Album Rating: 3.5 | Sound Off
First attempt at a one paragraph rev, please let me know if it's absolute garbage thx.
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Album Rating: 1.5
Not a bad review
expecting this to be a bad album though
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Album Rating: 4.0
Ever since discovering this band a year ago I was surprised at how well they can fit into these different genre molds over their career, and this album is no exception. I liked the single "Sinner" and thought it was catchy but was worried that it would be one of the only highlights because I didn't care for Hell all that much.
I definitely like this, I don't know if I'll keep it at a 4 though. It's got its high and low points like most albums do, but the highs are really stellar; The only songs I'm not really digging are Hell, Fear, Saint, and Epiphany.
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Album Rating: 2.0
I don’t mind Fear and Pure and the closer lyrics are good, that’s about it. Overall I’m dissapointed
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Album Rating: 3.5
While I may agree with the rating (not sure yet), the lyrics really make the album for me and there is no mention of them.
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Album Rating: 3.5 | Sound Off
I've always liked James' lyrics, but here they feel a bit rehashed. it's all well written stuff, though he's been writing about the exact same things for a long time now and there's no 'saved' or 'like a ghost' here.
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Album Rating: 3.5 | Sound Off
Decent review, short and sweet. I'm digging this at the moment, not sure how well it will stand the test of time, but for now it's good
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Album Rating: 3.5
I think the lyrics here are some of the strongest and darkest he ever wrote, with Hell being one of my favourites. Epiphany also has a really emotional punch to it. But now that you stole my fame I'm not motivated enough to finish my review lol
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Album Rating: 1.0 | Sound Off
You dig this then you’ve sold yourself out to the capitulated, gentrified, corporate sheen of rock music.
You are the antithesis of rock n rolls core.
You strive against nothing, have no purposeful ideals and are a simple malleable tool controlled by the mindless to do nothing but consume.
You’ve been lied to your entire life and you look for this to answer the unanswerable?
The first answer is provided by seeing this for what it is. What it truly is.
A whopping great pile of cunt.
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Album Rating: 3.5 | Sound Off
yeah agreed loliphant, epiphany is def a lyrical highlight. do finish your review tho, would love to read it n this is really only an extended sound off (and not exactly one of my best reviews lmao)
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Album Rating: 4.0
lmao calm the fuck down zak
people on this site need to realize you can enjoy music without needing some deeper meaning behind it
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Album Rating: 1.0 | Sound Off
Reading, writing, listening. Things that you should never consume.
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Album Rating: 1.0
Wow, this band is dead
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Album Rating: 3.5
Band never claimed this to be rock, they even stated being scared of alienating old fans with this album because it's so poppy.
@ JesperL
So far I only wrote the intro where I state what defines this bands sound for me, nothing specifically on the album itself anyway. But major points of my review would have been the dark and authentic lyrics (prime example "Epiphany" because these are cravings many can relate to when getting older, but can never achieve), how they managed to make a pop song sound so uniquely moody like "Hell" (one of my favourites) or "Evil" and basically the overall listening experience that feels honest and fun but also very insightful and thought provoking. Negative aspects would have been that some tracks are kept rather simple and even remind me of something I've already heard in the past but can't remember (that synth sounds on "Fear" sound so familiar?!), while others are actually fun but kinda feel restrained where they could have gone a little bit further (end of "Worship"). Biggest downside is the overuse of studio effects where they feel unnecessary, making the album feeling overproduced at times. That's what bothers me the most, especially since it detracts from James vocal skills.
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Album Rating: 3.5 | Sound Off
I remember James tweeting about having nervous breakdowns before Sinner's release. I respect the fact that they don't pretend to be anything they're not a lot and didn't call this record something along the lines of 'save rock and roll'.
lolifant, ah okay! fully agree on hell, love that track. some tracks could definitely have been cut and I think it sounds familiar because every damn band uses the type of synths this one utilises quite a bit.. for me it's mainly evil that's too safe/familiar and just pure (lol) filler
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Album Rating: 3.5
I think Pure is okay but Heaven sounds quite weird and a bit too churchy lol
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Album Rating: 3.5 | Sound Off
not sure what happened here but see my response.. above lmao.
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Album Rating: 3.5
Yeah nevermind haha
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Album Rating: 1.0
Is this supposed to sound like piss weak pop punk crossed with Maroon 5?
And if so why is that?
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Album Rating: 3.5
people giving this a 1 never have heard a 1 album or even a 1.5
but it's not death metal so fuck it
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