Review Summary: Another Teenage Bottlerocket gem
Teenage Bottlerocket is one of those bands which listeners have to cross a precarious looking line to be a fan of. Admitting to be a Teenage Bottlerocket fan is admitting to like straightforward pop punk songs played by nerds with occasionally predictable lyrics that I could teach you how to play on guitar in a few seconds. TBR play pop punk in the non-lame variety as in the old school Ramones or Screeching Weasel type not the lame variety as in Set Your Goals or All Time Low. Anyway, once that line is crossed it can now be acknowledged that you don't give a shit about that stuff I mentioned. Freak Out! dwells just short of your full attention but above background noise when used correctly. Another endearing product of The Blasting Room, Teenage Bottlerocket yet again put together 14 or 15 songs that fly past, are satisfying, and super easy to listen to. There's something about a Teenage Bottlerocket song that makes my ears comfortable. Like a song or hook popped into Kody or Ray's head and then they wrote it right there and never changed it, even the parts where I think they came up with lyrics off the top of their heads as they recorded it, but it works because it rhymes. Like the song is perfect in it's simple and imperfect form. I thought only Weezer could get away with that. None of this is to say that there is a dearth of emotion or anything dynamic, not to mention energy throughout. My favorite part being "JUST LIKE I SAID, I'M DONE WITH LOVE" belted just before the last chorus of "Done With Love". Unfortunately the more memorable songs like "Cruising for Chicks", "Necrocomicon" (guess what this song's about) or like "Maverick" are crammed into the beginning of the record and while it's all quality pop punk, I've listened to something new after "Never Gonna Tell You" more than once.
Another fucking irresistible Teenage Bottlerocket album . All you really need to know is that it's fun and catchy and if you can lower yourself enough to enjoy something like that you're in for a treat, if not you're probably a fucking douche bag. I'm just trying to find a girl that likes TBR, Toys that Kill and House Boat, is at least a 7/10 and at least 13 years old. I'm charming as shit and handsome. Email me, if you think you qualify.