
Skid Row
Slave to the Grind



by Psyclone USER (15 Reviews)
June 3rd, 2006 | 27 replies

Release Date: 1991 | Tracklist

This album isn’t something for people to relax to. This stuff doesn’t put you to sleep at night. Skid Row’s Slave to the Grind is mosh-pit material to the bone. It may not be Metallica, but it sure is heavy, with a few exceptions of a poorly done slower song and two not-so-poorly done ones. Now, if you’re looking for something to play while running and gunning on Xbox Live, then this is your answer. The album captures that “don’t mess with me” approach extremely well. Heck, even the song titles ensure that sensation of anger.

This may sound odd to some, but I think that STTG tells a story, since each song is sung in first person. It just occurred to me when I was listening to the album that each song just somehow sounds incorporated with one another, somewhat like The Downward Spiral by Nine Inch Nails.

Now, onto the track-by-track!

Monkey Business: When I first heard this song, the first thing that went through my head was “What is THIS?” I’m not a fan of acoustic/clean guitar tracks (but I do enjoy some). But after a while, the clean guitar intro stops and the heaviness kicks in. The very first impression this song leaves is odd with the intro, but once the overdrive starts, you’re headbanging like it’s the last track. Wonderful guitar work here, and very good vocals, especially in the chorus.
Score: 4/5

Slave to the Grind: This title track starts out very heavy, almost thrash-like with palm-muted guitars. The vocals come in and are echoed, adding a very effective yet unusual creepy effect. The chorus in this Slave to the Grind is somewhat like a punk chorus, with the guitars playing jumping one octave at a time and adding background vocals when Sebastian sings the title. The average bridge in the track leads into the great, Quiet Riot-style guitar solo (short but juicy). The song is a little repetitive but still manages to represent this excellent album very well.
Score: 4.5/5

The Threat: My personal favourite. Starting out with a somewhat complex and catchy riff, this song really represents the album’s mood extremely well (the ‘tough-guy’ theme). The Threat is also very guitar-driven, almost drowning out the vocals once they’re going. What also adds to this song is the incredible guitar solo that could blow the previous solo out of the water. What also makes The Threat really superb is the drumming. Rob makes the most out of the cymbals and the bass drum throughout the track. Also, when the guitar isn’t playing too much, the bass is very simple yet effective. The secret behind The Threat though is that everything blends together perfectly, creating an incredible, motivational song.
Score: 5/5

Quicksand Jesus: One of the slower tracks of STTG. It’s probably the worst on in my opinion. The vocals are very good but the lyrics themselves aren’t all that good. Plus, the guitars get repetitive after a while in the verses, playing the same thing after a while. Emotion bursts out in the intense moments, with Sebastian belting out the lyrics against the now-electric guitars. The song does blend well, and the bass is superb, but for some reason, this song just doesn’t do it for me. Still a pretty decent song, however.
Score: 3/5

Psycho Love: Now we’re back on track, Skid Row! The song begins with an odd bass intro, and blends in perfectly with the song. The chorus structure is magnificent. It’s mainly the way Sebastian sings the lyrics, but the guitars cooperate with him help reinforce it. Roughly 1:40 into the song, it slows down, with more of the creepy echoes and clean guitar effects. When you think the song’s pace has slowed, the great solo explodes out of the blue. The song is then kickin’ again. Not as good as The Threat but much better than Quicksand Jesus, Psycho Love is a valuable component of STTG.
Score: 4/5

Get the F**k Out: This is probably the least enjoyable heavy song. That doesn’t mean it isn’t enjoyable at all. What really makes this song weak, although it may sound absurd, but Sebastian seems to be afraid to say everyone’s favourite word. The cowbell is the most evident in this track, but doesn’t seem to add anything or take anything away. It’s just a cool, unique effect to note. Not quite as good as the rest of the heavy songs on the album, but still better than the slow songs.
Score: 3.5/5

Livin’ On A Chain Gang: This song starts off differently than the other songs on the album. It’s just Sebastian singing/screaming against very quiet drumming. Not as heavy and more on the Quiet Riot-style sound, this song (I think) is about a boy who robs a store because he’s poor, while Sebastian is witnessing the news report on TV. Great use of the cymbal in this song. The guitar work is rather weak with the exception of the solo. This song sounds quite experimental but still manages to come out strong.
Score: 4/5

Creepshow: Creepshow starts off excellently. Raw, aggressive guitar riff. Sebastian is awesome in this song as well. This song sounds a lot like a mix of Get the F**k Out and Psycho Love. The best part of this song is without a doubt the chorus, just like Psycho Love. There’s a guitar solo in here as well. It’s really nice, but a little short. Plus, the pre-solo is kind of ick. Creepshow is a very highly recommended song.
Score: 4.5/5

