Linkin Park
Minutes to Midnight



by DropTune USER (65 Reviews)
March 19th, 2018 | 69 replies

Release Date: 2007 | Tracklist

Review Summary: Meh...

Linkin Park is one of the most celebrated acts in recent history. Their blend of mainstream rock and hip-hop elevated them above the rest. Linkin Park was simply a band people liked. No matter what genre listeners preferred, I’d always find at least one Linkin Park song on their playlist. It’s hard to describe why people liked them so much. Bands would come and go out of the spotlight, yet in Linkin Park’s case, they remained in the same position. Backtracking over ten years (yes, it has been that long), Linkin Park was on the rise. Hybrid Theory and Meteora captivated audiences worldwide. Linkin Park got big fast and understandably took some time off after their second outing. This only fueled the anticipation as to what their third installment would be. After all, over a year in the making means Minutes to Midnight *must* be good.

Hype has a tendency to kill things before they start. I would attribute most of Minutes… disappointment to the infinitely high standards held by LP’s faithful. Can’t say I blame the fans. Linkin Park was capable of striking gold twice in a row: why not a trifecta? However, Minutes to Midnight was off from the start. Firstly, the album name is a reference to nuclear warfare. That right there is out of place for a Linkin Park album. I remember reading Watchmen and seeing the doomsday clock at 11:59 and thinking something bad is about to happen. I never thought I’d be thinking the same about a Linkin Park album. The stranger part is how unfitting the title is. Nothing in Minutes to Midnight has anything to do with nukes or superheroes. Hell, nothing in the album really works anyways.

‘Hands Held High’ is about the closest listeners will get to war, but even so, that’s a generous comparison. ‘Hands Held High’ is more of a ‘let’s pick on Bush’ track than anything as advanced as Hiroshima. It’s hard to really base an album off of a state of affairs track, but its clear Linkin Park wasn’t aiming for anything more than a catchy title. Not to mention ‘Hands Held High’ is the most insignificant song on the album, but more on that later. ‘What I’ve Done’ was the lead single for Minutes to Midnight and true motive of the album. What do fans notice about ‘What I’ve Done?’ Well, obviously it’s not nu-metal. The song has a solo, inspiring theme, and light atmosphere. This isn’t the Linkin Park we’re used to, but it’s too early to judge. Finally, a few months later, Minutes to Midnight hit the shelves and we got what we expected.

Don’t let ‘Given Up’ fool you; that’s about as heavy as Minutes… will get. No longer will we come one step closer to breaking the habit, rather, we’ll have no more sorrow about what I’ve done. The entire purpose of Minutes to Midnight is to move as far away from nu-metal as possible. Now that you think about it, that’s the point of every album after. Hmm… some food for thought right there. In numerous interviews, the band would often state how classic rock and hip-hop were the grounds for which Minutes… was built. By classic rock they mean U2. For hip-hop, well, they really mean Mike Shinoda. Most of the album feels like U2 weaseled their way in somewhere during the recording. ‘What I’ve Done’ has that soft rock melodic feel. ‘Shadow of the Day’ has a moody contemporary vibe U2 sometimes employs. Most of the album has that general ‘stand-up-speak-out’ notion Bono is most famous for. For what it’s worth, Chester Bennington even started dressing like him.

Minutes to Midnight’s music is one of the records faults. Although it’s a lot different than its predecessors, that doesn’t mean it’s good. The record shifts between alternative, punk, and contemporary. It doesn’t stand out from anything else released in 2007. The music blends in and sounds exactly like what every single alt-rock band was doing. I swear if listeners blasted ‘No More Sorrow’ or ‘What I’ve Done’ and listened to any alt song after, there would be no difference. Minutes to Midnight goes out of its way to incorporate every 2000’s rock trend into an album and make it theirs. Minutes… is like a time capsule of every popular rock sound of 2007. It’s sad actually because this is one of the few albums Brad Delson doesn’t play in the background. Guitar is prominent on most of Minutes… tracks. The riffs are just forgettable. Remember the riff from ‘Valentine’s Day?’ No? What about the solo from ‘In Pieces?’ Damn, that’s rough. What about the breakdown from ‘In Between?’ That’s a trick question, but who even remembers anyways?

