Review Summary: A storm of pestilential, nihilistic blackened sludge. One of the best examples of those two vicious genres being combined.
Coffinworm is a zero bullsh*t, five piece metal band from Indiana and “When All Became None” is their first full length. Their sound could be described as the horrific procreation of black metal and sludge/doom. A bit like what the cursed offspring of Darkthrone and Eyehategod would grow up to be. They also have members of Black Arrows of Filth & Impurity, these guys know how to destroy. Recently signed to Profound Lore, the band definitely has massive potential. From the moment “Blood Born Doom” begins, the ears are terrorized with a huge swell of feedback. Before long things escalate into eerie arpeggios and crushing riffs. The shrieking vocals are devastating and there are some death growls thrown around too.
Most of the album keeps things pretty slow and heavy but the first minute of “The Sadistic Rites of Count Tabernacula” definitely will rip some faces. It features some very solid drumming and the vocals there are just invigorating.“Spitting in Infinity’s Asshole” not only features the greatest song title of the year but also the only solo on this album. Things also get a bit crusty near the end of that track, for a truly violent ending. “High on the Reek of Your Burning Remains” begins with a sickening, doomy dirge that captivates like a gorgon’s eyes. It builds up only to annihilate. “Start Saving for Your Funeral” was the first track I ever heard from these guys and it still remains my favorite. It’s catchy, yet still one of the most bleak and heavy tracks out there. Close in competition would be “Strip Nude for Your Killer” in which the title is roared in death metal fashion. Don’t be surprised if you find yourself humming that line.
The production is murky but captures the powerful atmosphere and fits the style. Overall this is some of the rawest, angriest sh*t imaginable and it retains a very evil atmosphere. Catching them live sounds like it would be amazing, supposedly they have scenes from gore flicks playing in the background. Each of the 6 tracks sit between 6-8 minutes, for a 43 minute total. It’s hard to think of something to complain about with this album. Maybe the vocals will grate on some peoples nerves...but that's basically what they are supposed to do. “When All Became None” is one of the most grim albums I have heard this year and it’s sure to leave a mark in extreme music. Definitely give the album a listen if this style of metal interests you.