
Dog Fashion Disco



by Imaperson USER (2 Reviews)
April 23rd, 2006 | 46 replies

Release Date: 2006 | Tracklist

Dog Fashion Disco - Adultery

Band Members:
Todd Smith – Vocals, Guitar, Banjo
Jasan Stepp – Guitar, Cello, Keyboard
Jeff Siegel – Keyboard
Brian White – Bass
John Ensminger – Drums
Matt Rippetoe – Sax, Flute, Clarinet, Horn Arrangements

This is the 6th studio album from Dog Fashion Disco. And let me tell you, One of the best albums i've ever heard is this one right here. This Album is a mix of Metal, Jazz and Porno Music (For The Song Adultery). Adultery is a Crime based album, and it is as if your going along with the crime scenes while investigating. This album is very dark and mysterious, for every song actually to.

Song By Song Review:

The Uninvited Guest - 9/10 - The intro to the album. This song is very mysterious, and it feels like your alone on your first case. With haunting pianos and eerie vocals from Todd, this song gives it the "crime" feeling. The Uninvited Guest might be related to the listener of this album, or the killer, which might be the "dark side" of the investigator, you never know. Very good intro to the album, it also keeps the Listener's attention.

*The Sacrifice Of Miss Rose Covington* - 10/10 - Here comes the first heavy song on the album. This song is very interesting to hear, Really good chorus to the song, this one definately needs a hear. The eerie sounds from the song gets you headbanging, and is once again. This song gives you the feeling of something bad happened, and the title "The Sacrifice Of Miss Rose Covington" might explain that. It might be the first murder that happened. Awesome track, I definately love the heavy riffs and the crazy keyboard work.

*Silent Film* - 10/10 - BEST TRACK ON THE ALBUM. The Song starts off with a jazz sound, then it gets to the chours. The verse in this song is dark, the guitar gives more effort for feeling, Todd's vocals sound dark, very nice lyrics too. Then after the chours they go insane, it complety stops, all you hear are a couple of piano notes playing, then the trumpet comes in with a sad-sounding note....then all of a sudden...Here it goes! The guitar and drums come in randomly, then the guitar does a plam muted riff while todd sings, then the weird sounding voice that goes along with todd comes in, it sounds so awesome. Then it gets really random after that, just what I like, the instruments do a couple of things, then it stop while the bass and sax is playing, sounds jazzy at that part, then it goes to a heavy palm muted part, and thats a good time for headbanging. This song is simply amazing. The song is about a man with a split personality as a serial killer, and the Devil keeps coming back to haunt him, sounds scary.

Sweet Insanity - 8.5/10 - I like this song, though I can't really describe how. It has a good and catchy riff to it, with a good beat to it. I like the guitar work, it sounds really good for a slow song. Todd's Vocals goes really good with the flow here. It sounds a little like classic DFD metal, I recommend you listen to this song to see for yourself.

*Desert Grave* - 9.5/10 - Now here is a track different from the other 4 tracks, this song is a mix of Johnny Cash with a banjo. Very good tune, It gives the desert feeling to it, Desert Grave is a great track to listen to on the road. The Trumpets i think are the best part of this song, it sounds so good. I can't really explain more about this song, go listen to this song and see how you like it, i know you will.

Moonlight City Drive - 9/10 - This song sounds like an old movie car chase, and thats what i like about this song, it has alot of orginality to it. The keyboard and trumpets give it suspense, just what the song is about. I definately recommened you listen to this one, do not skip it, its very catchy.

Privite Eye - 8/10 - All right here is where the album slows down a little, Privite Eye is a very slow song but its really good instrument wise, Todd gives it more of a dark and scary feeling with his vocals, the lyrics are totally sick :p (go see for yourself) This is the part of the album where it feels like your being watched, possibly by the killer. The investigator is being followed by some mysterious man, otherwise know as, once again, the Privite Eye. Good track to slow things down a little.

The Darkest Days - 8/10 - Awesome track, it starts off with a eerie guitar sound, then it gets to the heavy part, then Todd comes in with a low vocal giving this song probably the darkest feeling in this album. Good listen, it gets repitiave though. This song is kinda depressing once you hear the whole thing, makes me sad sometimes. As i heard this song is supposed to be about something with vampires.

