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Review Summary: And no one is surprised. To survive in the music world, an artist must have the persistent attitude and dedication to strive for relevance and creativity to set them apart from the rest. A classic definition of this would be the fame of Madonna. Producing hits since her first album released in the early 80’s, Madonna has continually shaped her image and music style with constant reinvention on each album she has released. Without introduction her reputation proceeds her, but there comes a time when an artist has been around for so long that they have to decide when the right time is to close up shop and let the classics they have created rest in peace and no longer fight the battle for relevance.
With her new album titled MDNA, it becomes clear to everyone but perhaps Madonna herself that maybe the time for her to throw in the towel is a bit overdue. Frankly MDNA is not a bad album, there has definitely been some worse pop music released in the past year, I’m talking to you Britney, but the fact is Madonna is 53 years old. It becomes a little difficult to listen to a woman of that age sing sex-fueled dance floor-ready singles like “Girl Gone Wild” or “Give Me All Your Luvin’” without tilting your head and saying, “really Madonna?”
Another issue the album has is that it quite unfortunately shows that Madonna no longer can push the envelope. Her classic albums of the past like “True Blue” or “Like a Prayer” were revolutionary for their time and set new standards for pop music. With MDNA though, there is nothing presented that you would not expect. The entire first half of the album is dance heavy beats about fame and partying. While some of these songs are done well, like the slow building “I’m Addicted” or the pounding “I Don’t Give A” which features Nicki Minaj, others are just painfully rough like “Superstar” which has some of the most poorly written lyrics of Madonna’s entire discography.
The second half of the album still uses these recycled dance beats but much more slowed down and show Madonna at her most “sentimental,” using that word lightly though because the emotion that Madonna tries to convey just seems so painfully forced. The only truly good slower song is the album closer, “Fallin Free” which avoids the bass heavy beats that had cursed the rest of MDNA and instead opts for a more simplistic string section which provides a great backup for Madonna’s voice which is still unfortunately obviously auto tuned, but not bad enough to make the song unlistenable.
As cruel as it sounds, MDNA has very nearly set in stone that Madonna has become a nostalgic has-been. While she can continue to push out as many albums as she wants, it will be hard for her to return to the top of the mountain where she once reigned. Though that is not to suggest that this typical, and extremely marketable album is not a fun listen, it will never be, nor was expected to be, anything more.
other reviews of this album |
Pretty good review actually, I think Madonna sucks IMO
| | | Album Rating: 4.0
F you and y Bjork Albums !
| | | Album Rating: 2.5
It doesnt help that Madonna is such a bitch now too. All recent interviews of her I have read are just painful.
| | | ''Some Girls'' makes my ears bleed.
| | | I Fucked Up
| | | Album Rating: 3.0
Why is her age even mentioned!? Just because she's 50+ she should retire!?
| | | Album Rating: 3.0 | Sound Off
The point was "It becomes a little difficult to listen to a woman of that age sing sex-fueled dance floor-ready singles" which is somewhat reasonable. In theory, I don't have a problem with that though. It's not like she's 70 or something. The problem is just that the songs aren't that good.
"Masterpiece" and "Falling Free" are the best songs and coincidentally (?) are the most low key. There is definitely a case to be made for that style being a better fit for her at his point.
beautiful stranger is probably her catchiest song. That's pretty random. But nah, I'd have to go with "La Isla Bonita" or "Borderline". Or "Music" for a newer song.
| | | Album Rating: 3.0
Yeah I'm like wtf that she would call Gaga reductive then have dubstep and similar sounds to already popular songs. I wish she would explore ballads more instead of tacking them on her albums.
| | | Album Rating: 3.0 | Sound Off
Yeah, seriously. Her ballads have always been strong. It's a shame that so little of this is Madonna and is instead *insert name* as interpreted by Madonna. I'm also disappointed that there was no rock song either. Seemed like she was going in that direction based on the last tour. Thought there'd be at least one song in that vein.
| | | Album Rating: 3.0
Ugh that was the problem with Hard Candy. Timberlake and Timberland just brought their low grade R&B to her. I wish she would've just stick with Pharrell because the tracks he made with her are more interesing in my opinion.
YES OMG ABOUT THE ROCK COMMENT!!! She's been teasing us since her Re-Invention Tour with a rock album. She should just do it, we all know she can slay on the dancefloor.
| | | Album Rating: 2.5
I wasn't trying to imply that because she is older than 50 she should hang it up, of course many other people have
continued a music career way past that age. The fact is that so much of her past work is excellent, everything she is
releasing recently just seems to tarnish what once was, and I can't imagine her releasing anything better at this point.
So perhaps, in Madonna's case, 53 isn't a bad time at all to close the door.
| | | Album Rating: 4.0
no way this album is worse than Miss A album, no way. 4 stars to Miss A, 25 stars to Madolah
| | | It's pretty reasonable for young people about 20-something to sing abot sex, parties and drugs. But I mean, Madge is old enough that at this point of her career her writing should be a little more substantial or interesting.
| | | Album Rating: 3.0 | Sound Off
That doesn't make up all of the lyrical content. Besides, she's still fairly attractive, in great shape and very active so it's not like she's faking it when singing about these topics. And most importantly, that's what the listeners this sort of music is marketed toward want to hear.
| | | Album Rating: 3.0 | Sound Off
Not really, man. There has been some great material even on these last two albums. It's all a matter of selecting better songs / songwriters to work with. It's different from a rock band or something. She can only be as good as what she's given.
| | | Album Rating: 3.0 | Sound Off
Nah, definitely not in every aspect. I agree about the albums themselves not being as great recently, but Confessions was still good. Her tours post-2000 have been far better than anything prior to then.
| | | i would feel embarrassed rating this
| | | Album Rating: 4.0
much better than Lana Del Boring, Miss A Shit, Grimes My Balls, Britney Sperms and Lady Dale Bozzio Xerox Gaga
| | | No
| | | Yeah but really, Madonna like stopped pushing boundaries, I often tend to praise Confessions, but with Hard Candy, and this there's nothing we haven't heard before, as stated above ''And nobody is surprised''.
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