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Hawthorne Heights first formed in 2001 as the band A Day In The Life, but changed their name to what they are now known as after some lineup changes, and a different take in direction in what music they were playing. After sending several demos out to many labels, Victory Records signed the band, and put out their debut album, The Silence In Black And White in 2004. The band had a great response to the album, getting heavy play from their first single, Ohio Is For Lovers, and eventually the album went gold. Now, I enjoyed that song, and thought it was all right, but the vocal job from front man JT was a little bit too whiny for my tastes. How did the rest of the album compare though when I bought it? Well, the answer sadly is that not one song could even begin to match up to that average song the band had as a single. The whole album was dreary, boring, and could not catch the listeners ear. Everything was so repetitive. Well, bands sometimes just need room to grow right? After all, there are three whole guitarists in the band; that could turn into something really cool, and unique. To bad they didn’t take advantage of that on their first album. However, did they use three guitars to their advantage on this follow up album, If Only You Were Lonely? Also, did their musical writing abilities mature to be entertaining, and did JT’s voice get better? All these questions, and more will be answered in the following paragraphs.
Well, I must say that when I heard the commercials for If Only You Were Lonely, my hopes for an increase in musicianship basically died. Saying Sorry is derivatively boring, and basically a continuance of the same kind of music that the band wrote for their first album, except worse. However, if you do unluckily become obsessed with this song, then you’re going to love the rest of the album. Two-thirds through the song it goes into a short acoustic part, where JT’s vocals there sound exactly ripped off of Ohio Is For Lovers. There goes any chance of originality.
The album starts off with This Is Who We Are, and it is apparent that JT has worked on his singing voice considerably. He actually sounds completely different on many songs when compared to the bands last album. His singing flows a lot smoother on many songs. However, the backup vocals are easily comparable to those of the drummer of Atreyu. They’re just plain horrid, and the screaming is about the same as the last album, in other words, very annoying. It’s a good though thing that screaming has become more of a once in a while thing for the band. All backup vocals aside though, JT has worked on his voice, and I commend him for that, but he still has a way to go before I can say he’s actually a good vocalist. Instrumentally, I once again would have no clue that there are a total of three guitars playing throughout each of the songs. Hawthorne Heights have sadly once again failed to take advantage of the situation. Not only does the band fail to take advantage of the fact that they have three guitarists, the guitar parts are considerably bland. There are not any good leads to a single song. The actual song writing is fairly repetitive. Many riffs in songs sound re-produced from the others songs on the album.
This album is horridly depressing. Every song is about one failing relationship or another. The lyrics have absolutely no depth whatsoever, and the listener can basically just laugh at the pitiful writing job JT did of the lyrics. Breathing In Sequence- “ So close your eyes, and kiss me like it's our last time. These lips need medication, these days are dripping poison, girl.” We Are So Last Year- “I just wanted you to know I think about you every night. When I fall asleep you are in my dreams and just like in a movie the one you want to see with a happy ending.” These two examples don’t even begin to justify how bad of a lyrical job the whole album is, but hopefully the point got across.
What really kills this album is the fact that there’s not really one song that could qualify as a good quality single. ]If Only You Were Lonely is clearly a huge step back from The Silence In Black and White, believe it, or not. I truly thought this would at least be an average album, but it seems that Hawthorne Heights are only popular because they got lucky with their hit song Ohio Is For Lovers. Maybe this time around they will fall to the bottom of the hole, and ten years from now be looked on as only one hit wonders.
other reviews of this album |
I still haven't heard this band. Maybe I'm just so good at staying out the mainstream :cool:
| | | kickass review of possibly the shittiest band in exsistence. I wouldnt want to say that they are number one on my least favorites list, solely because I dont want to give them that kind of recognition. They dont deserve to be number one at anything, even sucking
| | | Album Rating: 1.0
Good Review... I thought this band acctually might put out a good album and surprise everyone.
I guess not.
| | | Album Rating: 1.5
Nice review Kripes, you've convinced me this is crap.
| | | Album Rating: 1.0
I'll drink to that last sentence in the review.
The video for Saying Sorry is funny because the guy is inexplicably just bouncing. No reason why, just bobbing along.
| | | Did you actually buy this, Kripes? Or just download?
