Heavy Heavy Low Low are a five piece band from California, as if you've never heard of a 5 piece band from California. Many good bands come out of that L shaped state; just look at Green Day. But all kidding aside, Heavy Heavy Low Low are a hardcore band, and they are very good at what they do. I feel that this is a band that really needs to get known and famous because they really deserve it. They currently tour in places like New York, but they aren't signed to a major label.
If I compared HHLL to another band, it would be Fall Of Troy. The screaming and the music is similar in every way. The only main difference would be that Fall Of Troy take a break from the screaming, which is one of the reasons that I would prefer something like "Doppelganger" over this. But don't be mislead, this is still a notable album from a pretty good band. It's definitley not perfect, I'd say it's about average. All the songs are listenable, but get repetitive because of the constant screaming and song structure.
HHLL play some of the roughest music I've ever heard. The guitars spaz at high rates, but the riffs are nonetheless cool. The drums are fast paced, and on key with the guitars. The bass isn't really audible, and that is a shame. But the music is basically just spastic, so it doesn't really matter. Most of the time you don't really know what you're listening to anyway. The immense amount of screaming can get annoying in some tracks, but for the most part it fits right in with the music. The only big issue I find with the screaming is the fact that the vocalist's voice cracks occasionally. Other than that, the music is solid. But with the lyrics I beg to differ. The first track "Pizza Party" has lyrics such as "i remain docile panic panic despite what you say i am still quite afraid panic may arise there will be no memorial to praise your name panic may arise shut your mouth as every last limb is amputated who knew in ten years you’d just be gone". Yeah. Not to inspiring, let alone pointless. But the focus is the screaming and the music so it doesn't matter (at least to me).
One of the songs on this album really stood out though. "There's a Bat" was really just a whole lot of nonsense, but the song had many variations to it which I really liked. It just starts off totally insane. From the start, all you hear is "THERES A BAAAAT!!!". Kind of retarded, but still good. It was the music, not the lyrics that I would judge this song on. The song acts like it's going to stay the same constant heavy tempo, but it slows down halfway through (roughly 30 seconds after the start).
If you like hardcore music, you'll like this album. If not, then stay away at all costs. Heavy Heavy Low Low will liquify your kidneys with too much listening, so take it easy. In the end, I think that this is a nice EP to introduce HHLL into the world of professional music. This album is average on my standards, but I feel that HHLL have a lot of potential and talent, they just need to work with it. It's pretty hard to get any of the bands songs, I reccommend just using SoulSeek or going to the bands myspace address, listed at the bottom.
Heavy Heavy Low Low; why solve your depression with medication when you could just listen to hostile music?