Six Feet Under



by SomeGuyDude USER (36 Reviews)
July 9th, 2018 | 21 replies

Release Date: 2018 | Tracklist

Review Summary: Unremarkable, unnecessary, unoffensive.

I'm fully aware the word is "inoffensive," but I wanted to get the un- motif, okay? Okay.

Six Feet Under has always been something akin to getting a meal at Sheetz for me (if you live up in the right area). Of course it's kinda trash, but it's pretty damn satisfying a lot of the time. I rather like the more "rock and roll" death metal vibe that SFU pumps out, and after liking pretty much everything from Undead onward, I was pretty stoked to see a new album pop up on my list.

Allllllll right, so. This is a compilation of unreleased tracks from the Undead/Unborn/Torment sessions (no Crypt for some reason), and Chris Barnes has stated proudly in interviews that "the songs are all in their rawest and earliest form." Now, listening to SFU in general is kind of a crap shoot to begin with. There aren't a ton of bands that have a disparity that wide between their best and worst material, so the idea of pulling out all the songs that didn't make the cut definitely puts one on edge and while some of these tracks are pretty damn good, it's obvious that there was a reason they weren't featured on their respective album.

I admit, I was ready to give this a flat 1.0 from the opening track. Violent Blood Eruption has some of the most garbage production I have ever heard in death metal. It is absolutely atrocious. Zero bass to the mix whatsoever, and not in a cool black metal Paysage D'Hiver way, more like the guy producing it was using a set of Beats and tried to make it sound balanced with them. The song is bland to begin with (surprise!) so garbage production makes it a legitimately unpleasant listen. The second track is... slightly better, but weirdly hollow and still thin sounding despite the bass being present. The production bounces around throughout, but is at least passable outside of, for some reason, the last track. I have no idea why they bookended this album with the worst-sounding songs, but there you go.

Reviewing a SFU under almost feels like a formality, because in terms of songcraft they're about as meat and potatoes as it gets. Every song has a basic stomp to it, midpaced compositions with very few frills, but again that's the reason I've always liked them. When Gore Hungry Maniac kicks in, that old feeling of fun and simple death metal kicks in again. It's worth saying that Barnes' vocals are as torched and barely functional as ever, but again. Part of the charm. Some might say they conflict with the music, I say they complement it. The only issue is that none of the songs give much reason for existing. Each one very much sounds like a b-side rather than a hidden gem. A compilation of unreleased tracks should be "we didn't have room for these awesome songs," not obvious chaff that got culled.

The only real standout is As the Dying Scream, which was composed by Jeff Hughell, the bassist from Brain Drill and other really off-kilter tech death projects. It doesn't sound nearly that off-kilter, but it has enough variety to make it stand out from the pack in a good way. Other than that, there's just no need for this to exist.

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Comments:Add a Comment 
July 9th 2018


Album art is so similar to one of the previous albums I couldn't tell this was new

July 9th 2018


Album Rating: 1.5 | Sound Off

Sheetz food isn't great but at least they sell Krispy Kremes there. No such silver linings for this band lol.

July 9th 2018


Album Rating: 2.0

"Album art is so similar to one of the previous albums I couldn't tell this was new"

It's actually a melding of Unborn and Undead's art, to signify that it's a new album. Well, "new" album.

July 9th 2018


Album Rating: 1.5 | Sound Off

it's actually just a compilation of b-side shit, but there's no diff between the two so the confusion is entirely understandable.

July 9th 2018


Chris Barnes is a pussy

July 9th 2018


I mean these guys haven’t done anything worth listening to since their debut..................

July 9th 2018


Album Rating: 1.5

Ahaaaaaaaa this fucking band

Hard to believe this guy did fucking Tomb of the Mutilated

July 10th 2018


Album Rating: 1.5

I'm debating not listening to it and giving it a 1

July 10th 2018


Album Rating: 1.5 | Sound Off

it's not actually *that* bad... it's just a mishmash of stuff that doesn't work together.

July 10th 2018


Album Rating: 1.5 | Sound Off

ye but it's not like torsofuck bad

July 10th 2018


Album Rating: 1.5

Oh my God it's so bad already

July 10th 2018


Album Rating: 2.0

Like I said, I was gonna just straight up 1.0 it from the first track and the second didn't help, but after that I found enough to enjoy that all I can say is it's bad but not atrocious.

Granted, the fact that this dude has been making music since the 80s and still doesn't seem to get better at it is hilarious.

July 10th 2018


Just bury them again..

July 10th 2018


Album Rating: 1.5

Yeah it gets a little better as it goes on but I'm thinking 1.5

I feel bad because Chris Barnes Twitter account is adorable af with all of his crying laughing emojis so I want to 5 it but I can't :-(

July 10th 2018


Could make a better drum sound with a biscuit tin and a pringles tube

July 10th 2018


RAH RAH RAH RAH chugga chugga guitar solo RAHHHHh. End of song.

Seriously the first song is like 2 minutes long. Also how come some songs sound like they were differently produced than the others? The first few songs are OK but then the production goes downhill as it goes on. Bizarre.

July 10th 2018


Album Rating: 2.0

I mean, like I said in the review, it's because this is a collection of unreleased tracks done during sessions for three separate albums.

And yeah, I really WANT to like them more than I do, because I like Chris himself. I follow him on Twitter, he engages with fans and seems like a genuine guy, plus when they hit it right I think the music is super fun. But man, when it misses, it's just painful.

I might be generous, hell I almost went 2.5 because it's a compilation of b-sides so it shouldn't be held to the standard of a regular album, but in the end... neh.

July 11th 2018


quality band
reusing their 5 year old cover
think thats enough to know about their quality

July 11th 2018


Yeah even I was trolling him on there and he sent me '';)'' for some reason in reply. I do make fun of the band. I think their only decent album is Death Rituals.

July 11th 2018


Album Rating: 1.5

"And yeah, I really WANT to like them more than I do, because I like Chris himself. I follow him on Twitter, he engages with fans and seems like a genuine guy, plus when they hit it right I think the music is super fun. But man, when it misses, it's just painful."

Same. I just want to hug the fellow.

"Yeah even I was trolling him on there and he sent me '';)'' for some reason in reply. I do make fun of the band. I think their only decent album is Death Rituals. "

That's adorable lol - but Maximum Violence is also a dope record, dude

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