


by Evreaia USER (17 Reviews)
August 25th, 2013 | 48 replies

Release Date: 2013 | Tracklist

Review Summary: A concept album in reminiscence of the Bathory legend

Certain stories have a tendency to inspire artists, even after hundreds of years. The legend of Elisabeth Báthory -The blood countess- is one of those stories. Even four-hundred years after her death her tale still inspires many artists, the Swedish black metal band Bathory, or the album ‘Cruelty and the Beast’ by Cradle Of Filth are but two of the many examples. Meet the band Csejthe, named after the castle where Báthory tortured and murdered hundreds, in some stories even thousands of young woman and bathed in their blood too retain her beauty and youth.

Csejthe is a black metal band from Quebec, Canada, that released their debut album ‘La mort Du Prince Noir’ back in 2009 and now strikes back with their sophomore attempt called ‘Reminiscence’, a concept album surrounding the Báthory legend. However, this isn’t the same Csejthe that brough you ‘La Mort Du Prince Noir’, their lineup has drastically changed after the loss of all but two members. The guitarist Strigat, now also handling the vocals and the drummer Fiel (of Forteresse-fame) are the only original members left. Joining their ranks is the guitarist Bardunor of Monarque-fame.

For those unfamiliar with the Báthory legend, it’s a grim story that started like this; Elisabeth Báthory was a Hungarian countess who lives four hundred years ago and one day, while her maid was combing Elisabeth’s hair, she made the mistake of pulling Elisabeth’s hair a little too hard and hurting the countess. Who on her part hit the maid until she started bleeding, when Elisabeth looked at her blood-stained hands afterwards, she thought they looked younger. At this point Elisabeth started to torture and murder young woman and bath in their blood too retain her beauty and youth.

“Blood is eternal youth”

The album opens with a comparable grim opening; in the song ‘Oraison’ we are greeted by a melancholic church organ and an ambient landscape that immediately creates an uneasy atmosphere that will last for the entire album. Elisabeth’s victims suffered greatly during her torture, and this feeling of pain is something Csejthe will try to conjure up during the albums entire playtime.

The church organ starts to fade and after a small build up the first real song, the title track called ‘Réminiscence’ starts to play. A very spatial drum sound, tremelo picking guitars in the distance and a faraway echoing scream enter the scene. All covered with a thick fog that shrouds the music and creates a mysterious feeling. Similarities to Drudkh and ‘Filosofem’-era Burzum are immediately apparent. Csejthe crafted a dark, cold album; One that is heavily influenced by the original second wave black metal from Scandinavia. But Csejthe has no intention of creating a carbon-copy of this sound and add a lot of their own to the mix to create an original concoction that wears its influences proudly on its sleeve while still sounding fresh. A bigger emphasis on atmosphere and depression gives Csejthe a striking resemblance to other Canadian bands like Gris and Sombres Forets, while the rawer mix an spatial sound sets it apart from its contemporaries and bring us back to the original comparison to Drudkh and Burzum.

The album continues and once we hit the next song called, ‘Chasseresse’ the listener has been plunged headfirst into the legend of Elisabeth Báthory. The band members clearly love their craft as they brought a lot of passion into the album and will make sure you notice this. Strigats tortured and desperate screams keep you on your toes, while Bardunors lead guitar lines bring a lot of melody and emotion to the album. Drummer Fiel might even be the most impressive member of the band with is mercilessly fast drumming and impressive techniques. While the album could easily be described a blastbeats and tremelo picking, the subtle nuances in the album still give it a diverse feeling.

This diverse feeling will make sure the album’s 41 minute run time comes quicker than you would have imagined. Soon we arrive at the final track and absolute highlight of the album, called ‘Chants des martyres’. A monumental but instrumental track, where Csejthe throws everything at you for a final time. Once the guitar starts to fade out and the ambient landscapes start to take over again, you know it is coming to an end. This sooting feeling symbolises the last four years of countess Báthory’s life. Locked away in her castle in a room without doors and windows, far away from everyone she could harm, waiting for her end.

With ‘Reminiscence’ Csejthe created a great atmospheric black metal album, one that honoured the source material it borrowed from in both story and genre. It’s a great album that any fan of atmospheric black metal, or even black metal in general can enjoy.

The ending to ‘Reminiscence’ comes very quick, an honour Báthory’s victims did not have. 4.3/5

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Comments:Add a Comment 
August 25th 2013


Album Rating: 4.0

Chasseresse = http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LqhbXaaZxWo

Chant des martyres = http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UIYoMCbfxzo

I’ve listened to this album a good 20 times and its somewhere between a 4 and a 4.5 for me, hence

why the 4.3.

It’s been more as 8 months since my last review, tried to do something special to make up for it.

I’ve proof read this quite a few times, but since I just love to write a lot of typos and fail to

see them, please inform me if you find any. Writing this took me rather long, so be nice

A highly recommended album if you’re into atmospheric black metal, or even black metal at all.

Personally I’d rank it above the trending Deafheaven, Entropia, Altar of Plague albums around here,

but underneath Gris or Sombres Forets.

Black metal in Quebec has been pretty ace this year.

August 25th 2013


Good shit.

August 25th 2013


Album Rating: 4.0

I've posted the two songs I liked most, and while those are certainly the highlight the others don't hink far behind.

August 25th 2013


Album Rating: 4.0

The preview tracks you posted sound sweet, nice review man.

August 26th 2013


Album Rating: 4.0

@CaptainDooRight: Sweet, good to see you unbanned bro. And thanks for the kind words. I've also added the emi-colon you spoke of.

Notify me if you find any other errors. I've edited a couple out but I'm zure I've missed some.

@Metalstyles; if you like those be sure to check out the album, you'll like it.

August 28th 2013


Album Rating: 4.0

C'mon guys, nearly all of you deafheaven loving, en,tropia worshopping turds will like this.

Get on this.

August 28th 2013


Album Rating: 4.0

Yeah this needs more love, one of my favorite BM releases this year.

August 28th 2013


Album Rating: 4.0

great album

August 28th 2013


i guess i mean

August 28th 2013


Album Rating: 4.0

Those french canadians in Quebec have been killing it lately, such a great scene for blerk mertul.

August 28th 2013


Album Rating: 4.0

somethings in the water there, no other explenation

November 23rd 2013


Album Rating: 4.0

Liking this album a lot, good find Evreaia!

November 23rd 2013


Album Rating: 4.0

No prob, this really deserves some more attention though!

November 24th 2013


Album Rating: 4.0

It does, but sadly it isn't all that easy to hype up smaller albums like this on Sput without features.

November 24th 2013



November 24th 2013


Album Rating: 4.0

Yeah, lately i've seen quite a bit that just doesn't seem to get any foothold, despite the fact a lot of people here would love it

May 16th 2014


Album Rating: 4.0

Excellent album is excellent.

June 2nd 2014


this sounds promising, will add this to my list of things to mull over.

June 2nd 2014


Album Rating: 4.0

Most certainly do, its a very great album!

June 2nd 2014


this has been duly noted ^^

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