Minutes to Midnight has no character. Everything is bland, generic, and lifeless. Finishing the album is like a chore. There’s nothing past the eighth track worth staying for. In fact, I’m positive few listeners actually cared enough to listen past ‘No More Sorrow.’ Minutes to Midnight is two-thirds complete. There are 12 tracks and only 8 are what people came to hear. There’s also a weird tonal shift throughout the album. Minutes… tries to be energetic and lively, but more than half the songs drag the tone. It’s very inconsistent because Minutes to Midnight was marketed to be some kind of pit-starting rock album and half of the record are ballads. If Delson isn’t chugging power chords or vocal melodies, in comes a string orchestra and a sad Bennington voice. Still, I’d love to see a wall of death during ‘Shadow of the Day.’

Really, the only way to describe Minutes to Midnight is Linkin Park made an alternative album. It’s not a good or bad album, it’s just okay. If any other band released a record like this, anyone would have been fine with it. The fact Linkin Park, being the “unique” it group of the era, released something as average as this makes the impact harsher. You go from their first two albums that had a lot of character and raw energy to ‘Bleed it Out’ and ‘No More Sorrow.’ Listeners could hear Linkin Park trying to have the same edge as Hybrid Theory in those songs, but they played it safe and awkwardly. I get a lot of people liked this album, and more power to you, but I don’t find it worthy of the defense it gets. Fans feel justified in ripping apart “haters” of Minutes…. They feel we either hate it because it’s not nu-metal or don’t understand the ‘complex message’ of the album. Speaking of message, what was the theme of Minutes to Midnight? Am I the only one who didn’t get the overall meaning? It’s a tossup between redemption and depression. Wait, no, that can’t be right. That’s the same as every other –

In Linkin Park’s quest to separate from the past, they paved an unclear path to their future. Instead of Minutes to Midnight being a musical achievement demonstrating their diversity in styles, they dropped a painfully average bout that lowered expectations. Nothing in Minutes… works enough to make me actually care about it. The album hasn’t aged well nor has it any lasting effect on the band as a whole. Everyone forgot about the album after Linkin Park’s electronic phase that lasted 4 years. Minutes to Midnight wasn’t memorable enough to be bad or good enough to mention. It’s destined for purgatory by being so painfully average. Minutes… wasn’t made to impress people by any means. It was a poorly spoken statement to fans on where they’re going. It wasn’t a goodbye to nu-metal, rather a nasty divorce from it. Minutes to Midnight wasn’t a good or bad album – just an album that’s given up.

Standout Tracks
Leave Out All the Rest

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1 of
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Comments:Add a Comment 
March 19th 2018


Album Rating: 4.5

The stranger part is how unfitting the title is. Nothing in Minutes to Midnight has anything to do with nukes or superheroes.

The time of the doomsday clock is determined by the state of global nuclear affairs and, starting with the recording of the album, the state of global warming. Around the time of the album’s recording, the clock was set at 5 minutes to midnight which was the closest it had been to midnight since the 80s. I, too, think the album title is too a grand of a statement for the themes of the album but I see its purpose with it being the statement for the band’s change in both subject matter and sound.

No longer will we come one step closer to breaking the habit, rather, we’ll have no more sorrow about what I’ve done.

This really made me cringe, not because you used song title by the band to form a sentence but because it, frankly, poorly forms a coherent sentence while using song by the band.

Now that you think about it, that’s the point of every album after. Hmm… some food for thought right there.

Does the band not have the right to experiment and evolve their sound? And what does that not make The Hunting Party, which is quite literally a nu metal album made in the 2010s? The rhetorical question is phrased rather patronizingly, if you want the reader to agree or sympathize your opinion in a review, the last thing you want to do is belittle the reader or make them feel less intelligent compared to you.

March 19th 2018


Album Rating: 4.5

In numerous interviews, the band would often state how classic rock and hip-hop were the grounds for which Minutes… was built. By classic rock they mean U2. For hip-hop, well, they really mean Mike Shinoda.

