certainly better than a 3.1 wtf
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Album Rating: 3.5
nice review... picked this album up today, loving it definitely gonna be up there for one of my faves of the year me thinks
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Album Rating: 3.0
eh album is not that great.
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mr.porter=kon artis from d12
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was waiting for this, videos looked pretty slick like vaseline in your ass
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Oh man I went to Poland last year perogies are the shit
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Album Rating: 4.0
Great album.
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Album Rating: 3.5
i like it more than when i first listened, but still not as much as tronic
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Album Rating: 4.0
or maybe he just wanted to name the record after Faith No More's last album?
I'll be checking this out, and nice review too. I still feel like I don't know why it's called Album of the Year though...
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Album Rating: 4.0
Black MIlk's career was previously met with skepticism in terms of longevity.
"Instead he, seems centered on expanding his textural landscape as well as improving his MC skills
throughout the record."
Do you really need a comma there?
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Tronic has some awesome material. i'll definitely check this out
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fug i completely forgot about this one
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or maybe he just wanted to name the record after Faith No More's last album?
hahaha i thought about that too. maybe i'll check this out.
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awesome... if this is anything like Tronic than I'm pumped to hear it. great review!
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Album Rating: 3.5
This is actually pretty cool. Not as good as FNM's album of the year though.
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Album Rating: 3.4
Kinda underwhelmed by the little bits I've heard
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Album Rating: 3.5
Deadly Medley and Black & Brown are the two best songs on the album. im also kinda digging the Bouncing beat. I like black milk as a mc but i like him more as a producer.
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If someone gave me black milk I'd be like "Ugh!" but if someone were to give me Black Milk I'd be like "Yeeee this is my jam."
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this is ok, but there's nothing on here as good as "Long Story Short" or "Bouce" : (
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Album Rating: 4.0
I dunno this is pretty tight wtf everyone
round of applause -- holycrap
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