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Review Summary: the stuff nightmares are made of As one of the first true American black metal bands, Profanatica has secured a legacy of disgust and blasphemy that will endure as long as the genre does. Formed by a triptych of erstwhile Incantation members in 1990, Profanatica's first demo Putrescence of…/As Tears of Blood Stain the Altar of Christ not only brought the then fledgling black metal genre to the shores of the United States, but did so in a way that made the Scandinavian scene seem almost puerile in comparison. Trading in the wispy, wintery tones of Norway for something a bit more bass-heavy and substantial, the band's initial run from 1990 to 1992 yielded six releases of the most putrid and devilish, yet satisfying black metal the United States will ever have to offer.
Twenty-six years later Profanatica hasn't changed one damned bit. Since their reformation in 2001 (centered around the only remaining original member drummer/vocalist Paul Ledney), the band has steadily been vomiting forth material without any sign of growth whatsoever; and honestly, that's exactly what their fans want. In a world where extreme metal has become increasingly more palatable, it's fitting that the original purveyors of filth have continued to craft black metal that still feels legitimately malicious. Their most recent album The Curling Flame of Blasphemy is no exception and stands as one of black metal's most deliciously evil and abrasive albums of the year thus far.
Like all of their prior releases, The Curling Flame of Blasphemy sees the band crudely bashing their instruments to achieve a sound that can only describe as "offensive as fuck". They've never been a band that relies on subtlety or tact - and certainly not melody- but simplistic, discordant noise to alienate the uninitiated. Even the more "tame" tracks are goddamn near unlistenable; for proof, look no further than the wonderfully titled opener "Ordained In Bile". Chilling ambiance builds into satanic fervor as the song explodes into a cacophony down-tuned trems, sludgy bass and militaristic blasting, led by Ledney's trademarked rasps. Years ago when I first heard his vomitous vocals, it made my stomach churn in sickness and this effect has not diminished. What his delivery lacks in variety is more than made up for in legitimate repulsiveness.
Elsewhere "Host Over Cup" acknowledges Profanatica's death metal roots with a chunky opening riff accentuated by off-kilter pinch harmonics. Though expelled from Incantation thirty years ago, Ledney has never forgotten where he came from. The pronounced death metal influences manifest themselves in the guitars hellishly low tuning the and presence of a rumbling bass. The insane low-end of Profanatica has always been an element that has separated them from the pack, and in numbers like "Yahweh Rejected", it grants a sense of swallowing, cavernous depth. However, the bass isn't the only thing that makes The Curling Flame of Blasphemy feel like a trip into the seventh circle of hell; the album's production is akin a chasm, with each instrument ringing out and echoing into oblivion. It's the only slight "improvement" the band has made to their sound over the years, and another characteristic of their death metal origins, yet it serves to give their music life. It's gritty, muffled, and when closing track "Curling Flame" begins its descent to the album's end, provides a suffocating atmosphere thick of smoke, ash, and brimstone.
The Curling Flame of Blasphemy is a Profanatica album through and through; though it's almost redundant to mention at this point in their career, if you haven't enjoyed the band as of yet, this won't do you any favors. However, longtime fans and anyone seeking the most vile and vicious black metal will certainly find what they are looking for here.
Album Rating: 3.5 | Sound Off
I actually enjoyed this more than I thought. It took a couple of spins, but it grows on you if you're into this type of music. I was debating on whether to give it a 3 or what I have it at now, but I like these guys a lot so I gave them the 3.5.
| | | Great review, this sounds simulateneosuly appealing and off-putting so for that I will check it out.
| | | Album Rating: 3.5 | Sound Off
thanks guys
snox, i assume you don't like the first line because you probably wouldn't consider these guys one of the first "true" black metal bands, right? if so, understandable.
| | | Album Rating: 3.5 | Sound Off
Honestly, i never quite consider Hellhammer, Bathory, etc... to be "true" black metal but really primitive thrash. Either way, I could change it to "As one of the first true American black metal bands..."
| | | "Twenty-six years later, and Profanatica hasn't changed one damned bit"
- the "and" seems weird here. you could say "twenty-six years have passed, and...", or, just remove the "and" entirely. i think the grammar would look better.
"In world where extreme metal has become increasingly more palatable"
- in a* world
my general gripe with a lot of metal reviews is the constant one-upping of gross-out adjectives. i get that it comes with the territory, but obv it's unrealistic to expect every single BM release to be more demented and twisted than the last; yet, every reviewer seems to like maintaining that illusion. i'd rather more focus on what's actually special about the album's composition. then again, i'm not a big BM fan to begin with, so maybe i dunt gettit
"Elsewhere "Host Over Cup" deftly acknowledges Profanatica's death metal roots "
- "deftly" feels weird here. in my own writing, i struggle to structure my sentences in ways that are interesting and varied, but still flow nice and feel natural without necessarily being casual. i think you sorta have the same issue, at times. don't be afraid to "dumb things down" just a bit.
the third and fourth paragraphs are structured a bit weirdly imo. both paras jump back and forth between discussing the vox and instrumentation. this wouldn't really matter if the review was only 3 paragraphs, but it's five. i don't think you need to edit it, but it could make things just a bit tidier if you rearranged things. or maybe not
good review overall, just thought i'd throw some criticisms in
| | | Album Rating: 3.5 | Sound Off
Thank you man I appreciate it. I didn't even notice the structuring with the 3rd and 4th paragraphs, so I'll see if there's a way I can tidy those up. Also yeah, I have trouble with keeping it casual but not too casual, but I agree the deftly could be removed. As far as the gross-adjectives go, I generally agree with your sentiments, but Profanatica is kind of notorious for being one of the most genuinely "gross" black metal bands ever. Once again, thanks for reading through this, gave me some things to consider.
| | | yeah i'm not too familiar with them so for all i know those descriptions were totally sensible
| | | "Honestly, i never quite consider Hellhammer, Bathory, etc... to be "true" black metal but really primitive thrash. Either way, I could change it to "As one of the first true American black metal bands..."
First wave/second wave?
| | | Album Rating: 3.5 | Sound Off
Second wave
| | | Yeah that's what I mean. Bathory, Venom and Hellhammer etc are considered first wave, so this would be considered one of the earliest second wave bm bands right? Might be a better way to describe the difference than using 'true' imo.
| | | Album Rating: 3.5 | Sound Off
They really were one of the first true American black metal bands, first or second wave
| | | Oh okay, fair enough
| | | Album Rating: 3.5 | Sound Off
I haven't gotten to my laptop yet to make the changes, but maybe I'll add second wave in there. Couldn't hurt I guess. Just wanna try and keep the flow.
| | | good stuff. all sounds a bit samey, but some really great moments strewn throughout.
| | | Album Rating: 3.5 | Sound Off
Yeah, they are definitely samey, but that's kind of what makes them so reliable. You don't listen to them with the expectation to change. This has a bit more atmosphere than their other material, and it's very welcome imo
| | | Album Rating: 3.5 | Sound Off
true, but I think most people will understand what I mean, especially since I later mention The US.
| | | Thats one hideous cover
| | | Album Rating: 3.5 | Sound Off
Yeah, I actually really love the album art
| | | Anything ending in "ica" has to have gothic chicks on the cover.
| | | Yeah kinda getting a vibe that this was almost on autopilot in the creativity department.
Also I dont get how this is their most tonally vile record yet. Im feeling the exact opposite tbh
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