Review Summary: Rush Turn the Page
Rush are a band of great integrity, rarely are bands able to stay as one throughout life's thrive-less obstacles, but of course Rush did not start as a single perfect sphere, oh no, before heart and mind united they were single beings unbeknownst of what their destiny entailed. One's self must begin amongst the even flow, as many lifeforms are born into this world be it through egg form or womb space, a beings quest can take many different shapes and forms. But of course Rush is a band indeed, with many quivers, indeed Rush expand many minds alike, quite a feat indeed. Rush are considered a band by many, but to my exploratory mind they exceed the pure notion of a band, they are in fact, an artistic gathering, a supergroup of world artists. As an artist, one must be free to let their art flow in a manner of sub conscience, art can not be forced or even explained. The members of Rush are old, and may possible die of pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis in the near future, it remains to be seen as to what god has in plan for Rush, or the followers of the earthlords. Maybe they will be saved by the scruplinder process? or simply will cancerous growths ensue. Of course it is hard to tell without looking at the asseocarnisanguineoviscericartilaginonervomedullar y chart.
Neil Peart is surely an artists artist, a professor of arts, if you will. Indeed a professor is seen as superior and an intelligentsia, and while Neil is all of these, he some how expands beyond those limiting english words, he is beyond language, he is in fact, indescribable, perhaps a quieffe of nature. In laymans terms, if Neil was an owl, he would be a strong one. This drummer takes on the another form, not quiet of the beast, but a Caco-Daemon perhaps. From the first hit of the bass drum to the quasihemidemisemiquaver of any number of the drum solos, Neil excels in both substance and humaninity. Geddy lee on the other palm is a scholar, a sorcerous being, indeed. Bass is not an instrument in his brain, rather an object of artistic value, a paint brush perhaps, but without hairs. That is not to say, a brush without hairs is entirely useless, no, due to the brush being free of its single use, which is painting, without hairs it is free to take on any form it wishes to, such as a baton, a object to insert into odd places, or a stick. Alex Lifeson is the complete opposite of a stick, as he is fat, but to say that is a negative quality would not be sagacious. As alex is a rotund man like many men of of his age, quite that a fat man cannot dance as perversely, but he is able to squeeze more out of the sponge. Artistic merit can not be measured by physical means, indeed it is an abstract concept with many ligatures interrupting the flow of the artisticality itself. Indeed this is considered a unique and often solipsistic. Alex's guitar playing could be considered optimistic yet constrained by the limits of nature, his arpeggios sound as if they were purified in the waters of Lake Minnetonka, or aequeosalinocalcalinosetaceoaluminosocupreovitriol ic, an easier to reach alternative. While his power chordius rhythms were constructed deep in the caverns of Llansanffraidymmechain.
Alex excels in not only playing the lute with such a passion as noshing on a portion of flagotsa, he feels the flowing of the artistic air, hardly ever will a riff be desultory or convoluted to the point of abnegation of the arts. many floccinaucinihilipilificationinists judge Rush off of primal instincts, Rush is a growth, you have to let it nest in your cerebral hemisphere to truly understand the wisdom of the wetlands. Terry brown is clearly missing from this piece of historial notebook, indeed he was once a vital part in the beast of Rush's belly, but as two legends come to to part, partnerships form out of gods will, indeed. As Geddy lee's final words to Terry spoke with wisdom, "may the seed of your loins be fruitful in the belly of your woman", terry left with a quiver in his spinal cord, indeed this was words of truth but they touched the core of the hurt womb. Boom Shanka he replied profusely as he stepped into the horse drawn limo. As one noble steed left the arena, and Rush moved to the middle east to record their next artefact, another producer joined the fold, a younger, fresher, adolescent, junior, juvenile, pubescent perhaps, teenybopper, whippersnapper, young person, youngster, yobbo, yob, small penile, blooming, blossoming, budding, burgeoning, callow, childish, boyish , crude, early, fledgling, girlish, infant, ignorant, raw, tender, tenderfoot, newborn, pure, punk, unlearned, unripe, unseasoned and immature person who joined the team and reignited Rush to turn over a new leaf, while being wreathed in smoke by the last. As they burned the midnight oil, and the fragrance of Afghanistan rewarded them after a long days toil of recording. Golded Acapulco nights ensued as they went on and recording their talents across the board and recorded this very album this tale en-tales, Power Windows. The album is really that virtuous.