Full of Hell
Garden of Burning Apparitions



by cvlts USER (90 Reviews)
October 7th, 2021 | 10 replies

Release Date: 2021 | Tracklist

Review Summary: Diminishing Returns

Full of Hell - Garden of Burning Apparitions

There’s no denying the body of work that Full of Hell have created has been nothing short of impressive. In a genre designed to burn out even some of the most established veterans, at any point in the past twelve years Full of Hell seem capable of tapping into a new vein of creativity and destruction: now five official full-length LPs, two collab LPs with Portland weirdos The Body, one collab with the noise GOAT himself Merzbow, countless EPs, splits, mixtapes, and live albums. What has started out as a small sludge-influenced powerviolence band buried deep in the depths of A389 Recordings have now become some of the leading torchbearers of extreme metal.

Their latest offering on their fifth LP, Gardens of Burning Apparitions, continues upon a cacophonous aural tidal wave that began with their collaboration with Merzbow many years prior. While never shying away from noise as a musical genre, the split has been a watershed moment for the group, as nearly every release (collaborations with The Body excluded) has been some sort of tribute or attempt to one-up it in some way. Perhaps the admittedly tempered reviews of the split have galvanized the group to fully cultivate that particular sound even further, or perhaps becoming forever associated with their musical idol have shed some clarity on their career path as a collective, but what has become clear is that the same band that created Rudiments of Mutilation are much different than the one that dropped Trumpeting Ecstasy four years later.

Having established that, it should come as no surprise that Full of Hell refuse to coddle the listener on Gardens of Burning Apparition. Opening track “Guided Blight” sees the group at their most manic: vocalist Dylan Walker somehow finds another high gear in his demonic banshee screams and gutturals, guitarist Spencer Hazard pummeling riff after riff, while drummer David Bland continues to prove why he’s the one of the most talented behind the kit. It’s a perfect conglomeration of technical prowess and blind fury, aspects only a well-oiled veteran group can execute to near perfection. The hammering further continues well into the LP. “Reeking Tunnels” sees Full of Hell delving into post-hardcore influenced industrial tones and is the welcome kind of experimentation that shows creativity and ingenuity. More of that, please.

Ultimately, though, if what you’re reading sounds like a rehashed review of Weeping Choir it would be hard to blame you.

“Murmuring Foul Springs” has some interesting ideas, especially with the inclusion of a clarinet riff, though you would be hard pressed to remember anything else about the quick hitter. The saxophone outro thrown in on “Urchin Thrones” is such a fast sampler that it leaves the listener fiending for more only to quickly discover the full extent ends there: half-baked ideas that seem poised to break the monotony only to quickly dive into the next track. The aptly titled noise track “Derelict Satellite” stands monolithic in its three-minute length, surrounded by quick one-minute jabs of grind. Not nearly so much a respite in the chaos, but more of a nuisance to get to the next assault. Can’t wait for that track to be played at a show near you…

With few exceptions, nearly every aspect of Garden of Burning Apparition continues upon the path made since Full of Hell’s split with Merzbow. Is there intensity? Absolutely. Will your face melt? Think the album artwork of Trumpeting Ecstasy (that’s a “fuck yes”). But this all becomes standard rote material for Full of Hell. An album fixating on one-upping every release since with diminishing returns on each. That’s not to say that Full of Hell are running out of ideas: far from it. Little spurts of ingenuity are present throughout the album and continue to show that there are still masterpieces to be made in this vein of music. But until then, continue to be satiated with the twelve-track offering that is Garden of Burning Apparitions… and every album before it.

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Aaaaand there goes your head....

Comments:Add a Comment 
October 7th 2021


Album Rating: 3.0 | Sound Off

Apologies if this review comes off as ranting or meandry, especially the first couple paragraphs.

I've been following these guys' whole career and am truly fascinated in the directions they go in each release but feel like they've found a niche over the past couple years and have been constantly tapping into it with slightly diminished results. I know my opinion seems to be the minority on this site (weird), but I've been doing this long enough to be comfortable in it.

That said, still love these guys and will continue to support them.

Sorry for attempting to fuck the 3.8 algorithm

October 7th 2021


Album Rating: 3.0

good review, kinda feel the same. thought i’d give this a 3.5 like the rest of their stuff but initial listens left me a little underwhelmed. will see if it grows

October 7th 2021



October 7th 2021


Album Rating: 4.0

Nice review. My favourites are the Merzbow collab and debut, ez.

October 7th 2021


Album Rating: 3.0 | Sound Off

Roots of Earth will always have a special place in my heart... The White Mare followed by Dregs of Pluto ooooooooooooff

Staff Reviewer
October 7th 2021


Album Rating: 3.0

Good job. Pos'd

October 7th 2021


Album Rating: 4.0 | Sound Off

dante with the fire ouch lol

October 7th 2021


Album Rating: 3.0 | Sound Off

this life is ooof

Staff Reviewer
October 8th 2021


Great review cvlts! You definitely rise perfectly valid points up there.

October 8th 2021


3.8 fuck yeah

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