The band has always been influenced by classic rock and hip hop. Obviously, now that the band had moved onto a much less heavier sound, they’re going to cherry pick what of those influences they’ll utilize for the recording. I can get and totally understand your criticisms of a lot of songs on the album being far too U2 influenced to be recognized as totally original, tho. However, you make it seem like the entire album is a U2 rip-off when you’ve clearly stated earlier in the review that Given Up is a pretty heavy song and, frankly, the only U2 sounding songs on the album are Leave Out All the Rest and Shadow of the Day. And your point with What I’ve Done sounding like U2 is the fact that it is a melodic “soft rock” song? I feel like the part of this paragraph would benefit much better if you could flesh out the U2 comparisons instead of providing a two song laundry list.

it doesn’t stand out from anything else released in 2007. The music blends in and sounds exactly like what every single alt-rock band was doing.

Idk, doesn’t sound like Muse, My Chemical Romance, The National, Arcade Fire or In Rainbows to me... Was every alternative band, mainstream and not, just ripping off U2? Such a statement is like saying every Norwegian black metal album in the mid-90s all sound the same just cos they all use terrible production and basic tremelo picked guitar riffs on top of simplistic blast beats.

The riffs are just forgettable. Remember the riff from ‘Valentine’s Day"’ No" What about the solo from ‘In Pieces"’ Damn, that’s rough. What about the breakdown from ‘In Between"’ That’s a trick question, but who even remembers anyways"

Dunno, I actually remember all of those quite well. Again, being patronizing in a review is the worst thing you can do. Also, the site lately seems to have a tendency to replace question marks with quotation marks after you publish them, so watch out for that.

March 19th 2018


Album Rating: 4.5

There’s nothing past the eighth track worth staying for.

Damn not even Little Things Give You Away? Best song on here imo and it’s the most successful attempt at a political song on here.

Minutes to Midnight is two-thirds complete. There are 12 tracks and only 8 are what people came to hear. There’s also a weird tonal shift throughout the album. Minutes… tries to be energetic and lively, but more than half the songs drag the tone.

How does a tonally inconsistent tracklist make the album “incomplete?” I think it was Chester that said they deliberately set up the tracklist in a way that every song after sounds nothing like the last. But back to the question I just imposed, I could then say something like The Beatles’ White Album or Muse’s Absolution are “incomplete” because they are tonally inconsistent.

Fans feel justified in ripping apart “haters” of Minutes…. They feel we either hate it because it’s not nu-metal or don’t understand the ‘complex message’ of the album.

I personally love the album because it’s just a really well made pop/alternative album that only Linkin Park could make. Hell, In Pieces, Little Things Give You Away, Shadow of the Day, and Leave Out All the Rest are some of my favorite Linkin Park songs. I personally am a fan of the band and album, but I’m not going to bash you for dumb reasons like the ones you’ve just stated.

Everyone forgot about the album after Linkin Park’s electronic phase that lasted 4 years.

Really? Can you provide some kind of poll or statistical evidence that proves this?

Minutes to Midnightwasn’t a good or bad album – just an album that’s given up.

Can you please make sure your puns 100% fit the context of which you are using them? How is the album being inoffensively generic giving up? Is it because the album isn’t heavy enough or not nu-metal? You know Linkin Park only recorded Meteora because the record label forced them to make another nu-metal album so that they could cash in on the nu-metal craze, right?

March 19th 2018


Just got destroyed bro rest in peace

March 19th 2018


RIP my nigga DropTune

March 19th 2018


Album Rating: 2.5

Lol he wasn't ready

March 19th 2018


Album Rating: 2.5 | Sound Off

Nu-metal was a trend that was going to die sooner or later. Regardless of that, I don't think moving from nu-metal was a bad decision, nor was it stated anywhere in my review. Making each song sound unique is also a good thing to do. The problem is different doesn't mean good. Each Linkin Park song sounds unique, but do all of them sound amazing? I don't think so. Making something different just to be different doesn't mean anything. When discussing inconsistencies, one has to ask what the point is. The album doesn't have a clear direction in what it hopes to achieve. For example, "Hybrid Theory" and "Meteora" discuss an ongoing narrative of the narrator finding themselves in a grim situation. That was praised because 2 albums dedicated development to that story and made for an intriguing listen.