In A Darkened Room: Another slow song. It’s a catchy song, but the chorus is pretty cheesy as well – like Sebastian is trying to sound like a pop-punk singer. The guitar work is excellent in the song however. Complex riffs at just the right volume mix like cheese and pizza. The same can’t be said about the drumming though. It’s very bland and repetitive, and just doesn’t work for me. Overall, it’s beats Quicksand Jesus by a mile.
Score: 4/5

Riot Act: Starts out VERY punk-like, with the octave jump again. The song maintains that punk feel throughout its short duration. There’s not really much to say about this song, other than it’s rather repetitive, but the solo is mind-blowing. Also, the chorus is awesome. There’s a great amount of positive intensity here as well (minding the lyrics). Another good song dished out by SR.
Score: 4/5

Mudkicker: Oh yeah. This is Skid Row. Heavy, intense guitar, very nice guitar work, and angry, harsh vocals all mixed in perfectly. The song isn’t repetitive at all, and one of the nicest songs to cue your jump into the mosh pit. Again, not much to say about this song other than it’s AMAZING… but not as good as The Threat. Very highly recommended. Unfortunately, it leads into another slow song.
Score: 5/5

Wasted Time: I wouldn’t call this the best way to end a metal album, but the final song is still well done. It’s a slow song, and probably the poppiest of the trio. Sebastian is crazy in this song though. His voice comes out nice and clean, and not harsh and raspy like in the intense songs. The latter half of this song is beautifully done. The guitar work isn’t very well done but the drumming is spectacular along with the excellent bass. No doubt the best out of the slow songs.
Score: 4.5/5

Thanks for reading the review! It took a long time to do this one (although it probably isn’t evident). I really did enjoy this album and I hope you do as well!

Recommended Tracks:
The Threat
Wasted Time

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user ratings (540)
other reviews of this album
BigHans (4.5)
An essential metal release that stands up to any of the multi-platinum juggernauts released in 1991....

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You say it's raining but you're pissin' down my back...

mark1991 (4)
Rising above the tide, for a second anyway...

Comments:Add a Comment 
June 3rd 2006


Album Rating: 4.5

I know, this sucks.

south_of_heaven 11
June 3rd 2006


Album Rating: 4.0

No, it wasnt a bad job at all.

I love this album, and I would've reviewed it sooner or later if I wasnt such a lazy a**.

June 3rd 2006


Fucking great album.
Rock on.

Electric City
June 3rd 2006


Sebastian Bach's a jackass, but Slave to the Grind is a very kick-ass song. Still, Youth Gone Wild is my favorite Skid Row song.

Foreskin Fondler
June 26th 2006


This is an awesome review. It convinced me to go buy the album.

Foreskin Fondler
June 26th 2006


Did pearl jam cover riot act? or are those two different songs with the same name.

June 26th 2006


This and Subhuman Race are such underrated albums.

May 26th 2007


Even though I really dislike the whole scene these guys were involved with, I cannot deny the kick-arsery of this album.

June 1st 2007


Album Rating: 3.5 | Sound Off

The only thing wrong with it is that u didn't list Monkey Buisness under the reccommended songs.!

June 19th 2009


Probably the only skid row album that really represented them well. The first album was too 80s. It had 18 and life, youth gone wild and i remember you and rest of the songs remind you of sloppy 80s bands.

This album is metal to the core. Its harder and does justice to their brand.

September 19th 2009


Album Rating: 3.5

monkey business is so awesome

October 13th 2009


Album Rating: 3.5

I really liked this album, though there were some points that were a little boring in my opinion.

December 6th 2009


Very cool record. Glad Skid Row went in this direction after their previous album.

September 27th 2010


Album Rating: 4.0

Tis still the Skids definitive disc, there's no need for any other.

March 26th 2011


Album Rating: 4.5

The whole album is amazing to my, But the best songs to me would have to be the "slow songs'" they

just stand out.

October 15th 2011


Album Rating: 4.5

very nice description in the first two paragraphs.

not an album to 'sit' and listen.

however the latter parts of the song Wasted Time and bach's screaming deserves a long-repeated discussion alone.

October 1st 2013


although this band labelled as glam and i do hate glam but this album is rly good

October 28th 2013


Album Rating: 3.5

About to comment the same thing Schuldiner, glam and 80s pop metal usually isn't my thing, but this album rocks too damn hard for me to give it a bad score

October 28th 2013


Album Rating: 3.5

The riffs on that song are killer, and Sebastian's vocals are brilliant throughout. Wasted Time might be my favorite ballad from here

March 13th 2014


Album Rating: 5.0

Of all the all-time jams, Monkey Business is the fucking all time jam of motherfucking all time jams

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