Moon Tooth



by figurehead of "built different" EMERITUS
May 20th, 2022 | 89 replies

Release Date: 2022 | Tracklist

Review Summary: All ye who enter, abandon all woe

Something about Moon Tooth seems to set music writers scrambling for the most breathless and far-flung points of reference they can find, and I honestly can't say I blame them (see: recommended by reviewer). This band has clearly steeped themselves in every corner of the hard rock canon, and their technical mastery means they have little trouble metabolizing whatever influences happen to catch their fancy, so naturally the sounds they come up with have a tendency to sound just a liiiiittle bit like a lot of things. This game of comparisons is ultimately a fool's errand, though, because what Moon Tooth accomplishes is so much more than a mere evocation of previous great American guitar bands, your ZZ Tops and your Van Halens and your Soundgardens and your Deftoneses. They bend any musical idea they concoct to their will with a touch totally distinct from any of their predecessors, as has every artist to truly breathe new life into their genre. If the Long Island quartet's third LP Phototroph proves anything, it's this— not only have Moon Tooth done their homework, they're the next goddamn assignment.

After Crux's flashes of politically-conscious lyricism and overtones of existential fear, and given all that has transpired since that album's release, it would make sense for Phototroph to double down on the angst and anger for an even darker follow-up. This couldn't be further from the case; the band has emerged from the turbulence of the past few years with some of the most joyful, life-affirming music of their career, packed full of vigor and studded with irresistible pop hooks. This rediscovered optimism finds its locus in frontman John Carbone, who has yet again made a quantum leap forward as a sonic presence. His lyrics, erudite as always, strike a balance between wrenching and resolute, never flinching away from the painful emotions he outlines. Yet his focus here rarely lands on the pain itself, opting instead to focus on overcoming pain, steeling yourself and soldiering onwards. Just listen to "Alpha Howl", a shockingly delicate and dynamic vocal performance cloaked in stormy metal might. It's the album’s most uncertain moment, but when Carbone builds into a full-volume roar at the end of each prechorus, the feeling is defiant, powerful, an aesthetic expression of agency. When the song finally opens into ringing, triumphant major chords and "impervious to sirens / no meandering," it feels like a truly hard-fought victory, and when the band drops back into the earthshaking intro riff afterwards, it's no longer a wave crashing over the listener, it's a wave we're riding on top of. On that tip, “The I That Never Dies” tempers its initial needling aggression into a liquid, undulating groove with an almost zen mantra sung overtop, while opener "I Revere" tightens its verse into frustrated knots before the chorus exalts "my heart's still beating / so I won't stop believing", directly invoking Journey’s all-time cheese classic while daring you to still take the emotional stakes seriously. It works, exhilaratingly so.

Any fans of the band’s wilder early work needn’t despair, though! For all of its gleaming melodic appeal, Phototroph ultimately belongs as much to guitarist Nick Lee as it does to Carbone. Here, Lee is a man on a mission, and that mission is to cram every square inch of every song with the smartest, coolest axework he can muster. Each riff and solo overflows with detail, and the guitar tones sound monstrously huge across the board. Early highlights include the full minute of shred that closes out “Back Burner” and the giddy NWOBHM licks peppered throughout the title track, but these are songs that promise to richly reward repeat listens, and moments that passed me by at first are already starting to shine in their own right, like the deftly-crafted atmosphere in “Grip on the Ridge”’s verses. Ray Marté and Vin Romanelli skillfully aid and abet throughout, providing their own distinct sensibilities to the band’s rhythm section without needlessly showing off or taking focus away from the songs themselves. Pay close attention and you’ll hear two gifted musicians elevating the music in subtle, thoughtful ways, but zoom out and it’s suddenly one unified and well-rounded whole.

It only speaks to the band's high standard of craftsmanship that, even with everything it does so right, Phototroph is still comfortably my least favorite Moon Tooth album to date. The faults are minor almost to the point of triviality, but they are there. The album lacks just a bit in the variety department, with the closest thing to a pace-breaker being the succinct power ballad “Grip on the Ridge”. Especially given the album’s focus on big, feel-good melodies, I couldn’t help but pine a bit for more explorations of the band's softer, spacier side, and their recent dalliances with mostly-acoustic arrangements easily could have served here as a welcome change of gears. Lee is fully absent as a lead vocalist for the first time too, and although there aren’t many places his screams would have fit comfortably, it’s a shame that many of Carbone’s finest vocal performances yet don’t get much to really contrast with. Lastly, second single “The Conduit” has been somewhat divisive amongst listeners, and not undeservedly so. While I can’t fairly call it a “bad” song, it’s certainly their most unwieldy and least thought-provoking creation, getting by on a catchy chorus and a clever third-act change-up while the simplistic main riff and fussy AAL-lite bridges mostly just come and go. The blown-out production cements it as a merely-good sore thumb sticking out of an otherwise-brilliant tracklist.

