Pain of Salvation
Falling Home



by OmairSh USER (34 Reviews)
June 17th, 2015 | 23 replies

Release Date: 2014 | Tracklist

Review Summary: Signs of life

To assert that Pain of Salvation (POS) has endured a tumultuous period over the past few years would not be considered a bold statement. Two longtime members in Fredrik Hermansson, and Johan Langell departed after the release of Road Salt Two, and more recently band leader Daniel Gildenlow suffered from a near fatal streptococcal infection (flesh eating bacteria) that saw him hospitalized. Thankfully he made a full recovery, and with Falling Home it seems Daniel is not only announcing the latest incarnation of the band, but also making a statement regarding his return to health.

It’s certainly a relief to know that the band is still alive after losing every member from what I consider POS’ strongest era. Even though Daniel has been the primary composer since the band’s inception, the four other members played a strong role in giving the band its identity. So it was not going to be an easy task finding suitable replacements.

Falling Home is similar to 12:5 in that it features acoustic re-interpretations of POS songs, with the exception of two covers and a brand new song. This album may not be as radical as 12:5, but the warmth in the music cannot be denied. We get to hear very refreshing versions of songs such as “Stress,” “Linoleum,” and “Spitfall,” which shine in their new mellower arrangements compared to the much more aggressive originals. The jazzy cover of “Holy Diver” is especially good. For the style Falling Home presents, the performances by the band members are really good. The band seems to effortlessly perform the several genres infused on the record. It’s amazing that Daniel has managed to recruit musicians that not only capable of playing POS’ complex music (as seen during the live performances), but also ones that have the vocals to cope with the elaborate supporting vocal requirements of POS music. While the backing vocals are terrific, main man Daniel’s performance is even better. He reminds us why he’s one of finest vocalists in the world of progressive music. His remarkable vocal abilities haven’t subsided, and the sprinkling of fresh vocal melodies throughout the record makes his performance all the more intriguing.

The largest drawback with Falling Home is the track list. With such a rich back catalogue, there were so many songs that would have been better suited and been more refreshing with this acoustic treatment. 12:5 showed the band’s ability to give a new life to some of the heavier songs, and it was superb. Don’t get me wrong I love songs like “To the Shoreline” and “1979,” but these versions don’t sound thoroughly different from the original versions. In a way though, the track list makes sense since 12:5 was released after Be and therefore it encapsulated that period of the band, while Falling Home represents the subsequent material. I guess I just adore the earlier period more than the modern one.

Although the memory of my favourite POS incarnation still lingers, given that the band could have dissolved, I am just happy that the band is still breathing and in good health. I’m hopeful for the future and now one question remains. Where do we go from here?

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June 17th 2015


Album Rating: 3.5

Pain Of Salvation binge after a while. I've been thinking of bumping my rating for this.

June 17th 2015


Great review! I'm not much of a PoS fan, and this album really didn't impress me. Still, they've been ambitious enough to add an interesting jazz feel to the songs, but it just ends up being quite bland as the arrangements aren't all that intriguing and captivating in my opinion. It's a shame because acoustic albums often have a lot of potential, but generally don't reach half of it.

June 17th 2015


Album Rating: 3.5

Thanks Oni. They could have taken more risks for sure, but at this point I'm glad they're releasing anything at all I guess.

And listening to this after a while, I'm enjoying it more. POS is great at re-interpreting their older songs

June 17th 2015


I've never been much a PoS fan, as I said, so that's certainly a factor too. I love acoustic music, but with albums like this, where the reworkings aren't, to me, really interesting or don't add much to the orginal songs (at least the couple ones I know), the end product seems a bit bland and pointless. The jazzy influences of some of the songs still work well on some tracks anyways.

June 17th 2015


Album Rating: 4.0

I really dig this album. Really glad they took the effort to revise the sound of the songs to match the acoustic arrangements. But I'll also love pretty much anything that Daniel puts his voice on.

Great review, btw

June 17th 2015


Album Rating: 3.5

@Oni: fair enough. Which albums have you heard btw?

@porc: Thanks man. I listened to it when it was released and sporadically afterwards. But now that I'm properly listening to it I'm definitely appreciating it more. Yeah man Daniel's such a terrific vocalist that can adapt to any style.

June 17th 2015


Album Rating: 3.5

I gave up from P.O.S. when Road Salt series came out. I didn't really give a chance to that period since I only listened to these albums once each. I really enjoy the rest of their discography. I have to jam them again some time.

Great review Omair!

June 17th 2015


@Omair I've heard Remedy Lane and The Perfect Element Pt. 1 a few times, enough to be fairly familiar with both I'd say. They're great albums, the band's sound just didn't captivate me enough to encourage me to check out the rest of their discography. Is there any other essential album I should listen to?

June 17th 2015


Album Rating: 3.5

@Onirium, Entropia and One Hour go pretty much together. Quite heavy with great atmospheric moments. If you need to get more, don't miss Be; more experimental, but still the same formula.

June 17th 2015


Album Rating: 4.0

@Onirium - a lot of their albums are fairly different.

There's quite a bit of disparagement of the Road Salt albums round these parts (particularly the first one), but I love both of them - dropped a lot of the prog metal stylings from their earlier records, and replaced it with a nice 70s AOR sound, but with modern tinges coming through. They're very streamlined records, but they've got a hell of a lot of emotive stuff going on.

June 18th 2015


Haven't even bothered with this one. Is it worth it?

June 18th 2015



June 18th 2015


Album Rating: 3.5

@porc: you know what, I didn't like the road salt albums when they were released, but I've really started to appreciate them recently. I've even started to like Scarsick more. The band really does change its sound effectively for the most part, and each album is emotional in nature.

@croc: you're a POS fan so I'd say check it out. It's actually a pretty good album

June 18th 2015


Album Rating: 3.5

@jethro: thanks man. I'd say give the road salt albums a try again, but listen with a different mindset. I was in the mood to listen to raw stripped down music and the albums clicked with me

June 18th 2015


Album Rating: 3.5 | Sound Off

enjoyed this album a lot, it was nice listening from the PoS company again! I'm really curious about what they'll do next. Anyone know if there're any plans on a studio album?

Road Salt was extremely good. My first touch with the band.It was supreme!Road Salt II was a step down for me, but RS I is always going to be in my heart. ''Where it Hurts'' is soooooo good.

June 18th 2015


Album Rating: 3.5

Mythodea lives. Yeah I'm on the fence with my rating, it's an enjoyable album for sure. And the road salt albums have grown on me.

Regarding new material I don't think there is any update unfortunately. They're touring now, maybe he starts writing stuff after.

May 3rd 2016


Album Rating: 4.0

Title track is a quiet 3 minute wrecking ball of a song.

November 10th 2016


The Holy Diver cover is really soothing

November 11th 2016


Album Rating: 3.5

Yup, it got some backlash, but if you're going to do a cover, it should be different to the original. And boy is this different and refreshing

January 17th 2017


Album Rating: 3.5

Mother Mary is really good on here. Great groove

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