Ah, Two Gallants. I've find memories with. You defined my youth ages 15-17. We drove to parties screaming you're lyrics. We air-drummed your songs in our rooms alone. We listened to The Throes drunk with a depressed friend. We studied your style and learned every lyric after getting dumped. You were there for us, yet you could perk up every ear and triumph at any drunken gathering.
Yeah, there are not a lot of bands like Two Gallants. They got me through a lot of hard times, simultaneously supplying with many great times and good memories. Then you just disappeared... We kept listening, checking for shows, but to no avail. You guys drifted and we were hopeful but impatient. We started to lose faith and then we stumbled on this gem.
Right from the beginning of "Halcyon Days" I was intrigued. I was thinking "they still got it!" But by the time the chorus dropped it's beautiful self on my ears I was completely floored. The first side blows through with a hurricane of hits. they get their most accessible yet with "My Love Won't Wait." It's contrasted piano putting is a highlight of their career.
There is a certain jagged quality present in the songs. They sound like a beautiful lady at a party, drinking and ***ing herself up, but knowing she is too gorgeous to really get trashed.
Two Gallants have gotta older. A younger band would've put their energy in making these songs faster and longer. Now they hit short and hard. This is the best they've ever been. They trim the fat and give you lean rock songs. This is a good album to listen drunk, and hungover. The second side is full of classic songs a tearjerking melodies.
I'm drunk and this is my review.