Slight imperfections notwithstanding, It’s a pleasure to be able to say that Moon Tooth have done it again, refining and bolstering their singular approach to songcraft and keeping things fresh in the process. These are 11 songs that sound nothing like any song the band has offered up before, despite sounding unmistakably like Moon Tooth. Phototroph has all the makings of a genuine breakthrough, or even a full-on crossover hit, the kind of bold, emotionally-driven rock that’s never truly gone out of style since its heyday. Lee has said he wants his band to be “the next Metallica”. This album makes those ambitions seem astonishingly feasible, but it also leaves a wealth of other paths available for further traversal— a full, beautiful spectrum of heavy music to pick and choose from. Whether they miraculously attain a mainstream success no rock band has seen in years or keep shoring up their reputation as darlings of the sequestered prog-metal scene, I’m already eager to see what Moon Tooth delivers next.

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Comments:Add a Comment 
May 20th 2022


Album Rating: 4.5 | Sound Off

Whew this one got a bit out of hand

Staff Reviewer
May 20th 2022


Album Rating: 4.0

Sweet review, album slays!

Contributing Reviewer
May 20th 2022


Album Rating: 4.0

glad this got a review. one of my fave discoveries this year

May 21st 2022


Album Rating: 4.5 | Sound Off

Thanks sunny! I always worry I'm not doing this band justice when I write about em so I'm glad it reads well

Great to hear ashcrash! so glad to see these guys gaining more of an actual following, they absolutely deserve it

May 21st 2022


Album Rating: 4.5 | Sound Off

I love this album, glad it got a review on here.

The first paragraph is absolutely spot-on too. When I was listening to this album my partner thought the singer was very similar to Ozzy but to my ears he sounds much closer to Lajon from sevendust

May 21st 2022


Album Rating: 4.0 | Sound Off

Good review Kompy and i agree with most of what you've said. This is likely true must consistent album and is excellent overall, but i wasnt wowed by anything the way j was by igneous or trust or even awe

May 21st 2022


Album Rating: 4.0

Awesome review! I’m a complete sucker for their debut LP. I think I’d rank this album just a hair below that, and right next to Crux. I think I prefer the overall “bright” and positive vibe of this one, compared to Crux

Nick is now one of my favorite active guitarists. I’m glad that they were able to put him in a position to drive their sound throughout the album, even with a more streamlined and less-proggy focus

May 22nd 2022


When they get the explosive riffage to catchy chorus ratio right this band is unstoppable

May 22nd 2022


Album Rating: 4.0 | Sound Off

Alpha Howl, Carry Me Home, and the T/T are the clear highlights for me. The middle of the album drags just a bit though, except for Nymphaeaceae.

May 22nd 2022


Album Rating: 4.0

The opener is such a jam. Most of the singles were the weakest tracks for me, so I was pleasantly surprised for that to be the case

May 22nd 2022


Album Rating: 4.0 | Sound Off

First three songs go hard, but not as hard as Trust. I swear that song was one of the best openers of the decade.

May 22nd 2022


Album Rating: 3.5

good album

May 23rd 2022


Album Rating: 4.0

This might be metal album of the year for me so far. Moon Tooth just doesn't disappoint.

May 23rd 2022


Horrible take incoming: listened through this album and for some reason the vocals were consistently giving me nickelback vibes. Really dig the instrumentals though.

Staff Reviewer
May 23rd 2022


Album Rating: 4.0

Look at this phototroph...

Not sure I see it, haha

May 23rd 2022


Album Rating: 4.0

I don't get it either. Better than Crux IMO

May 23rd 2022


Album Rating: 4.0

Alpha Howl thoooooo

May 23rd 2022


Album Rating: 4.5 | Sound Off

"When I was listening to this album my partner thought the singer was very similar to Ozzy"

Interesting, I'd never thought to make that comparison (even when they covered "changes"!)

May 24th 2022


Not familiar with this band but that cover art is fantastic. Great review also. The writing here really inspired me to take a listen right now

May 24th 2022


Album Rating: 4.0 | Sound Off

I'm settling on a 4 after initially thinking 3.5. Excellent record.

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