Review Summary: A punk rock paradise
If you have a taste for modern pop punk, then you've probably heard The Story So Far at some point. You may know their tracks generally aren't very lengthy. For example, this album itself is just three seconds shy of being a half-hour long. For an 11-track LP, not very long, right? Well, if in your face punk with straight to the point lyricism isn't your cup of tea, then click away now.
The Story So Far, a pop punk quintet from Walnut Creek, CA capitalizes off their solid debut "Under Soil and Dirt." While you may not recognize some of the freshness their debut LP had, there are other elements waiting for you under the hood. The very capable Parker Cannon on vocals and the instrumentally sound techniques of guitarist Kevin Geyer and drummer Ryan Torf, among others, have no problem getting their point across, even with a rather condensed LP.
If you're wondering if a shorter album would leave untapped potential, then listen to opening track "Things I Can't Change." From the get-go, this group seems poised to create a passionate fury of bona-fide pop punk. The group knows what they're trying to achieve and do it well. It's clear Parker did his homework. The lyrics may not be something to write home about, but Cannon brings it to life with daunting ease.
Other standout tracks like "Right Here" and "All Wrong" will cross paths musically, but will come at you from different directions. More simplistic, "All Wrong" lets Parker back off just a bit and get away with perhaps not giving it the harsh angst that makes "Right Here" such an enjoyable track. "Playing the Victim" lets Parker go off on a lyrical tangent, reiterating the theme created with "Under Dirt and Soil." Parker gets his group to follow suit by allowing the music to come to them. Nothing on this album feels forced. It feels genuine and real, which is what you want in a genre like this. The last thing you want is to see the group, any group for this matter, succumb to letting the technology do the work for them.
Luckily, The Story So Far don't stray too far from the road they've taken thus far, though I'm sure keeping the status quo is the last thing they're worried about.
"Framework" is another example of showing a little more simplicity. The Story So Far prove not only they can easily create the kind of music they set out to, but they're also fully aware that they can ease off the gas at times. They won't be so quick to just belt out nonsensical lyrics. This music is raw and well executed. This group show they're adept at making harsher tracks come off as easier, and they're even more adept at taking simplistic tones and bringing them to life. Bassist Kelen Capener and guitarist Will Levy aid the other three mentioned above in creating the right blend of punk. Not afraid to experiment with new ideas, particularly in the lyrics department, they pull off the feat of staying true to themselves. As mentioned, they know what they're chasing and on this album, they just go get it.
Overall, perhaps the only gripe I have with "What You Don't See" is the time. I know, I mentioned this earlier. I said it might not be such a bad thing. But, it does leave you wondering, could this group expose even more of their ingenious repertoire with longer tracks? As of this writing, I have yet to hear their latest release, their self-titled record. I am confident that their self-titled release, along with their future work, will continue the pattern of consistency for them. As mentioned, straight to the point lyricism, an in your face attitude, and punk pop that makes you wanna bang your head. All qualities that this group clearly possesses.
Recommended tracks - "Right Here", "Things I Can't Change", "All Wrong", "Framework", "Playing the Victim"