Dead Virgins Don't Sing - 8.5/10 - Heres something different, scary singing too. This song has a cello in it, making a dark noise to it, good beat too, at some parts it feels like the music is disjointed. Then sometimes the keyboard makes it even more eerie when it does, you know, the eerie stuff. To be honest it's hard to explain this song, its very odd to me.

*The Hitchiker* - 9.5/10 - This song is beautiful, I love the soft part in this song. The verse makes you relaxed and calm, the guitar work and keyboard in this are absoluelty outstanding, giving an overall awesome sound in this fanstatic song. The music flows together perfectly, making this a must hear track.

*100 Suicides* - 10/10 - Another strong track in the album, I couldn't wait to hear it on the CD after when i saw DFD play this song live. This song gives another good feeling to the CD, with catchy tunes, lyrics, everything is good. I espicailly love the parts when it goes silent with the guitar playing lightley. This song is definatley one of the best in this Album. The emotion of this song is made to make you happy, works for me all the time.

*Adultery* - 10/10 - Finally, Here we are, Adultery. This is definatley a classic song in DFD history, the song sounds great with it's soft jazz parts, and great choruses! I didn't want to give to much away, but this song is definately one of DFD's best. This song can make you sad and happy at the same time, and has a really great meaning to it. Adultery has an excellent musical flow to it, all parts fit together tremendously. One of a kind song, truly a great piece of work.

Mature Audiences Only - 9/10 - A theatrical outro to this CD, it sounds like one of those plays you see in theatres. This song is a really sad song, sounds like the death scene of someone, which might be the reason for this track. Mature Audiences Only has the dark part of the cello with the violin like cello, which fits together so well. This is a really great way to end such a masterpiece we call Adultery.

Short Review:

Dog Fashion Disco takes a step forward in their musical carrer, combining Classic DFD metal riffs with crazy jazz explosins all put together in their new album, Adultery. The songs are simply amazing with its Crime Scene like sound, the whole scenario of it in this CD makes it go perfectly. Song by Song, the Investigator goes through some things, and those things are the songs. Adultery is a Creative, Depressing, Mysetrious album, and it definately worth a hear. After "Anarchists of Good Taste" and "Commited to A bright future", "Adultery" Tops Them All.

Short Message: Dog Fashion Disco, Thank You For The Greatest Album You Guys Have Created Yet.

Song Reccomended:
The Sacrifice Of Miss Rose Covington
Silent Film
Desert Grave
The Hitchiker
100 Suicides

Once Again I Reccomend All of them, but these are my favs

Overall Rating: 4.5/5 - Superb

Reviewed By: Imaperson

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Essence (4.5)
13 songs of creepy madness? Yes, please. What? No, I don't want to know about your fantastic street ...

Comments:Add a Comment 
April 24th 2006


Definitely not a 5, but they're alright.
Not a bad review, but you should use less words like 'great' and 'awesome'. Good job, anyway.

April 24th 2006


I've been meaning to check these guys out, the wide variety of instruments really has me interested.
This review wasn't bad, but it wasn't that great either. Your song descriptions were very dull and you described some of them by saying that they're "awesome" and they have a "cool guitar part." Try to avoid that because it doesn't tell the reader that much.

April 24th 2006


It's nice to see another DFD review, but this one is way too enthusiastic without being very helpful. Also, I don't think the band has six whole albums: I've never heard of anything before Anarchists or Committed before.

Lastly, this album is not quite a 5/5. That's just an astronomical rating for the best of the best. However, I really like this album and I wouldn't give it any lower than a 4. "Desert Grave" is really haunting and the whole record is a testament to the band's continued evolution.

April 24th 2006


Album Rating: 4.5

The band does have six albums, three before Anarchists.

I love this album, its one of, if not the best I've heard so far this year.

As for the review, I agree that it was rated a little high, this album is definitely not without it's flaws. Use the suggestions given to you above, and maybe try and stray away from track-by-track reviews.

