Moments of Clarity



by J3wFro69 USER (1 Reviews)
November 12th, 2014 | 121 replies

Release Date: 2014 | Tracklist

Review Summary: While channeling both "Augment" and "Impulse," ERRA craft a solid, if safe, EP.

After crafting 2 impeccable albums, and the loss of Garrison Lee as lead vocalist, it was hard to see how the band would go forward. Would they try something different or keep to the sounds that gave them success on Impulse and Augment? Who could they possibly find to fill Garrison's large shoes? The answer here is that by playing it safe, they bring both the raw energy found on Impulse together with the cohesiveness of Augment and craft a solid EP.

The beginning track and single, "Dreamcatcher," begins with a soft interlude of what sounds to be either some sort of xylophone or harps. While this sounds odd on paper, it creates an atmosphere to the song that it would have lacked otherwise. After this soft interlude, the guitars kick in and the sound heard from Augment is readily apparent. Instead of being the highlight of previous albums, the guitars have taken a backseat this time around, more laying the foundation for vocalists Eubanks and Cash to take the spotlight. Gone are the intricacies in the guitars found on songs like "Alpha Seed" and "Dreamwalkers" and are instead replaced by djenty riffs. Even with the more simple approach this time around, there are still gems of greatness.

The drums, much like the guitars, have taken a more simplistic approach this time around. Ballew keeps things to a slower pace but still shows adeptness with what he does. Songs like "Moments of Clarity" and "Warrior" showcase why he is still one of the best drummers around.

Now of course the big question: how does the new vocalist hold up? Ian Eubanks holds up the legacy of Garrison Lee fairly well. His growls and roars are a bit meatier than Garrison's and work a bit better for the feel of this EP and style. Overall, it isn't something the listener might pick up on right away unless they have heard a lot of the band's previous works. What Eubanks doesn't seem to show here, and what the album itself is missing, are some of the more hardcore style yells and shrieks that Garrison implemented so well. We only hear Eubanks use a bit of range on one song, "Lights City," which happens to be the best song because of this change of pitch near the end. Also gone are Garrison's speedy, almost rap like delivery at times. Eubanks doesn't ever seem to change the pace at which he says the lyics, which can make some of the songs, while good, drag on a bit.

On the singing front, Jesse Cash once again delivers. Showcasing his ability as a singer, Cash utilizes the full range of his voice here. With the lyrics also being penned mostly by him, those are as strong as ever, with underlying themes of how we treat the world around us and an almost Godlike view of mother nature hidden inside the complexities of the words ("Nurtured by the spirits of the wilderness; the only mother we have left. She is the web in the willow hoop.")

The band as a whole however are at the top of their game once again. "Lights City", "Moments of Clarity", and the single "Dreamcatcher" are certainly highlights from the album. "Dreamcatcher" has a nice variation in instrumentation with its use of the softer instruments described at the beginning of the review. "Moments of Clarity" has some excellent sung gang vocals which add atmosphere to the song and create for an excellent ending. "Lights City" draws from the days of Impulse with the raw energy showcased in the vocals and instrumentation.

One of the biggest problems that I have with this album is it's lack of different song structure from song to song. You won't find any complexities to the songs most of the time, and they follow the typical "verse, chorus, verse, bridge, chorus" structure. This wouldn't be as much of an issue if it felt as though Jesse Cash came in to sing at proper times. The places that he comes in to sing don't really need to be there and the flow would have benefited without the odd placement of these sung verses.

Another thing that is readily apparent after a few listens is their reliance upon some sort of guitar solo near the ending of the song. These aren't executed badly, but their seeming appearance on every song struck me as being a bit excessive.

At the end of the day, ERRA have crafted a solid if safe EP. Fans of ERRA won't be disappointed and those who already didn't like them won't be changing their mind from this EP. It will be interesting to see where the band as a whole decide to go from here.

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Comments:Add a Comment 
November 11th 2014


Album Rating: 3.5

First review I've written, any critiques would be welcomed

November 11th 2014


Review is solid. Album doesn't do anything for me, and I like Erra a lot. I'm just tired of them doing the same thing over and over, and to be honest I don't care much for the new vocalist. His lack of range is very obvious and I just enjoyed Garrison's voice more overall.

November 12th 2014


you don't actually mention "ERRA" until your final paragraph (and the title of the review, obv). But still, it would make sense to mention them in your intro, rather than jump straight into things... if that makes sense. idk

"what sounds to be either some sort of xylophone or harps" - be confident. lines like this imply you don't really know what you're talking about. instead, you could say they resemble xylophones or something (or better yet, look up some instruments like vibraphones and make a more educated guess... or maybe there is a source somewhere that actually says what was used on the track). but yeah, even if you are guessing, you don't need to say "hey guy's I'm guessing this sounds like a harp or something, idk".

-oh, and how does an album start with an interlude? wouldn't an interlude be between other bodies of music?

- there's a couple other nitpicks here and there, but nothing major. I'd suggest being more concise, as well as maybe creating larger paragraphs instead of small scattered ones. just my thoughts, do w/e you want.

good first review though, pos'd

November 12th 2014


Album Rating: 3.5

Thank you sir. Appreciate the feedback. I had a different intro than just jumping straight into things like I did, but I deleted it because it just didn't sound right.

Durrzo, I agree with you. I give a pass to them simply because of the lineup changes but the next album I expect a bit more experimentation. I agree that Ian's lack of range is a bit obvious, but I enjoyed his growls. Would be nice to have even some higher yells of sorts for some variation. Hearing just the low growls all the time became a bit monotonous

November 12th 2014


"Safe" is a good word to describe this, agreed

November 12th 2014


Album Rating: 2.5

I really wish they could drop the whiny cleans so I can fully enjoy them.

November 12th 2014


Album Rating: 4.5

I dunno if I'd say Garrison's rap like vocals are gone, I mean Ian sings pretty fast on Warrior, so he can do em, but ya fersure

not used as much. They basically sacrificed Garrisons highs for the extra meaty growls

November 12th 2014


Album Rating: 3.5

The cleans felt a bit unnecessary here, where on Augment they fit better

November 12th 2014


Jesse has a great voice but his choruses have always been pretty hit or miss for me. And on this EP I felt like he missed pretty much every time.

November 12th 2014


Album Rating: 4.5

Band still rules. RIP garrison

November 12th 2014


Album Rating: 4.5

sup dude

November 12th 2014


Album Rating: 4.5

Dooooood just jamming Erra. Are you at the radio station?

November 12th 2014


Album Rating: 4.5

ya and doing the same thing haha

November 14th 2014


Album Rating: 2.5

ep is good just a little too safe

November 14th 2014


is this the same intellectual earthcore that we know and sometimes love?

November 14th 2014


"After crafting 2 impeccable albums"

looks like youre using that word out of context bro

November 14th 2014


Album Rating: 2.5

I actually really dig the new guy's vocals but yeah, I could have been up for more epic bass lines like there were Augment.

November 14th 2014


Album Rating: 3.5

I thought they were impeccable, if you don't that's fine

November 14th 2014


Band of peckers ye

November 14th 2014


Yay, new Erra! Will be checking out.

Their singer sings too high and is annoying though. This has not changed, I presume?

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