
Lacuna Coil
In a Reverie



by Cravinov13 USER (61 Reviews)
June 3rd, 2006 | 21 replies

Release Date: 1999 | Tracklist

Lacuna Coil made their debut album, In A Reverie, in 1999 (with the exception of their self-titled released EP released one year earlier). The album is probably the greatest highlight of the female/ male vocal duet bands (Tristania, Theatre Of Tragedy, Within Temptation etc.) of the doom metal genre. Back when Lacuna Coil were playing what people would call their ‘good music’, the band was definitely a full-out frontal force of doom-style guitar and bass riffs, heavier drum lines (with the occasional powerful blast beats), and brilliant vocal melodies and growls without the electronica, nu-metal, and overall mainstream clichés the band has taken up as of recently.

Circle is the first track on the album, and opens up with doomy guitar riffs that set the standards for the album. Not long after the vocals come in with Cristina and Andrea dueting (which is rather uncommon in their later albums, mainly Comalies). The song has avery well paced flow to it and even has a guitar solo near it’s end. It is definitely a good example of a female dominated doom metal band. Stately Lover is another doomy track with a melodic intro that shortly bursts into some catchy riffs and leads into Cristina and her haunting vocals. It is one of the more powerful tracks on the album, and it also reflects how much more well composed Lacuna Coil was as a heavy metal band back then. The next track, Honeymoon Suite, is one of the most popular tracks off the album and is even one of the songs that got me into older Lacuna Coil. The song has a lot more male vocal dominance then female, which is uncommon with this band. The song is very dynamic, and reminds me a bit of more recent Katatonia only with female vocals.

The first punishing track on the album is My Wings. The song begins with heavy, atmospheric riffage, ambiance, and heavy drum lines. The song is one of the bigger standout tracks on the album and shows more of Lacuna Coil’s heavier side. The track even has some vicious growls from Andrea that remind me a lot of Arch Enemy. To Myself I Turned is another doomy track that starts off with a soft, mellow guitar intro. Cristina comes in giving the track an even flow of grace. The riffage in the chorus of the songs are very unique and have an interesting feel to them, almost mystical. Though not the most dynamic track on the album, the song contains some good moments and is worth note on this album. Cold also starts with a dark, melodic intro and keyboard ambiance. The song then jumps into an upbeat yet still dark riff and keeps a very lively feel throughout. There is also another sweeping guitar solo in this song (much more dominate in the mix then the solo in Circle). Yet another standout track on the album.

Reverie is another powerful, more epic feeling track. The song has solo singing from both Cristina and Andrea, which share lead parts in the song (male vocals being the better of the two for once). The song then goes into a catchy riff with a guitar solo and then back into more doomy riffs and a vocal duet. The song has a breakdown 2/3’s in which has a very dominate bass riffs before continuing to sound like a heavy love song. Veins Of Glass bring me to think of at least half of the songs on Lacuna Coil’s Unleashed Memories. The song has a lot of chugging in it and a sweeping guitar riff for it’s chorus. Though not a very big stand out track, the song is very solid and flows well with the rest of the album. For those who have not heard Lacuna Coil’s self-titled EP, the final track on this album, Falling Again, is a heavier remix of the powerful ballad Falling from the EP. The track has some very catchy and mystic ambiance and guitar riffs that flow to make a very atmospheric, dark feel. Cristina Scabbia also delivers probably the greatest vocal performance ever performed by a woman in heavy metal with this track. By far the best song on the album and probably Lacuna Coil’s best song period, ending probably their second best album (next to Unleashed Memories).

-- Great production (on the rerelease).
-- Great vocals and musicianship.
-- Better lyrics.
-- Lacuna Coil has a more heavier, rawer sound on this album.

-- Why couldn’t Lacuna Coil stick with this and Unleashed Memories musically?

Track Listing
1. Circle (4/5)
2. Stately Lovers (4/5)
3. Honeymoon Suite (4/5)
4. My Wings (4.5/5)
5. To Myself I Turned (4/5)
6. Cold (4.5/5)
7. Reverie (5/5)
8. Veins Of Glass (3.5/5)
9. Falling Again (5/5)

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Comments:Add a Comment 
Drunken Viking
June 3rd 2006


Good review, but upload the album art.

June 3rd 2006


Album Rating: 4.5

I tried to upload album art for the reissue, but I couldn't find it, so I went wih the original cover.

June 3rd 2006


Good review. Very informative.

I still think Unleashed Memories is the best thing they've done, but I liked what I've heard from it. While the vocals are kinda subpar, the music is quite excellent.

June 4th 2006


Album Rating: 4.5

Really? I thought Cristina's voclas stood out a lot in thsi, especially on Falling Again, and even Andrea on Reverie. Unleashed Memories stiill pwns this though.

June 4th 2006


The vocals just don't seem as strong as they do on the later releases. However, I've noticed as the vocals get better, the music gets worse. Save Unleashed Memories.

June 4th 2006


Album Rating: 4.5

I think taht's more of a production issue then the vocalist. But either way, it's still a good solid album, and yes, it's waaaay better then Comalies or Karmacode.

June 4th 2006


That it is. Even though the vocals on those 2 are better than these. :P

June 4th 2006


Care to explain the relation to Doom Metal?

You seem to be very off.

June 4th 2006


Album Rating: 4.5

taht depends on if you see doom to also relate bands like Tristania. But they also have a lot of doom influences, and alot of the music reminds me of In The Woods..., which is a major doom band.

June 4th 2006


They're kinda doomy in the fact that they're damn slow on some songs...moreso on Unleashed Memories than this.

June 4th 2006


Album Rating: 4.5

^^ agreed. They're certaintly not pure doom. But is it just me, or does Andrea's growls sound a little liek Lord Seth of Katatonia in a way?

June 4th 2006


Sometimes...I've noticed they have a few similairities.

June 6th 2006


Album Rating: 4.5

I agree with the doom thing, or at least understand exactly where you are coming from. I love their old stuff, but after UM, they sorta died for me.

July 17th 2006


Album Rating: 4.5

This CD is awesome. Good review. Falling Again pwns

April 17th 2008


Album Rating: 3.0

Circle has been an excellent track for as long as I remember jamming to it. Need to hear the rest of this album because frankly their last album sucked and Comalies was ok. Looking for the new album though.

June 24th 2011


Album Rating: 4.0

Just listened to Falling Again for the first time in months. Cristina's vocals are superb.

June 24th 2011


Album Rating: 3.0

Thought you were dead payne holy fuck

June 24th 2011


Album Rating: 4.0

No, haha. I'm still alive and well. I don't post that much anymore.

September 20th 2011


Album Rating: 4.0

Great album. It's a shame how LC went downhill.

November 8th 2016


Album Rating: 3.0

Circle and To Myself I Turned are such jams

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