Review Summary: I liked it, and the review was much more positive, until it got fucking deleted.
I'm pissed off. I spent half an hour writing this review, only to have it delete itself. This isn't going to be pretty, so I'll do this one much quicker than I initially did. This is Riff'o'clocks band. They didn't put a tracklist or anything so I had to add it myself. Production is murky and I didn't really care for it. Bleh. Here we go again.
All the tracks start off with this squealy guitared, Jailbait bull***. Why? I have no idea man. This review is a ***ing piss off. I had this whole thing filled out, well thought out and everything and the stupid cunt of a review deletes. *** this non saving bull***. I'm pissed. Like, so ***ing pissed you don't even know. Gotta review this bull*** again. Sigh.
Track one, or '10' is a really typical grind track. While the production was bad, it seemed better than average grind. The song wasn't anything special though. This song was only 22 seconds long, making it the shortest on the album.
The next track, '12' shows the band making a longer song, this one being 42 seconds long. This track was okay, but I've heard better.
After this came '8', which wasn't good either. It was too damn repetitive and the vocalist sounds like he's shoving a papaya up his ass. Think this scene:
Nearly done, woo-hoo! The next track is called '6' and it's a lot longer, though for a person with ADD such as myself, longer isn't always better.
Finally, we have '13', and what a fitting title that was. To sit through this Grindstrosity is like hell. It is overlong and feels tacked on. This however, doesn't make it that awful of a song.
Is it i-pod worthy? Nyet, unless you're into that kind of thing.
My verdict: