Iggy Pop
Every Loser



by Tom R. CONTRIBUTOR (10 Reviews)
January 12th, 2023 | 11 replies

Release Date: 01/06/2023 | Tracklist

Review Summary: The more things stay the same, the more they stay the same.

Assessing the legacy of Iggy Pop is rather complicated. By and large, the veteran vocalist has mostly coasted off his innovative (and legendary) work in the late 60s and 70s with both The Stooges and his own solo career, popping up every three or four years since to deliver his own mediocre brand of whatever’s currently popular (or to my fellow Brits, advertise dodgy insurance companies). Fast forward then to 2016, and we get to Post-Pop Depression - the Josh Homme-produced career revival no one saw coming, with Iggy sounding fresh (for a man approaching 70 anyway), rejuvenated and ready for a late-career renaissance. Unfortunately, it’s looking more and more like that album was just a brief moment of inspiration.

Every Loser starts off reasonably decently with the two pre-released singles Frenzy and Strung Out Johnny, but quickly devolves into mediocre garage rock revivalism whose modernisation is almost entirely reliant on the occasional buried synth line in the background or nod to new wave aesthetics or songwriting. Those tracks that lean further into this style (New Atlantis, Comments, The Regency) end up being the half-bright spots across the record, at least in contrast to the recycled and generic golden oldies garage stylings of Modern Day Ripoff or the beyond awful Neo Punk. Iggy’s vocal performance across this record also contributes to its mediocrity - the bland monotony rarely showing even glimpses of the larger-than-life personality and brand he’s cultivated for himself over his half-century career.

The most prevalent issue however is lyrical rather than musical - the album is littered with the kind of vulgar sleazeball lyrics that sound ripped out of the mind of the creepy uncle at family reunions whom parents have to warn their teenage daughters about. The aforementioned black hole of artistic integrity Neo-Punk is a prime example of this, the seedy and distasteful refrain of “Got a cuss on my voice, I’m a neo punk // Got a spot on the voice, I’m a neo punk // Oh, ladies come and flash my junk” whilst repulsive, seems uncomfortably cultured next to the faux-adolescent barrage of crassness that is Frenzy, opening with such gems as “Got a dick and two balls, that’s more than you all // My mind will be sick if I suffer the pricks.”

Beyond these surface-level assessments there is little to discuss, because this album offers nothing beyond surface-level intrigue anyway. Where once there was optimism brewing around new Iggy Pop projects, it is now replaced with a dejected acceptance that this is likely the standard going forward. Maybe it’s too much to expect for a man in his mid-70s to be cognizant enough about the current musical landscape to release something more culturally relevant, but with Iggy’s success with his radio side gig championing new and exciting alternative sounds, it’s hard to explain Every Loser’s lack of inspiration.

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Comments:Add a Comment 
Contributing Reviewer
January 12th 2023


Album Rating: 2.0

Saw this already had a review just as I was finishing writing this, but hey, thought I'd throw in my thoughts too.

Might actually consistently review from now on, I definitely need the practice.

January 12th 2023




Storm In A Teacup
January 12th 2023


Album Rating: 3.0

Please do review Sint

January 12th 2023


not even one good record since 1979

Staff Reviewer
January 12th 2023


Album Rating: 3.0

You hit all the major points about this album, even though you were a little harsher than I was about it. There are times the lyrics are abysmal in ways I didn't think was possible for a guy whose been a professional songwriter for over half a century. Good writeup, Pos

January 12th 2023


Album Rating: 3.0

Listened to this album every day this last week and I def wouldn't lift my 3 rating...but things like the lyrics on 'Frenzy' have become funny over time to me, quite endearing

I'd say the whole album is 'quite endearing' which I get is maybe the worst thing you could say about a 'punk musician's album - I can't help but still like Iggy for recording this, I think his personality and shtick still translates here

Some of the choruses really do sound like 'My First Ever Chorus!' which I'd say is the most alarming thing about an album coming so late in a prolific artist's career

Contributing Reviewer
January 12th 2023


Album Rating: 2.0

cheers fellas

"even though you were a little harsher than I was about it."

probably tied to the fact i thought post-pop depression was really promising and could have been the start of a second golden age and that just hasn't happened, count me as jaded haha

"There are times the lyrics are abysmal in ways I didn't think was possible for a guy whose been a professional songwriter for over half a century."

honestly why i dropped my rating from a 2.5 to a 2, i can withstand to a certain degree a bit of uninspired rock but i don't want to be physically recoiling whilst doing so

i envy your ability to stomach it doof - i think maybe its a fair shout to call parts of it endearing and there are certainly worse ways to go as an old punk (the john lydon route) but it's just lazy and uninspired and desperately clinging on to the idea of youth which never really works out well

January 13th 2023


Album Rating: 3.0

Completely agree, the lyricism is garbage. Only the arrangements are interesting enough to salvage this album, Klinghoffer and co. did a good job

January 13th 2023


Album Rating: 2.5 | Sound Off

Ehh, I think it is better than a 3.

January 13th 2023


makes me laugh to think hordes of young people know him as the weird looking bendy insurance guy

February 2nd 2023


Album Rating: 3.5

this is actually a lot of fun

the lyricism here is nothing new for him so i don't get all the criticism

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