What does "Minutes to Midnight" do? A title referencing Global Warming, maybe even a global disaster, but the music just kinda slips back and forth between various themes. I'm not saying experimentation is a bad thing, rather, I praise numerous bands for it. The issue is Linkin Park isn't experimenting correctly in this album. I like a few songs on the record. I never belittled the reader nor made myself seem superior. I stated my observations clearly with the intent to start a discussion. Whether or not you feel readers are alienated is up to interpretation. Sure I made puns here and there, but let's be honest, Linkin Park has been trying to escape the standards of Meteora and Hybrid Theory.

March 19th 2018


Album Rating: 2.5 | Sound Off

Tonal inconsistency is an issue. Do you watch movies? How about Suicide Squad for example? What about The Room and Alien: Isolation? Notice how these movies are damned for being inconsistent in every way possible. Does that make these movies good for experimenting? Obviously Linkin Park can't be compared to these films, but look to them as a mere example as to what I'm referring to. These films are very inconsistent. The Room, for example, is written to be a drama about a man whose blind love leads to a broken relationship. The film has the tone of a comedy alongside numerous fundamental flaws. Suicide Squad is intended to be a reverse roles in which villains save the day, however, the villains are portrayed as heroic contradicting the original theme. The tone of the film is bounced back and forth from a comedy/action to a sci-fi. Alien: Isolation doesn't know whether it's a philosophical drama or a sci-fi horror, but takes itself way too seriously to even care.

Minutes to Midnight doesn't know whether or not it wants to hype you up or slow you down. The tracks are organized in a way where energy drops after the 8th track. You're stuck figuring out what the endgame is, what we're supposed to feel, and what exactly the full message was. Instead of feeling a wave of emotions, you feel, "okay, what's next?" There was no real consistency to keep us stable on our journey. There were no ongoing factors in music, lyrics, or emotion. Everything happened randomly. That's not a positive in any regard. Like the films above, what do you get from the tone in the end? Those stories ring hollow because nothing makes any sense! Where in Minutes to Midnight do we even get references to the clock changing hands? The album isn't terrible, as I said, it's just average. It was trying to be something it wasn't.

March 19th 2018


Album Rating: 2.5 | Sound Off

Finally, you weren't bashing me for 'dumb reasons' that I listed. I respect your opinion on the album, and although it's well made, I don't think that justifies a 4.5. The album was an underwhelming slew of songs Linkin Park churned out hoping for the best. Although an interesting concept, Linkin Park failed to capitalize on anything substantial because of their lack of direction. The album lacks a purpose when all's said and done. There's no point to it aside from separating from nu-metal. That's not a bad thing, but for an entire album, there has to at least be *something* they have to say.

March 19th 2018


Album Rating: 3.0

Stop! He's already dead!

March 19th 2018


Album Rating: 2.5 | Sound Off

Sorry you had to see that. I hope you're okay Poxy.

March 19th 2018


Album Rating: 1.5

damn what's happening in this thread

March 19th 2018


"The album lacks a purpose when all's said and done. There's no point to it aside from separating from nu-metal."

How about

You ready?

Making some good music

March 19th 2018


Also that solo in In Pieces is pretty memorable imo

March 19th 2018


I don't want to be a witness to any murders.

March 19th 2018


Album Rating: 2.5 | Sound Off

Alright, so, making *good* music and making *great* music are two different things. The entire synopsis of my review was that Minutes to Midnight was a good album, but far from great. It was just a bland, unimportant, meaningless alt-rock record meant to remind fans Linkin Park was still here.

March 19th 2018


Album Rating: 4.0

But your score says "Average" you filthy liar.

Edit: In Pieces and Given up are great

March 19th 2018


Album Rating: 5.0

Damn DropTune, Trent/NIN's my #1, I wish you liked LP like me

March 19th 2018


Album Rating: 5.0

Oh wait you actually really liked HT, Meteora, and the Hunting Party. That's cool. Also you 5'd With Teeth which I super agree with so you're redeemed in my eyes for that.

March 19th 2018


Album Rating: 3.0

I agree that you shouldn't belittle readers in reviews, but I also agree that this record is inconsistent as hell. It does have some good songs though. You should also not have used those massively awkward puns, they don't even fit most sentences as TVC pointed out

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