
45 or 46 Songs That Weren't Good Enough



by NEDM USER (43 Reviews)
October 13th, 2005 | 30 replies

Release Date: 2002 | Tracklist

Quote from Fat Mike on their album, 45 Or 46 Songs That Weren't Good Enough To Go On Our Other Albums -

"Putting 47 songs together for an album is easy. Hardest part was finding the tapes. That took a few months. We did record that one new song Pimps and Hookers, but that only took a day. The hard thing was putting together 32 pages of liner notes. That took me weeks and they're not even that good. I can only hope that some people might be interested in me rambling on about nothing." - Fat Mike

NOFX have come a very long way. They've been around for about 20 years now and they're still making music. A lot of people think that they suck the fat one, including Dexter Holland of the Offspring. Well, what's funny is that they do suck. But they are also great. Look at this explanation of that last sentence, NOFX could be something amazing. They're instrumental abilities are way advanced. They occasionally bust out some incredible solos and Stinky, the drummer is intensly fast. Amazing they could be, but they choose not to be. The majority of NOFX songs are approximatley 55 seconds long. Half of those being completley spazzed. So then we are left with only a tight little group of tracks than "non-NOFX'ers" will enjoy. If you want to hear this band, you better put on those headphones open-minded, because you're in for a ride.

With a title as clear as, 45 Or 46 Songs That Weren't Good Enough To Go On Our Other Albums, it could fool anyone into thinking that this is going to suck. I guess in the world of technicalities, this is a b-sides. But a lot of these songs are more thought out and better than their other tracks. This is actually my favorite album from them, next to the greatest hits.

Sure, anyone could say that all of these songs are from old tapes and EPs. They're right, the only new song is the first track 'Pimps and Hookers'. That doesn't matter to me considering I don't have a record player and they only release their EPs on 7". A lot of the songs were taken from Surfer EP and Fuck The Kids EP. Anyway, on with the review of the cd.

45 or 46... is a really great album. It shows you the raw side of NOFX like nothing else could [well the DVD is raw-er, haha rawr:lol:]. You get to hear some of the bands best songs, and some of the worst. There are two discs in this collection. The first one being the better. "Catching Sheep" is the disc that has all the real music on it. Real music meaning that the songs are longer than 30 seconds. On the other hand the second half "Catching Z'zzz" is just the band's recording sessions with them messing around. Not to say it's bad, because some of my favorite songs are on there. Here's what I thought of the first half.

Catching Sheep
The first track Pimps and Hookers is most definitley a highlight of this half. It has some extremely catchy guitar riffs and hysterical lyrics. the bass line is also great here. I really enjoyed pretty much every track on this half of the cd. But my absolute favorite was San Fransisco Fat. It is the funniest song I've ever heard, ever. It talks all about how messed up hollywood is. Like the opening line "Hollywood... is a breeding ground for assholes" and goes into the great verse "Skinny girl, please eat more food / Muscle man, you look like a fuckin' freak". This just goes to show that NOFX is really fun music.

I also really like the track Zyclone B Bathhouse. It has a really cool opening riff that sets the song to it's tempo. The first half of this collection is a must-hear for any fan of this band. Other tracks such as "Vincent, Pump Up The Valium, or Electricity" are very good tracks also. Some of the best that NOFX has to offer, but they are too generic of the band itself. Most NOFX songs sound like those. But if you want some originality from NOFX then look straight twords Pods and Gods. It's a very good track and includes some really techno-like sounds that is nothing like NOFX has ever done before. Another (yes, I know... it's a lot) standout track is Bath Of Least Resistance. It has a really cool guitar riff and great lyrics. "Ronald Mc'Donald, put a happy face on a Mc'Muderer" is the best by far. That does it for the first half of this journey.

Catching Z'zzz
This half of the cd is mildly retarted. Not to say it's bad, it's just messed up. We start off with the track Fun Things To Fuck (if you're a winner). This is a track about all the things the band hates. Some of them being silly "calzones with pepperoni, government (until they *** you back)" to the serious "fans of Blink-182". *Gasp* well, if you didn't know before, Tom Delonge was caught bad mouthing them on camera. Well, aside from that fun fact, other tracks are even sillier. Fuck The Kids takes the cake as the silliest. There are three different versions of it on the disc. One of them being 33 seconds long. The other two being 5 and 7 seconds long. they messed up a few times and put the messups on here. The fan favorite Party Enema is on here as well. If you haven't heard it, get it now because it's great fun.

