According to ancient Mayan beliefs, Au Puch was the God of Death and ruler of the lowest level of Hell. Destruction surrounded him, and everything around him lay dead before he left. It is an appropriate name for the opening track of the crushing debut EP from Merrimack Valley (Boston, more or less) based Shipwreck. Featuring current members of Hammer Bros and Shere Khan, and Ex-members of Guns Up!, you can get a sense of the sound by just looking at the line up. Devestating, hateful, and oh so bitter are all proper descriptions of this brief work of art.
The album kicks off with a surprising flamenco chord progression on an acoustic guitar. It is apparent at this point that they are far more than another run of the mill hardcore band. After a brief flamenco lick, the vocals come in. Though slightly over produced, they are still brutal and fitting. The chord progression is unlike any other hardcore progression I've heard. The flamenco feel is kept, with some breaks into another riff, which then falls back into the flamenco feel. A strong Integrity influence is apparent, especially on this track. A somewhat standard heavy "chug chug" outro ends the song, with lyrics about your rotting carcass and a soulless being, you know from the beginning that this band has a future in hardcore.
The unqiue, Integrity influenced riffs continue throughout the album, as do the nihilistic lyrics and the abhorrent vocal attack. With such lines as
I don't believe in anything at all except my hate, because it's the only thing with me every fucking day
, you truly get a sense of the anguish and burning hatred that makes this record so powerful and relateable. From that first devestating riff to the final drum fill, this release is truly memorable, and has established Shipwreck as one of the biggest upcoming bands in hardcore.
Shipwreck are currently on a full USA tour, and will be on another later this summer. They have recently signed to hardcore powerhouse, Deathwish Inc., so keep your ear out for the sure-to-be classic full length out this year.