April 24th 2006


Album Rating: 4.5

Ya you guys are right, i changed the rating to 4.5, the rating it still deserves. Thanks for the comments also

Also, for describing the songs, i tryed to describe much, i dont know what i did really wrong, what should i do to make it better?This Message Edited On 04.24.06

April 24th 2006


Album Rating: 3.0

Not a bad album, but some of it sounds TOO much like mr. Bungle,

just listen to 'Moonlight City Drive'.

June 16th 2006


Album Rating: 4.5

So after a few months of owning this album, it still remains one of my favorites of the year. While I think that it could have been better (less filler, better vocals) it has some truly amazing songs on it that make up for its faults.

November 2nd 2006


Album Rating: 5.0

This review isn't very good at all; it tells the reader nothing about what the music actually is like and more about how "great" the reviewer thinks it is.

I'll probably review this one sometime in the future... definitely one of the best of 2006.

November 23rd 2006


Album Rating: 5.0

One of, if not my favorite album by one of my favorite bands. An instant classic.

December 28th 2006


Album Rating: 4.5

To kingsoby1's comment: yeah after reading my review over and over i figured it wouldnt be that good, i'm learning how to really make a review interesting and maybe not do it in point/score form. hopefully my future reviews will be good

January 20th 2008


I'm interested I'm gonna check this out.

January 22nd 2008


Album Rating: 4.0

I had never heard of DFD before I read this review and have since listened to it many times. It is great stuff, but far from a classic. Their other albums are The Embryo's In Bloom, Experiments in Alchemy, Erotic Massage, Anarchists of Good Taste, and Committed to a Bright Future.

May 16th 2008


Album Rating: 4.0

I picked up this CD when I first read this review when it was released, but didn't really start listening to it until recently. This album is excellent and have purchased a couple more by DFD. The type of music is varied and the lyrics are entertaining. You never know what you are going to get from a song the first time you listen. A solid 4 plus a couple hundredths. I can't wait to hear what this band does in the future.

May 16th 2008


Album Rating: 4.0

This band broke up to become Polkadot Cadaver.

May 16th 2008


Anarchists of Good Taste of good taste was awesome. Made me think of clowns for some strange reason!

May 22nd 2008


[quote="pattern_recognition"]Definitely not a 5, but they're alright.[/quote]

Don't tell another person how to rate an album based on your opinion.

October 31st 2008


Album Rating: 5.0

Imaperson, I really don't mean to be harsh, but I think that this is a very confused review. After reading your track-by-track analysis, you missed some of the plot of "Adultery" and misunderstood some of the different meanings behind lyrics, sections, and song titles. Perhaps you are not "wrong", and (by all means!) perhaps I AM, but I think there is a completely different idea behind the entire album and it has a storyline that isn't very difficult to follow.

For example, I think it is pretty clear that in "Private Eye", an investigator is "hot on the trail" of the album's anti-hero after he started getting sloppy with his killings. "Desert Grave" and "Moonlight City Drive" give me that idea, with their mood and ending moments.

Also, I don't understand some of the ideas behind your individual track scores. 8.5 for "Dead Virgins Don't Sing", but only an 8.0 for "Darkest Days"? Really? "Dead Virgins" isn't even technically a "song"; rather it is a fill-in for the plot (like "Uninvited Guest", "Private Eye", and "Mature Audiences Only"). I think it is also the most misleading and confusing one, or perhaps the character is really interested in sociopath cult activity. Also, I personally feel that "Darkest Days" is one of the strongest tracks on the album, and the point of it is to be depressing. It is technically a good thing that you felt those negative feelings, because...I mean..."these are the darkest days of all." At that point in the album, I think the idea is supposed to be about creating a dark and strange time for the character.

And as for "The Uninvited Guest"...the "guest" is the killer's dark side. Just listen close or read the lyrics, it is pretty simple to figure out.

October 31st 2008


good album is good

January 17th 2009


Album Rating: 4.0

man I love this album

January 17th 2009


Album Rating: 5.0

i'm prob gonna do a 5/5 review for this in the future.

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