If nobody has decided yet on a 'greatest record of the 2000 era', I do
believe I have quite a contender.
Pop rock does not get any better than this. Usually the generic type of music under this genre is great the first time you hear it, you know, easily something you can dance to. And sing along. Pop Rock artists rely alot on their singles to get their 15 minutes of fame and enough paychecks to cash it in and lay on their asses the rest of their musical career. This is what I've seen of the majority. Mew does not play for the pay, as they are a different breed entirely of the pop rock artist. Their natural habitat does not lay on MTV and hanging on 13 year old's walls. It is in the studio, and their own minds. Mew draws much of their intensely genius influence from such bands as Radiohead, Pixies, Queen, and Modest Mouse. There are hints of Pink Floyd, and a few drops of Prince. The slightest bit. What is so unique and special about these masters of melodics though, is that they never cease creating it. The entirety of their songs are nonstop melody, 1000 volt charges of it. So if you enjoy it, as the sound of Mew's music flows through your ears it will eventually reach your bloodstream, become a part of you, and settle down in holy matrimony with your soul. Its that beautiful. You should try it, sometime.
The real ear opener about this album is probably its lyrical work. The vocals really shine here, and the stuff they sing only proves to strengthen that. Greatly. If you've any interest in melody then
Frengers is imperitive for your collection. That is the driving train-like aspect of this - it is no doubt pure pop, but the very potent kind. The stuff that, when listened to, creates a euphoric atmosphere and increases the optimistic pleasure you probably already have, for giving a band named Mew a shot. Now we all know, in order to produce nice rock work you cannot solely rely on your obvious and underrated vocal talent. You need to know how to play an instrument or two. Mew can do this, and knows how to incorporate several different sounds into one song to make it flow. That's defenitley one of the first aspects of
Frengers you'll immediatley realize. It sounds different, but not so foriegn so that its impossible to understand, and now that you notice this you can get comfortable and let it unleash its steady power upon your mind.
What it is about this album that will perhaps cross your mind is the thought, "Is this alternative, or pop that I'm listening to?" Well, remember that Mew is from Denmark. A different view on music exists in every country. This album does not sound of this land (speaking of the US), and has quite an Icelandic/European vibe to it (Iceland is not Denmark, I know). Gives me the idea of what I'd expect of something out of Oslo. There is a strong stage presence you can sense hearing this. A stage dimly lit by the stars and hanging lights at midnight, with the speakers relaying melodic beauty over the crowd's heads, all eyes glued on the band, listening intently.
There is not only foriegn substance to this, but an electrifying mellow mood (contradiction? I think not). It sounds like Mew is trying their best to be happy and upbeat, building music with what they can, in a very depressing surrounding. The enviornment being the instrumental, and the optimism is heard through the vocal display. There is one sound, and a million others on
Frengers. Mew is trying to break out of sadness, and rain, and reach that musical love that they long for. The goal of the singer(s) is so close, yet so depressingly far away. Translating this album is enthralling. Thats what genius does to one's mind.
As stated beforehand Mew is undoubtedly influenced by Radiohead, so naturally as anybody who listens to them knows their music is not instant gratification. Some crowd pleasers, but nothing that will grab you by the ears and suck you into your headphones. Let it grow. This album is a flower. Its so cute and miniscule at first, nothing you haven't seen before but it has that unique detail that every flower does. You know despite the fact that it looks alike its siblings, it will flourish to be its own plant. Like this album, you know it has awesome potential, but if you don't let it prosper in your own ears you won't experience it in full. It's like pulling the flower out of the ground before it blooms. You wouldn't do that after you worked to plant it and grow it to what it is now, right? You wouldn't give up on an album after you exchanged actual cash for it (hah), right? Or simply the time you used in listening to it should not be wasted, especially when you know for a fact that it could become a pleasurable item later on.
So don't run away after your first try. If your a fan of Alternative or beautiful ballad-like music, I could see this easily landing a spot in your future top 5. But you need to decipher it, and love it; never stop listening to it. I'm not trying to convey to you that this will be of no pleasure first time around, 'cause thats scarily untrue. I want you to listen to:
Snow Brigade
She Came Home For Christmas
Comforting Sounds
Am I Wry? No
Guitar/Vocals: Jonas Bjerre
Guitars: Bo Madsen
Bass: Johan Wohlert
Drums: Silas Utke Graae Jørgensen