Fallen Angels



by Jeremy Wolfers USER (123 Reviews)
December 10th, 2011 | 30 replies

Release Date: 2011 | Tracklist

Review Summary: A significant improvement over the last few releases, but a tiresome listen towards the end.

Venom is one of metal's most influential acts, setting the groundwork for thrash and black metal simultaneously. After their first 3 (and best) albums, Welcome To Hell, Black Metal and At War With Satan, Venom quickly spiraled into mediocrity with Possessed, and faded away from interest. Recently re-appearing in the resurgence of classic metal with Judas Priest and Motorhead, the band has released a series of somewhat mediocre but still extremely blasphemous albums. However, Fallen Angels is a definite step up from previous releases Calm Before The Storm and Hell.

One serious advantage to some of their other albums is the clear but gritty production. It gives the tracks a similar feeling to their grinding power of their first few albums, but with a much thicker feel. In terms of technical skill, the band hasn't really got any better, with fairly simple riffs and drumming as well as their varied solo styles. Opener Hammerhead demonstrates this simply, with small amounts of double bass and a thick and heavy guitar line, as well a nice section of harmony going on around the middle of the song, before entering a decent solo by guitarist "La Rage". In addition, there is a much less "PURE SATAN WORSHIP" vibe here, and simple acoustic track Lest We Forget and track after, Valley Of The Kings display less stereotypical Venom lyrics.

The main strength over the previous albums is better songwriting. Thrashier pieces such as Nemesis and Pedal To the Metal[/b] may feature average lyrical content but the music itself is much more aggressive than other recent material, and feature much improved riffs and are much more concise than some of their earlier works. While some tracks stretch over 5 minutes or longer (Lap of the Gods) they tend to have more interesting song structures than most of the bands older work, with acoustic sections and variation between riffs. In addition, none of the songs are too similar to each other, so it is possible to enjoy particular tracks rather than just the album as a whole.

The most obvious issue with the album is however the issue of it being really quite long considering the not especially varied material featured. This means you'll find that the album drags quite a bit towards the end, which is a shame since some of the better musical moments are found there, especially in the powerful title track. This is a serious issue considering the bands music is mostly straightforward speed metal which can be easily compared to Motorhead at times.

Despite this, it's worth noting particular tracks which are especially impressive, and the album has definite few. The title track in particular successfully manages to squeeze songwriting and atmosphere into a song laden with what is easily the band's heaviest riff. The aforementioned Nemesis also succeeds with some thrashy riffing and quick tempos. Annunaki Legacy features one of the albums most memorable solos and features simple but catchy riffing.

Overall this is probably Venom's best work since At War With Satan, although it is possibly one of their least distinctive in terms of setting the band's own style, as it borrows features from Slayer, Motorhead and stoner rock. Despite this, the album is a solid listen, but just be warned: it can be VERY REPETITIVE.

Recommended Tracks:
Fallen Angels
Annunaki Legacy
Lap Of The Gods

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Staff Reviewer
December 10th 2011


I will check this out.

Pos'd for reviewing a classic act.

December 10th 2011


I was actually surprised by how decent this turned out to be

Activista anti-MTV
December 10th 2011


Venom is great

December 10th 2011


"I was actually surprised by how decent this turned out to be"
Basically. Considering how poor their other albums have been recently this was a nice change.

Activista anti-MTV
December 10th 2011


I was thinking the review turned out great

December 10th 2011


pos hard

Venom rule- i won't bother with this though

December 11th 2011


They're still making music?

I like the review dude. I would get rid of the bolding and stick with more italicizing, kind of a style thing but whatever, it's the content that counts.

December 11th 2011


was just thinking i hadn't seen a review of this yet

December 11th 2011


Will do, Wizard.

December 11th 2011


This isn't bad so far.

December 11th 2011


Yeah get rid of the bolding it's not great on the eye.

I might listen to this, Hell was pretty bad, though.

December 11th 2011


Double post

Good review

December 22nd 2011


Album Rating: 4.5

Madbutcher I somewhat disagree. While you are correct about this being a better album than 'Hell!', and even 'Metal Black'...I think your on crack by putting down every album after 'At War With Satan'. You obviously aren't a big fan of VENOM to begin with. And after reading your review IHIGHLY doubt you are even aware of some of the albums they released--namely the 3 albums recorded after Cronos' departure ('Prime Evil', 'Temples of Ice', and 'Wastelands')--they are some of the most musical and interesting of VENOM's releases (post 'Posessed')-and feature the vocal and bass talents of one Tony 'Demolition Man' Dolan (ex-ATOMKRAFT). VENOM came back HARD with 'Cast in Stone' reunited with Cronos on bass/vox again-and this album is PURE CLASSIC. The BEST production EVER on a VENOM disc-ever heard it? Doubt it. This was followed up with 'Resurrection' which featured a new (and even better) drummer-and again, above average production. Another classic. Yes, the arrival of Mike Hickey on guitar on 'Metal black' and 'Hell!' DID bring the band down just a few notches-but 'Fallen Angels' with new axeman 'La rage' (who sounds suspiciously like Mantas), has brought the band BACK to form. Let's get something straight--a band that were INNOVATORS like VENOM are not just a band-but a PRODUCT. When you buy a MOTORHEAD album-do you want them to sound like Limp Dikskut (GAAAAAKKKK!!!)??? NO. You want them to sound like VENOM. For you to claim the album to be 'repetitious' is ridiculous. anyone out there reading this--BUY this album whether your a VENOM fan or just starting out. It will MELT your face. If not for VENOM, there would be no SLAYER, CELTIC FROST, SODOM, etc., etc. Case closed.

December 22nd 2011


Uhhh, bro. Their stuff in the mid 90s is quite good, I just prefer this.

And this album is repetitive. Not necessarily bad (see my score), but definitely repetitive. It is very easy for a band to sound like themselves but to vary their sound quite a bit (take Saxon, for example).

Also, I couldn't care less if this band originated and influenced a bunch of bands. I dislike most of Black Sabbaths new albums but they're still the originators of the whole metal scene.

In addition, I don't need to be a die hard fan to review something. I LIKE Venom and enjoy this record quite a bit. I don't need you to try and make me increase the score for this, because it is simply not THAT good. It is neither groundbreaking, nor supremely aggressive, inspired, or melodic. It is Venom, but not on their absolute top form.

March 1st 2012


venom isnt so good. Bathory is 88997868679867574621123.68 times better.

August 10th 2012


I was pleasantly surprised by this. Much better than the previous 2, and maybe as good as Cast In Stone and Resurrection. Like all of those it would have been much improved if they cut the running time down by 10 or 15 minutes.

December 2nd 2012


better than Hell. Bonus track Annunaki legacy is cool

February 10th 2014


Agree, very surprised at just how good this was (in a simple and instantly gratifying sorta way). Works well as a soundtrack for deathmatching (oh lord!) but doesn't command (or bear) any closer listening.

April 25th 2022


Album Rating: 3.0

why is the production on most of this band's albums so freaking bad

April 25th 2022


ngl production for 00s albums by most 80s metal bands tends to pretty shite most of the time

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