I'm looking to get into more Yes as well, I just bought Closer To The Edge, which is excellent. Who's the drummer on this album?
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Alan White plays on "Relayer" and Bill Bruford plays on "Close to the Edge." CttE is my favorite Yes recording, and incidentally Relayer is my second fave. Good review.
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This album still blows me away. I have a hard time deciding which one is my favorite; Tales from Topographic oceans, Close to the edge or Relayer. Alan White is amazing. Steve Howe is a Master as usual. 5outta5.
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[QUOTE=owlandtree]This album still blows me away. I have a hard time deciding which one is my favorite; Tales from Topographic oceans, Close to the edge or Relayer.[/QUOTE]
I agree. I think their sound on this album is my favorite though. It's somewhere between Close to the Edge and Tales. Gates of Delirium is just an amazing song. The instrumental break is just incredible, as is the whole Soon section. Sound Chaser is amazing as well, but the whole "CHA CHA CHA CHA CHA" chorus annoys me so much. To Be Over is a great song too, although it's never had much of an effect on me.
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[QUOTE=el doctor]Sound Chaser is amazing as well, but the whole "CHA CHA CHA CHA CHA" chorus annoys me so much.[/QUOTE]
I love that part.
After listening to Yes more extensively, I've decided that this is my favorite album of theirs, more so than Close to the Edge.
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I recently got Relayer. I especially heart Gates of Delirium. I had never heard Yes before this, but I love their sound.
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Since this seems to be a meeting point for people who have Yes albums, can anyone do a review of "Roundabout," or is it already done/ not an album?
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"Roundabout" is on "Fragile" and I thought I saw someone saying they'd do a review on it. If it doesn't come up in a few days, I'd consider doing one, although I don't think I could do the album justice. =x
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[QUOTE=biggnome39]I recently got Relayer. I especially heart Gates of Delirium. I had never heard Yes before this, but I love their sound.[/QUOTE]
Cause I burned it for you :p
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This album is my second favourite Yes album. I must say, Gates of Delirium is a masterpiece; the are few songs that match it. Close to the Edge is still my favourite album by Yes though.
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Album Rating: 4.5
Quite a short review. You should have gone a little bit more into detail.
Anyhow, this album is great. It's a pretty overlooked Yes album and I don't know why at all, seeing as it's actually one of their best imo. The Soon part of Gates Of Delirium is awesome.
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This was a bold departure from the warm, expanded sound of "Tales": of course "Gates" is as long as anything there, but it's pinpoint focused and faces conflict in a way that "Tales" did not always do. Back in '74, this must have seemed a very unsettling and provocative record, and "Gates" is much darker than their earlier work.
To me this is a high point in the Yes catalogue - I definitely prefer it to "Close To The edge"; it sounds much more contemorary and focused. It's also the last album where they had the help of Eddie Offord, and when you listen to "Going For The One" qou'll immediately see the difference in terms of sound.
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I got this on vinyl for $2. :cool:
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Album Rating: 4.5 | Sound Off
In my opinion, brilliant album.
Gates of Delirium is easily my favorite Yes song.
One thing that I like more about this album is Patrick Moraz's jazzier style. Rick Wakeman's style dealt with more soloing and whatnot, whereas Patrick Moraz always complements the rest of the music and doesnt alway to have stand out.This Message Edited On 06.12.06
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Why does this review claim to have 55 comments. :-/
I don't rate this as highly as some other Yes albums. It kind of falls in the middle between their absolutely essential progressive music and the utter rubbish that made up a fair amount of their career. Worth getting if you like progressive music though.
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Fun to read. Pos'd.
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first comment in 6 years and 363 days
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Most of the users that commented prob aren't even active anymore.
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Album Rating: 4.0
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Album Rating: 4.0
2nd fav yes album behind close to the edge
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