Review Summary: The possible next break-out rap artist.
Over the years Maryland rapper Logic has garnered attention from critics, hip-hop heads, and even casual listeners. He's been admired for his technicality in his rhyming, old-school sound, and even praised by one of the greatest rappers of all time: Nas. He first grabbed attention with his 2011 mixtape "Young Sinatra". Now Logic is signed with record label Def Jam. And released his 4th mixtape "Welcome To Forever" under Def Jam. Logic is now working on an untitled LP under Def Jam.
In 2012 Logic was an unsigned, but still talented individual. "Young Sinatra: Undeniable" is one of Logic's more gritty, old-school, down to hip-hop roots kind of mixtape. One of the main things that gives off the old school vibe of this mixtape is the sampling, and if you've ever listened to Logic you'll notice that he samples other artists music constantly. He does this while still making the song his own, giving it a whole new twist. The best example of this is "Dead Presidents 3" sampling legendary "The World Is Yours" by Nas. Instead of giving a history let's just say the song sparked a beef between rappers Nas and Jay-Z making it all the more memorable. Sampling is done so well in this album that it's a pro of the album. Onto more pros....Logic's actually rapping ability. Logic doesn't only flow effortlessly on any instrumental he's given, but even sometimes makes his own beat over the flow. It's a hard thing to explain, so it's better to just listen.
Even more praise to Logic's rapping ability is his lyricism. His lyrics are right in your face, whether they're gritty, disgusting, inspiring, or personal. The meaning of his lyrics are straight forward, but still clever nonetheless. From Set The Tone "And I'm here to make a killing. So say hello to the villian. Cause in the day that we're living the nice guys finish last. I'm blowing up, guess you could say I'm having a blast" and then the gunshot and the epic instrumental blasts, one of the best moments of the whole album.
On the songs I did like I loved, and most of the ones I disliked I didn't hate. Most, I didn't hate......Tic Tac Toe is ***ing terrible, there is no excuse for that song whatsoever. It's bragadocius, cheesy, cliche, poorly written, almost everything bad under the sun. Just skip that track at all costs. While not all of them are awful, the decent string of love songs gets repetitive, and even annoying. Luckily, there are 22 tracks for wiggle room. The last flaw to this album is that it isn't cohesive. Logic said he made music for everyone. As he does this he seems to contradict himself. On several tracks in the album he talks about how he hates the mainstream sound, and then makes mainstream sounding songs. All these complaints aside this album is a must listen.
Standout Tracks: No Biggie, Dead Presidents 3, Inception, Disgusting, The Spotlight, Dear God, Young Sinatra 3.
Album rating: 4.2/5