For those of you that never heard of the Unseen, they are a one of the biggest street punk bands out there. The play alot of fast and loud music and mostly sing about politics. They are becoming much more popular with their most recents music videos "scream out" and "you can never go home" from their 2005 album call State of Discontent. You can check those videos out at the Unseen website Some people are saying they are selling out because of their videos but I dont want that to get in the way of me liking a great band.
This cd and the new one lack in street punk and is more just normal punk. I do like their older stuff more but this cd and the new one are still good enough to listen too. If you like the Casualties, rancid,or operation ivy, you would like this band. Enough of that, lets get to the track-by-track review.
False hope-What can I say, this song is perfect for strating the cd. Its really catchy with the line "try all you want, but nothings getting solved". Also the speed stays fast the whole song and the guitars and drums song really good. Im not sure but I think there was a video for this song, if there was, its a good choice for one. Amazing song!
Your failure is my revenge-This song is even faster then the first. The verses are fast and the chorus is loud and has simple lyrics just yelling "go!" a few times. Its another stand out track in the cd. Its short with only lasting 1:46 but that doesnt change anything.
Explode-Whenever there is a song on a cd thats the same as the title of the cd, its usally good and this is no exception. The thing I like about this song is that it doesn't just stay extreamly fast the whole time. Its got fast drums for awhile, then gets normal speed which songs great. The lyrics are great with the line "do you ever feel like your gonna explode......explode!!!" another stand out track.
Don't look back-Four song and they have not let up on great fast energenic songs. Its simalar to the first three songs. Fast drums and and screaming lyrics. The chorus is really catchy with the lyrics being simple and yelling "dont look back!!" then he says something else in it. The bridge is also amazing when the other singer is just kinda talking then the chorus comes back.
Negative outlook-Well, the 5/5 song streak has been broken. I don't know why but this song doesnt have that hook as the first four songs did. Its not terrible but its just not as catchy. You can still listen to it with out skipping t though.
Tsunami sucide-Yeah!!! another kick a** song. The singer sounds much different. Maybes its the back singer the whole time, I dont know but sounds great. The music is loud but not as fast as the first couple songs. The chorus is cool with the lyrics "I wanna destroy myself" it doesnt really mean he wants to kill himself. its about people ending up the same and sees no point in life if that happens to him.
So sick of you-Ok song sounds like just a filer song. They dont do much with it. It starts slower then the others, the lyrics come in and starts picking up but then sounds boring from there. The verse is what keeps the sing alittle enterestin but not much after that.I usally skip this one.
Remains unseen-Another average nothing special song. It sound really simalar to "so sick of you". There really isnt no way to talk about this one. The only thing I like was the part when the drums have a solo for a few seconds the the music comes in the drums again the music.
fed up-After two boring songs, they came back with a fast one. Its really short only being only 1:09 long.Its hard to tell when the choruse and verses are when you listen to it first because they sound so simalar. Good song to listen too when you are listening to music for a long time.
Useless regrets-Good song but still not much of a stand out track. It start off with catchy lyrics "use-less re-grets". It medium-fast speed and has some cool guitar riffs.
Victims-When a song starts off with a 1,2,3,4 its usally a fast song and this is. The guitar intro is kinda weird but still good. Then get loud and screaming lyrics. The bridge slows down with the backup singer talking. Good song.
New World Disorder-To end the cd, they put a great song. Fast song with a drum intro that hasnt happened much through the whole cd. The chorus is catchy with the lyics being "New world... disorder!"then say something else with it. Its a short song only being 1:36 but most of the song were short anyway.
Overall this cd was great but I still like their older cds better because us more street punk. I recommend this cd to anyone how like hardcore punk or street punk. If you are not sure what street punk is, its like hardcore punk but mostly sing about politics and have howhawks three feet Anyway to end my review I will name some bands simalar to this one the Casualties,Rancid, Operation ivy, Clit 45, Choking victim and Zeke.