I pray the latter.
| | | Album Rating: 1.5
This is already out? I thought it came out this commign tue.
| | | I heard their previous album, let's just say, it'd surprise me if anything else they did or ever do will receive more than 0 from me. I cannot find a single redeeming quality in the band.
Good review, besides the usual grammar stuff. "Bands last album" should be "band's last album" since it's talking about possesion, and it's a singular noun. I don't mean to be anal or arrogant, but it's a really noticeable error.
| | | I hate this band
They just plain suck.
| | | Heh, worst than their previous labum? Is that even possible?
| | | Album Rating: 2.5
[quote=]I'll drink to that last sentence in the review.[/quote]:chug:[quote=]Did you actually buy this, Kripes? Or just download?[/quote]I recieved the first half from ShadowsFallen, and got the rest from a friend at school.[quote=]This is already out? I thought it came out this commign tue.[/quote]It came out today in Germany. :D[quote=]Good review, besides the usual grammar stuff. "Bands last album" should be "band's last album" since it's talking about possesion, and it's a singular noun. I don't mean to be anal or arrogant, but it's a really noticeable error.[/quote]Thanks, I'll fix it. [quote=]Heh, worst than their previous labum? Is that even possible?[/quote]Yes.
| | | argh, this band could be very good, except for one thing: the dude who does screams. they're just too.... not good. even the emo kids i know agree with me on this. if he could improve his screaming so that it doesnt sound like he needs a halls, and possibly take advantage of the three guitar thing (myabe a synth guitarist???), then this band would be sweet. nothing against the guys, cause from what i hear they're really sweet, but please improve.
| | | btw, i really like their new single (mostly because of the lack of screaming), but it's still not enough to make me want to buy this record.
| | | Album Rating: 1.0
A Screamo band? the defenitions get lost in countless crappyness, but the one that comes to mind for me is Atreyu. There a lot of worse ones, if you watch late night Fuse.
Someone was bitching in my BIAB review about Shit music, and i told him no such thing exists. Now I disagree. This is shit music.
| | | Nice review! I liked it, but I really really hate the band, like any other person.
| | | Album Rating: 1.0
I always see overwhelming negativity when it comes to this band. I don't like them much either, I must say, but it really just makes me wonder. Does anyone on here actually like them? And if everyone I know and hear of seems to hate them, why are they so popular today? It doesn't add up.
| | | They're popular because the music genre that they're playing is popular... You can see their music videos constantly on TRL or whatever... But that doesn't matter if their music is good.. Unfortunately, I personally think that their music is ...well, boring, unoriginal and unspiring.. That's why i don't like them..
| | | Great review. I'd definately agree with the new single being nearly identical to the previous. At that one point during the slow part of the song, I forgot that it was actually the new one. The little bit right before the chorus is kind of cool, but then the chorus is terrible and ruins it. It does not fit the rest of the song at all.
I'd also agree that they definately do not take advantage of having three guitars. Why does the lead singer even bother playing one? I'm pretty sure that he's playing exactly what one of the other guitarists are. Maybe if he didn't play, then he could work more on his vocals. Which definately need work.
I also agree with radianteclipse. I don't see why they are so popular if so many people dislike them. And why do the music channels play it and the commercials all the time? After the first three listens (just like the former single), I now mute the TV when it comes on.
I don't mean to sound like I'm just ripping on them, but I honestly think they need some serious work. They're just like majority of the bands that you can pull out of the emo/hardcore/punk genre that have a lot of energy, but I fear that energy is horribly misdirected. And it seems that the majority of these bands have an extremely limited knowledge of music, considering how nearly every song is just a handfull of drop D power chords and whiney singing. As long as these bands keep making music like that, then I wonder how much worse it can get.
| | | OH MY GOD...
Atreyu is not screamo, emo. They are popcore/fashioncore. Saetia=screamo. City of Caterpillar=emo. Atreyu isn't in the same family as those two bands.
| | | Album Rating: 2.5
Thanks for the comments all. 
I saw them live less than a week ago. JT stood there like an android, and talked like one too. His singing sounded rather creepy too. The rest of the band was actually energetic though, and at times, enjoyable. :O
Emery, Bleed the Dream, and Anberlin kicked a$$. June sucked.
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