There isn't really anything else I can recommend off this other half due to the fact that they are all 30 seconds long. But they are all really fun tracks that should be heard. To exclude a few. "I Gotta Pee", Eric Melvins cry for the need to urinate. That's really the only track that sucks here. But don't take my word for it, go get this, it's worth your time.

Overall, this cd is a great mess of songs (notice the oxymoron). Anyone will find something to enjoy off this album. Most of the songs have been in my head for *checks watch* 6 months now. Seriously, there is something good here for everyone. I recommend this to anyone who...

Likes NOFX
Likes Punk Rock
Likes Insanity
Likes NOFX

Here are my recommended tracks off of this album...
Pimps and Hookers
Zyclone B Bathhouse
Pods and Gods
Bath Of Least Resistance
Party Enema
Eat The Meek (DUB Mix)

Please vote and comment, thanks

-BtBp :smoke:

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Comments:Add a Comment 
October 13th 2005


Album Rating: 4.5

I want to know who keeps negging me without a comment. It's really getting on my nerves.

By the way, sorry to the mods for voting this a 5 on my user rating. I accidently clicked on 5.

October 13th 2005


Nice review. I hate NOFX with a passion though.

October 13th 2005


Yeah, what he said.

October 13th 2005


ive heard some of there work and there pretty decent, but your review was well written.
thank god you didnt decide to do a track by track!
but from what everyone else is saying, i think NOFX is a band that takes a specific gene pool for you to really like them like you do.

October 13th 2005


Great review and good band. I bought this album to my older brother like last year, I've listen to it like 2 times...and it was good.

October 13th 2005


nofx along with pennywise is one of the true punk bands that have survived for many years in the world of emo/pop punk. kudos to them. their mid 90s stuff was the best in my opinion but this should be an interesting listen.

October 14th 2005


Album Rating: 4.5

That was the smartest thing you've ever said on this site Kolzig, no kidding.


October 14th 2005


Nice review, but i'm going to have to question the information you have on the offspring. As far as I knew, They were fans of Nofx.

October 14th 2005


Album Rating: 4.5

Nah, I have the dvd and Dexter Holland gets on a rampage against Fat Mike.

Plus in the liner notes, it talks about why they're mad at each other. They were both going to play together in a concert, but everyone hated NOFX so badly, that no one came.

October 14th 2005


what do people have against NOFX? I just don't get it, I mean, the guys are really very talented, and the stuff they sing about..... pure genius, who cares how depressed you are, or how sad you are that your girl left you (current crop of emo-ish bands, please take note). this is what music should be. nice review dude

October 14th 2005


its alright, too much for one sitting though. oh holland was joking, he's a big fan, loves the hefe

October 14th 2005


I'm quite tired with the guy who rate everything he don't like 1. He did the samething with my review and he had listen like two songs...This Message Edited On 10.14.05

October 14th 2005


i really liked the song three on speed its pretty cool

October 14th 2005


good review man, hard album to do an indepth review on but i think you covered it well. my fave track is "all of me" i think its a cover, the bass is some funky sh*t
anyway i agree with your rating and keep it up

October 14th 2005


good review man, hard album to do an indepth review on but i think you covered it well. my fave track is "all of me" i think its a cover, the bass is some funky sh*t
anyway i agree with your rating and keep it up

October 15th 2005


I think Dexter and Mike "hating" each other is just a running joke. Kind of like They pretend to get all pissed off at Pennywise whenever they play the same shows, but They've known each other for years and are good friends.

I'm not sure which DVD you're talking about, But I'm almost posotive he's kidding.

Either way, I want this album now. Just the song titles are cracking me up.

October 20th 2005


Good review also i was wondering does anyone know why they called the album this even tho it is one of their best ones?

also if it is called this why is one of the songs off it on their greatest hits?

Mike Rakhabit
March 21st 2006


Great album, fantastic songs, awesome band. Highlights are Drugs are Good, Party Enema, Pump Up the Valuum and Bath of Least Resistence.

April 19th 2006


Album Rating: 4.5

Better than anyother NOFX album in my opinion.

First album I got, and I would definetly say it's the best by far.

May 7th 2006


Album Rating: 3.5

I might do a dirty and get this before ribbed!

My NOFX loving friend will hate me for it

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