Review Summary: Chug chug chug chug chug chug.
Above This is a deathcore band that many people hate and I can see why. The terrible lyrics, the constant breakdowns, the chugs etc. It's something that many people are going to hate. So if you can't stand chugs and breakdowns you should probably just leave. This album won't hold much for you at all.
The key to enjoying this album is not taking it seriously. If you want something to fuel your hatred and something to throw down to, you'll get it. This is an album that is completely void of musicianship and full of anger. Lyrics such as: "If you would just shut your ***ing mouth for one ***ing second and think of someone other than yourself, you'd be better off." are sure to evoke anger in the listener. Don't get me wrong, the lyrics are uninspired and horrible. But in the middle of this chugfest you can't help but understand the anger in them.
There isn't much to say about the instrumental tracks. They speak for themselves. The drums are programmed, so that gives this album some insane fills. The drums won't grab your attention though. Neither will the guitar or the bass. Breakdowns, breakdowns, and more breakdowns. The occasional riff sprinkled here and there. What will grab your attention is the anger in the vocal delivery. They seem to be extremely distorted. Not sure if that's an effect that was put there on purpose or if it's just the mic distorting from how loud Shawn O'Brien is screaming.
Now lets talk about the cleans. I wish they weren't here. I'm not trying to say "Cleans are for pussies." Or anything like that. Quite the opposite, I love cleans when they're done right. That's the problem, Above This can't do them right. Shawn's voice is very annoying. That's the only word I can think of to describe it. Overall, I listen to this band when i'm upset over something. It's a sound that "drewtvylor" described in his "7L7" review as "Ignorant mosh." It fuels anger effectively and that's all it really does. The cleans don't really add to this album at all. They just feel forced and out of place.
Overall, you'll get a fair share of breakdowns, bass drops, and chugs. That's really it. No musicianship and sub-par recording quality. Good for a listen when you want some ignorant mosh or monotonous, loud music. But stay far away if you aren't a fan of deathcore.
Unique vocals
Clean vocals
Extremely boring