let the hatred and dark aura of this record influence your mind, heart and soul for the better. Feel the pain and channel it positively in yourself and everyone around you. Let it be cleansing.

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Comments:Add a Comment 
January 17th 2024


A poetic review. Not my type of music sadly

January 17th 2024


Album Rating: 4.0

Appreciate that, man. Hopefully this will reignite some

Fire in me.

January 19th 2024


great review!

January 19th 2024


Album Rating: 4.0

Hard jams Inc.

January 19th 2024


Great review I might give this a shot.

January 20th 2024


Album Rating: 3.5

Good stuff here Ballsy!

January 20th 2024


Album Rating: 4.0

Thanks fellas. Their whole discography is pretty killer.

Contributing Reviewer
February 28th 2024


Solid album and nice review, I have pos'd you, somehow I missed it earlier

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