Unsilent Death



by Have you tried jamming HELCARAXE CONTRIBUTOR (145 Reviews)
July 7th, 2016 | 9 replies

Release Date: 2010 | Tracklist

Review Summary: Pure unfiltered hate.

Nails, a grindcore/powerviolence/death metal hybrid, prides short burst of raw power over musicianship. Songs rarely top a single minutes length and yet they say more in a 13 minute album then most bands can say in a 13 minute song. Pair the heat-seeking anger of the bands lyrical content with relentless blasting of drums and brutal sludgy breakdowns, and you have an album that is sonic rape.

The screams tremor with rage, without signs of stopping. Think of a train with no brakes, and imagine you're on it-its bewildering, terrifying, but in a morbid way it's a fun ride. The vocals of this record are just like this. There much like a combination between the yells of Hatebreed and Napalm death but with the resonating power of a death metal band like Immolation or Cannibal Corpse. They pummel you. They pummel you extremely hard, but they don't do this job alone.

So then comes the guitar. It's as low tuned as it can get before it sounds cheesy, and as messy and chaotic as it is it still coheres into badass rage-filled riffs. It's the perfect alternation between rapid string slamming and slow trudging breakdowns, full of string bends and stomping riffs. The drums serve a similar role. To remain blasting and crashing, with unforgiving skin slamming for the fast parts and crashing cymbals for the slow parts.

So just as Nails is short and blunt so is this review. That is the double edged sword of Nails-They are so short and blunt their anger and message could not be more present, but there just isn't much there. The record flies by and you're still left hoping for at least another 10-15 minutes of Nails. Their entire combined discog hardly tops an hour, and some albums top that length alone. As much relistening value as Unsilent Death has, you still almost wish they gave you a bit more. Despite this, the record is so simple to love and if you have ever been angry at all, you will love the rage they offer.

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Comments:Add a Comment 
July 8th 2016


Album Rating: 4.5 | Sound Off

Needs more apostrophes all over the place.

and yet they say more in a 13 minute album then most bands can say in a 13 minute song.

long songs are often at least a little repetitive, so long songs containing less content than a bunch of little songs should actually be expected. Also *than, not *then

There much like a


Napalm death


there anger, There entire


As much relistening value as Abandon All Life

wrong album name? Or you're suddenly comparing this to the other album for some reason without expanding on that thought at all?

Contributing Reviewer
July 8th 2016


Album Rating: 4.0

oh dearie me i really fucked up the album name yeah ill edit this

Contributing Reviewer
July 8th 2016


Album Rating: 4.0

I'm not sure I entirely agree with your statement. If they're really full of lyrical content like Symphony X's The Odyssey they can really create a massive story.

July 8th 2016


Album Rating: 4.5 | Sound Off

Yeah but to say 13 mins over a handful of tracks = same content as 1 13 min track is a bit silly. Unless you're listening to some really proggy prog (math rock?) there are probably not going to be as many riffs as there are in a Nails album.

Contributing Reviewer
July 9th 2016


Album Rating: 4.0

yeah i had to reread that a few times before i realized how stupid it sounded i think i meant to say they say more in 13 minutes then most bands do in a lengthy album but i said a lengthy song instead

Contributing Reviewer
August 24th 2024


Bomb. New album almost here

August 29th 2024


Album Rating: 4.0

Jamming in anticipation of new album.

August 29th 2024


Album Rating: 5.0

nothing will ever top or match this

September 13th 2024


Album Rating: 4.0

Chalk and cheese with the new one.

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